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tt closer to the edge.. sure most have seen but shite!!

Discussion in 'General' started by long path/road, May 14, 2022.

  1. long path/road

    long path/road let's think about this!..??

    brilliant blows my mind....where are these individuals that have the balls???? to race against walls? seriously found it interesting...
  2. Inquizid

    Inquizid Member Well-Known

    A good friend of mine was a Pro AMA Superbike racer and I asked him if he’s ever wanted to go over and try a street legal race like that. His response was essentially, ‘hell no absolutely not, those guys are a different breed of crazy.’

    But part of me gets it, everyone has that favorite road they grew up on and you know when you lean in that one section you can hear the brick mailbox whiz by it’s so close to your wind. If anybody else tries to run race pace on that road they’d hit it, but you know it’s there and just how close you can get…A portion of the fast guys in the TT grew up there. Which explains their success rate to me. And then there’s the large proportion of fatalities at that event that the culture there seems to accept as baked in, vs say Coloradans and Pikes Peak.

    We have an island here in my state I’ve always dreamed of putting on a Catalina style road race at. But it’s just a pipe dream in the end. IOM is just a different place with a different mentality and culture towards Moto racing. They have built it, and so those people come.
    tophyr and backho like this.
  3. tophyr

    tophyr Grid Filler

    Because it's fun.
    Paddy O and SpeedyE like this.
  4. notbostrom

    notbostrom DaveK broke the interwebs

    I'm still trying to figure out what unicorn dust they sprinkle to have the grip to ride like that many times on wet pavement. Seriously doesn't seem possible
    SpeedyE likes this.

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