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you might be a Democrat if,,,

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by lrrs517, Aug 20, 2008.

  1. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    My bad.

    True, you didn't ask the original question. Butt you defended his addition of qualifiers to get the answer he wanted. The question, as originally stated has a different "intent" w/o the qualifiers. It has nothing to do with semantics and everything to do with attempting the change the question to get the desired answer.
  2. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    PC- I had no intent to change anything. When I mentioned US cities I kind of meant LARGE cities, like NYC, Chicago and LA.

    Forget the qualifiers if it makes a difference to you and throw me a few, Ill do the leg work....as stated half of what was mentioned were BLUE cities anyhow. And I'll stick by my views, and that is the majority of US cities are blue and have been blue for awhile.

    Also, let's not forget what started this, Matt said, "Poor minorities are definately overwhelmingly democrat". You asked him to cite. I happen to agree with Matt. Where would you say the majority of minorities live in this country? The cities or burbs?
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2008
  3. cu260r6

    cu260r6 Well-Known Member

    Sigh... You're still not getting it, so I'll repeat it again.

    Looking at the entire county(s) voting stats for a practicular city isn't a direct comparison. Presidential voting data is only available per county unless you have precinct by precinct data which is usually only kept as a database by the state parties. Also, I doubt you looked at past election data either, and some of the cities mentioned went GOP in recent, but previous elections.

    Let me put it simply: A county may not equal an entire city, and and entire city may not equal a sum of one or more whole counties. This is why looking at mayoral races is relevant which is how I came up with many of those cities. All politics is local. As I said it was a list off the top of my head.

    Regardless, even if you're right that still proves my point. My list was not an exhaustive one, and you certainly proved there are urban areas that vote Republican. I tried to show the largest urban areas in many states vote for the GOP, and you proved it numerically.

    Overall you're correct in saying many urban areas vote Democratic which I'm proud of. Urban areas contribute much more to the GDP of our nation than rural areas.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2008
  4. Strick

    Strick Good to be king

    So in other words you are just saying he is wrong and no matter what stats he gives you will be biased or just wrong. Of course you are saying he is wrong but have offered nothing to back it up so we should just believe you.

    That strategy doesn't work for the DNC is sure won't work for you. ;)
  5. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    It is for Augusta. County and City governments consolidated in 1996 (or '97). The heavily Democratic city was bankrupt from overspending.

    Just admit you were wrong. You can do it.
  6. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    All politics are not local. That is just silly. Our Democratic governor is a seriously conservative guy. I would vote for him for the White House in a second. Most everything he stands for I agree with. I voted nothing but Democrat on the last local election while I voted for a Republican for US Congress.

    Our local Democrats are Conservatives or at least they have been since I've lived here.

    That brings me to a local politics question. Why the hell do races like Sheriff, County Collector, Registrar of Deeds, etc. have to be Democratic and Republican? Makes no sense.
  7. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    I don't know. I just get tired of people throwing things out there as if they were facts and not having any basis in fact.
  8. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    Fair enough, I cant call it a fact but I can say what Ive personally seen in my lifetime. Ive lived in NNJ just about all my life but have visited many other locals throughout the country and I feel pretty confident in saying the majority of minorities Ive come in contact with or seen, live in or beside larger cities. Very rarely, did I come upon a community full of minorities living in rural areas. Again these are just my experiences.

    And there tends to be a reason for this, IMO, for some it is the ease of collecting their handouts, for others, it's where the bulk of work to be found is.

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