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Who was a better president - Gipper or FDR?

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by tcasby, Jul 24, 2004.


Who was a better president?

  1. Ronald Reagan

    7 vote(s)
  2. Franklin D. Roosevelt

    8 vote(s)
  1. tcasby

    tcasby Banned



  2. rfknight

    rfknight P-Star

    I'd probably say the gipper because he believed the federal government should have a more 'hands off' approach.

    FDR started many of the social programs that, while a good solution to the economic crisis of the 1930's, are threatening to cripple the country today.

    IMHO, Teddy Roosevelt would be the ideal many to clone and put in the White House today.

    But of course cloning is evil.:D
  3. Team Atomic

    Team Atomic Go Go SOX!

    Last edited: Jul 25, 2004
  4. wera176

    wera176 Well-Known Member

    And have been for a while. Some of those programs helped the country become what it is today. We need a President now who is willing to end them, their time is up.

    The Gipper didn't have to face anything like FDR did... (No disrespect meant).
  5. Resident Plarp

    Resident Plarp drittsekkmanufacturing.com

    BWAHAHAHAHA Roosevelt HAHAHAHHA!!! Are you serious?
    The man was more interested in looking high-minded than being a leader. Ask any WWII vet what FDR's life was worth and they will tell you a few things.

    Granted, he was not to blame for America's unilateral disarmerment, but he did nothing to remedy those matters in his first term as president. Germany, on the other hand, was the first nation to fully recover from the great depression, and it was not via government handouts either.;)

    He was anti-British, anti-Japanese (whom he hated the most) and sought out friendship with Stalin at all costs. Between his "quarantine" speech and his demanding of Hitler to give neighboring European nations a ten-year non-aggression guarantee are truly laughable. These actions only served to boost the confidence in Hitler than the US would not interfere with his plans for Europe.

    FDR the greatest president ever? My ass, he believed in the power of government to correct all matters.
    Reagan, on the other hand, believed in the citizens of our nation to do what was right and make America what it was meant to be; the greatest land on earth.
  6. Team Atomic

    Team Atomic Go Go SOX!

    ....ya want my dad's telephone number....:D BTW...veteran of south pacific, injured in Okinawa, came back home on a hospital ship. I'm sure he'd talk your ear off about WWII and politcs. :D

    don't let your personal bias effect this judgement, Roosevelt was elected to four terms...by landslide margins.

    gipper is acually more popular dead then when president.
  7. Roosevelt created the Cold War.

    Reagan ended it.
  8. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    How did FDR get elected to four terms? I thought there was a 2 term limit. Mind you I never paid alot of attention in history class back then. :D
  9. Apparently not. The 22nd Amendment, which limits the office of President to two terms, was ratified in 1951.
  10. Team Atomic

    Team Atomic Go Go SOX!

    bzzzzt....wrong. :D Maybe you can explain yourself with some facts. :D
  11. Maybe you can save enough money to buy a clue.
  12. wera176

    wera176 Well-Known Member

    You are right. A "hot" war with the Soviet Union would have been the better move.

    Besides, FDR was dead before anyone else had nukes, in fact we were still at war when he died I believe.

    So how did he start it?
  13. What exactly did you do in History class? Stare out the window? Scribble notes to other classmates?

    Does "Yalta Conference" ring any bells? How about the name "Alger Hiss?"

    And who do you think commissioned the development of those "nukes" that fueled the arms race? (hint: it wasn't Reagan)
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2004
  14. wera176

    wera176 Well-Known Member

    True dat. :rolleyes: They did it based on hate of France and the Jews and did it via building a war machine. That war machine was responsible for 6 million Jews being murdered and the greatest war the world has ever seen. It also lead to the near destruction of Germany and it's being split for 50 years. Meanwhile, the US became the most powerful and prosperous nation the world had ever seen. (Not that FDR was to credit for all that, but it worked out better in the long run that Germany's plan, wouldn't ya say?).

    FDR led the country though much more than Reagan did. It was the greatest land on earth long before Reagan took office. No disrepsect intended...
  15. wera176

    wera176 Well-Known Member

    Hmm, I don't remember History class, did I go? ;)

    Yes, he commissioned the development of those nukes. So? Oh, I get it: that means the cold war was his fault...
  16. rfknight

    rfknight P-Star

    That's exactly what Patton wanted at the end of WWII. His suggestion was to not stop at Berlin but to just keep on rolling all the way to Moscow. The politicians felt that 'apeasing' the Russians made more sense. That apeasal resulted in one cold war and two 'hot' wars. Korea and Vietnam.

    Now FDR's liberal descendants want to apease terrorists.

    Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2004
  17. Resident Plarp

    Resident Plarp drittsekkmanufacturing.com

    As James Carville said "It's the economy, stupid." Remember, Clinton got re-elected for that reason, not because he was any good at being a leader. ;)

    It was well with Roosevelt's means to prevent a cold war from ever occuring had he used the leverage of US diplomacy (with the aid of Great Britain) to hold Germany accountable for what the Versailles Commission was supposed to do - prevent the re-armerment of Germany. Had it not been for the Second Great War, it might be said that we would not be facing the reality of nuclear weapons right now.

    Reagan was a man who's time had come. More than any other leader of post war America, he captured the spirit of the 80's and sought, through hard-ball diplomacy, to get real reductions in arms pushed through because "we knew what they were up to" over there. Yes, the USSR was on its way out, but it certainly didn't hurt pushing that along, did it? :D

    No doubt, but unlike FDR, Reagan held trust in the people because he knew what we were capable of, he left it up to businesses to decide how to spend thier money to make jobs for others, to improve the economy.
    FDR did the opposite, as he was distrusting of business, he chose government to "lead" economic recovery instead, which led to the mess we have today with massive bureaucracy.
    We ALL know government is wasteful (well, you should understand that, just go get your license renewed and tell me about your experience) because it lacks anything close to the sort of accountability that private business holds itself to.

    No disrespect taken. :)
  18. Team Atomic

    Team Atomic Go Go SOX!

    witty retorte little substance....

    BTW it was Truman who started the cold war and the Polish Solidarity Movement had more to do with ending it.
  19. wera176

    wera176 Well-Known Member

    One question: do you think we would have made it to Moscow?

    Ok, another: didn't Bush I do something similiar with Iraq?
  20. Team Atomic

    Team Atomic Go Go SOX!

    What does the Yalta Conference have to do with anything?? It just broke europe into its pre-war configuration. Some say it was also the beginning of the cold war.

    Patton's idea of going to war against Russia is just nutz. :D
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2004

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