cigarette prices goin up AGAIN

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by stalemate27, Mar 31, 2009.

  1. stalemate27

    stalemate27 Banned

    this is fukn BS going up $1.01 tomarrow to $6.28 a damn pack ......

    its gunna be cheaper to start smoking weed again :down:
  2. mike w

    mike w Knarf's buddy

    lucky ya dont live up in the GWN
  3. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    It's for a good cause, though. :D
  4. streetfight3r

    streetfight3r Well-Known Member

    I bought a pack for $10.50 in NYC two weeks ago.

    I've since quit.
  5. bpro

    bpro Big Ugly Fat F*****

    Screw the cause, Quit and stick it to the man.....

    (plus $6.28 X 365 days = $2292.20 or 8 sets of tires)

    I quit when they hit $2.50, you guys must be really big spenders:D
  6. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    :wow: Holy smokes!!!!
  7. gixer1100

    gixer1100 CEREAL KILLER

    yeah what do they run now, prob 12-13 a pack... i dont smoke so i have no idea... but i know its quite a bit a dollars to spend to kill yourself.
  8. Joe Morris

    Joe Morris Off The Reservation

    I have no sympathy. If you're too stupid to quit then pay through the nose.
  9. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Alcohol is next.
  10. stalemate27

    stalemate27 Banned

    hahahahahahahahahahaha noone was looking for sympathy retard , just a warning to other smokers they are goin up again
  11. Flex Axlerod

    Flex Axlerod Banned

    is it legal to grow your own tobacco?
  12. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Aaaaaaand we've got ignition...
  13. stalemate27

    stalemate27 Banned

    he has no sympathy for you either u drunk :Poke::rock:
  14. Joe Morris

    Joe Morris Off The Reservation

    That would save me alot of embarrassment. Then again I'd probably still be a virgin too. I'm mixed on that one. :crackup:
  15. 10MM

    10MM Action Reaction

    Or, if you have a green thumb grow your own nicotianna plants. I planted an Aztec strain and a couple of others - in addition to the garden I'm starting. Yes I know it is not a healthy habit but there are ways around upwards of ten bucks a pack. :up:
  16. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    When you put it that way...
  17. GOOD! Now maybe more people like others in this thread will quit and my health insurance increases will start to level off.:Poke:

    I can hope can't I?:D I'm with Joe on this one though.:up:
  18. paistes5

    paistes5 Well-Known Member

    Glad I quit 3 weeks ago. :D
  19. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    It's almost like you could see it coming. :bow:
  20. Knarf Legna

    Knarf Legna I am not Gary Hoover

    Can I get a light?

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