north central bad luck....

Discussion in 'General' started by KovzR6, Jun 1, 2008.

  1. limy_1

    limy_1 Crash Starter

    Well lets see if my count is close for yesterdays races.
    In the first 3 races I picked up 6 bikes.
    2 in T-1
    1 in T-2
    3 in T-6

    Over all I lost track but I think in the 14 races we ran I picked up 12 or more bikes, plus a couple in practice.

    I had 4 runs with 2 bikes each.

    I don't know how many people crashed and rode back in.

    Between the two days I had at least 3 people I picked up twice.
    That is not including the 2 that I had to pick up for running out of gas.
    Devon got lucky by blowing off T-5 as he ran out of gas and coasted almost
    to T-11 and was able to push off after last bike in practice.

    I am going to have to start charging for rides on the trailer or drive faster on the way in. :wow:
  2. chrisOH

    chrisOH Well-Known Member

    Well I have a seperated shoulder but collar bone wasn't broken.

    Shame it wasn't just dislocated.

    Go to the Orthopedic tomorrow to see if surgery is required.

    I don't know if it was the races in 6 weeks or this weekend finally had real warm weather, or just a a blow up of bad karma...

    I knew my time was coming sooner or later this year, just a matter of when and how bad...

    Luckily the bike is maybe a $100-$200 fix (just need a mid pipe for the exhaust.)
  3. slowohioboy344

    slowohioboy344 Well-Known Member

    Sounds like everyone loses their minds when I don't show up:)
  4. Ya it is cause there is actually food left when you are not there. :beer:
  5. Nicky v

    Nicky v Well-Known Member

    I think we all need to focus on the positives of the weekend... like our U4.2 bonfire! That was fun wasn't it? Heal up quick everybody!!!
  6. Racer45

    Racer45 old guy just tryin'

    "Come over here Nicky.....I'll show you how to ride a bike"

  7. slowohioboy344

    slowohioboy344 Well-Known Member

    That's GREAT, let's all pick on the fat kid.:Puke:

    Gotta go dinner's ready......
  8. Racer45

    Racer45 old guy just tryin'

    We didn't have taco's but I'm sure you would have smelled the burgers, subs, kabobs, pasta salad, chips, BEER ald the other wonderful food we had going on:moon:
  9. RJH_5150

    RJH_5150 Well-Known Member

    Much smaller. I thought an alien was going to craw out of it yesterday.

  10. chrisOH

    chrisOH Well-Known Member

    That is why I was 2 for 2 on holeshots. Baker had me thinking about doughnuts.

    maybe i can come back in a couple months and be somewhat thinner. but i doubt it.
  11. KovzR6

    KovzR6 Well-Known Member

    i took a quick peak at my pics... the bike flipped over and somehow Ruben managed to find himself upside down underneath it :down: as slow as it was, he sure got the shit end of the stick :down:
  12. slowohioboy344

    slowohioboy344 Well-Known Member


    Maybee that would help my starts, they have sucked this year:clap:
  13. Nicky v

    Nicky v Well-Known Member

    Now don't you mouth off to me young man, your I'll slap you right in your penis... come on jasper...
  14. KovzR6

    KovzR6 Well-Known Member

    dude.. all ya gotta do is lean forward and put all your weight on the front end.... dump the clutch... there is no way it should come up...

  15. Racer45

    Racer45 old guy just tryin'

    that's awesome

    Last edited: Jun 2, 2008
  16. redducman996

    redducman996 must go faster

    they sure did take care of us this weekend with the great food! hat off to J.B.'s wife and my wife!:up:
  17. YamRZ350

    YamRZ350 Nicorette Dependent

    So what happened to all of the R6's?

    Bearing problems still?
  18. redducman996

    redducman996 must go faster

    heal up quick chris!
  19. shakenbake

    shakenbake Looking for my Burrow Owl

    Yep, The food was goooood. They even cut the Gimp's Sub in half.

    Looks like I may be cleared to go to Beaver.

    I hope everyone heals up quick and all that need motors, find motors.:up:
  20. KovzR6

    KovzR6 Well-Known Member

    there is no bearing problem :Poke:


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