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Tax cuts - How they really work

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by Paige, Mar 5, 2004.

  1. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    And you believe the left is "just telling it like it is"?.

    Even Dennis Kucinich thought the comparisons of Bush to Hitler to be nonsense.

    The sites you seem to ascribe to are not exactly considered legitimate news sites, just collections of diatribes by Bush haters or Republican haters.

    Frankly, I don't think you do much real thinking about these issues, just read these extreme sites and take it all as gospel.

    I seldom watch Fox and only read Drudge when someone points to an article there that has become a topic for discussion. I rely far more on mainstream news sources and try to stay away from the extremely biased stuff.

    I asked you about your thoughts on the article you referenced because I was curious if you could see that not everything in it was a slam on Republicans.

    I support Bush in some things, but I have also criticized a lot of his policies. Let me suggest you consider both sides of the issues and develop your own opinions rather than just referring everyone to someone elses. Try reading some thoughtful commentary rather than people like Molly Ivins, who just produce a rant column. It may feed nicely into your anger, but there is seldom any useful information.

    Neither side is right all the time or wrong all the time.
  2. Tunersricebowl

    Tunersricebowl Fog, onward through.

    Perhaps you should check up on who owns the "mainstream" media outlets. Everyone reads or watches tv or listens to radio to help form or form entirely their opinions. You don't like mine,I think yours are brainwashing you.
    MY opinion is that after listening to eight years of screaming and howling,(I'm not kidding,just think Asa Hutchinson),about how my guy,Bill,was the antichrist and he and his evil spouse were going to teleport the devil directly into the living rooms of ma and pa America and the cribs of the newborn would be dipped in boiling acid,we were promised not even the appearance of wrongdoing in the whitehouse,and it turns out that we have a crime family and it's henchmen running the country and creating the patriot acts(before the towers fell,by the way)and in general riding roughshod over most of what used to be held as sacrosant in our country.You name it,clean sky proposals that mandate voluntary compliance by polluters,save our forests by allowing clear cutting,and now they say they will save the giant redwood trees by cutting them before they can burn.Drilling for oil in protected wilderness areas,A medicare bill that not only threatens to kill medicare and medicade,but makes a federal crime out of competetive bid proposals to drug manufacturers,outlawing drug purchases from canada(same drugs as here),More later.
  3. Tunersricebowl

    Tunersricebowl Fog, onward through.

    Continued;You know,you have probably read all this before,I'm not privy to any secrets or secret sources,perhaps I just pay attention. Anyway,to cut it short,the insulting cuts to our vet's programs and crappy medical facilitys,perhaps hurts the most because these guys,young and old active and retired,seem on balance to support bush and are patriots by and large.It's like he,bush, is invisible.He can state that he will not invade iraq,that he is thinking about it and consulting with everyone at the highest levels,then after the fact,we discover that the plans to invade were activated as soon as 911 went down. No interest in finding out if saddam had ANYTHING to do with it.At all.Just neocon global orange squeezing,Pardon me sir, do you have any OIL? Where is the outrage from clear thinking right? Even the members of his own party that are now saying the defict if allowed to persist will be,perhaps fatal.I read a book about cia disinformation campaigns,I think everyone should check out how this works,and when watching tv or reading articles see if you can see the subtle fingers manipulating your thought processes.
    I will say again Mainstream media?I know I'm all over the place,good thing my final grades don't depend on this.
  4. Samboy

    Samboy Member


    Yamah fan: WELL SAID!

    If I run out of money..I have to quit eating out, buy less groceries, cut down on gas use...in other words make sacrifices so I can make ends meet.

    If the government runs out of money...does it pinch spending like we have to? NO, simple solution...raise taxes. After all it's not their money that's being spent, it's mine and yours. It's much easier to spend some one else’s money. I wish I could go to my employer and tell them I was short on cash and force them to pay me more. But it doesn't work that way.

    TURNERSRICEBOWL: arrggghhh...there's just too much, your too far on the loony left to realize what's really going on around you. I give up...vote for Kerry, I'll vote for Dubayah BUSH and one of us will just have to live with who ever wins. I wonder who Bin Laden or Saddam would vote for??
  5. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    Damn, sounds like a labor union... which candidates do those corporate empires support? Hmmm could it be the money for nothing Democrits? :rolleyes:
  6. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    Re: Re: REALITY

    ditto and ditto. :)

    Holy shit how could anyone be so damn out of touch. :eek:
  7. tcasby

    tcasby Banned

    Re: Re: REALITY

    I AGREE!

    With the exception of the silly sweeping generalizations and the simplistic un-implementable solutions.
  8. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    Tuner, tell the truth, your mother is Molly Ivins and your dad is David Nyhan, right?

    Please fill us in on who really killed JFK, you seem to have a direct pipeline to all the "real" facts.
    I'm just not sophisticated enough to ferret them out.

    Oops, gotta run, Rush is on.
  9. Tunersricebowl

    Tunersricebowl Fog, onward through.

    Very smooth.
  10. HOV

    HOV Member

    I grew up in poverty. I even lived for a few years in a 26 foot RV.

    But I finished college and worked my way up and got a graduate degree and a good job. No one gave me any handouts, and I never considered using social services even though I'm sure I qualified at one point or another.

    Now my tax liability is over $1400/month. They tax my money before it gets to me, they tax it on the dividends it earns while sitting in my investment accounts, they tax it when I withdraw it from my investments, they tax it when I buy something. They tax my properties and my car (property tax, registration, inspection, county sticker), my moto (see above), and every gallon of gas that goes in to get me to work. They make me pay for the social security of my parents, which will be long gone by the time I am ready to receive benefits. But I don't need that, and I don't want it. I have taken responsibility for my own retirement and I put my cash away instead of blowing it in some hyperconsumer frenzy.

    I am man #8 out of 10 paying for the meal. I pay more in taxes than many make in a month. Now I have the choice of either voting for the guy who's going to turn the planet into a glass ball (but maybe he'll save me a buck or two), or a bleeding heart democrat who's going to rob me blind.

    The answer: burn the tax code. Everyone pays 20% of their income and no more. How many pages does that take to write out?
  11. mtk

    mtk All-Pro Bike Crasher

    I was right with you until you claimed that Bush wants to turn the planet into a glass ball.

    There's no evidence to back up that claim.

    Does he want to wipe terrorists from the face of the earth? Yes. Will he resort to nukes to do it? Of course not. Our conventional military is doing a pretty fine job of killing terrorists with conventional weapons; no nukes needed.

    So vote for Bush with a clear conscience. The ground won't glow afterwards and you can still avoid being taxed and spent to death.
  12. HOV

    HOV Member

    No, I actually meant that Bush is a big fan of the glassblowing arts. :P

    Ya, I don't think our nuclear arsenal will be used but goddamn people are dying every day in combat because of his foreign "policy".
  13. Team Atomic

    Team Atomic Go Go SOX!

    ...damn, buddy your the spokesman for the RNC, where you serious when you posted this??? All the stuff you link is biased. Drudge, Coulter, National Review....etc :Poke:

    have you ever had an idea not pre-programmed by Rush or Hannity??
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2004
  14. atl_hooligan

    atl_hooligan Well-Known Member

    Don't bite the hand that feeds you! It amazes me how people want to crucify the rich for trying to lower their tax burden.

    Do you honestly think anyone should pay close to 39% of their income in taxes? That's just federal income tax. Add to that the miriad of state and local taxes, sales taxes, etc...and the number is probably a lot closer to 60%.

    Don't let your envy cloud your judgement! Because someone can afford to spend 6 weeks in Aruba doesn't mean that they should have to foot the bill for every hand out social program you democrats like to create.

    There’s nothing wrong with mediocrity as long as you don’t mind being like everyone else? That has to be your parties campaign slogan. Make everything painfully equal?

    :D :D :D
  15. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    I don't listen to or read any of these people. I've been to Drudge's site twice to read stuff that others have referred to. Same with Coulter.
    You seem to be the one getting all your opinions from the radical sites. I still read newspapers and magazines, watch the evening news, stuff like that.
    I have no problem forming my own opinions.
    In case you haven't noticed, anything anybody links is biased because ALL writing is biased. That's the nature of the beast.
  16. oldguy

    oldguy NC novice old dude

    I think this statement, by far, sheds a lot of light on where this thinking comes from.
  17. THE D.O.C.

    THE D.O.C. Guest

  18. guerrilla

    guerrilla Real King of the Jungle

    I have decided that I give up.

    It is impossible to logically participate in a conversation with a democrat.

    The illustration that Paige's post made is SOOOOOOOOOOOO incredibly understated and logical. Not to mention 100% ACCURATE that Tunersricebowl responded with:
    Very logical.

    He and Team Atomic are two peas in a pod. Blast away at the General because he listens to Rush then posts 17 different conspiracy theory websites proving that they don't have an original thought between them.

    It is a waste of time space and bandwith.

    Oh and BTW TUNERSRICEBOWL. The "SCREAMING LIKE A GUTSHOT INDIAN" Statement was in a word OFFENSIVE! Thanks for giving me another reason to think you are a F@cking Moron!
  19. HOV

    HOV Member


    When I was in the service as a newly commissioned officer, the enlisted people would ask me how old I was. When I told them, they shook their heads as if I had gotten away with something really sneaky. The fact is that any of them could have earned their commission, though it may have required some unpleasant work (such as earning a college degree). All they saw were my little gold bars - they didn't understand that I busted my ass for 5 years (ya, I changed my major...) to earn my commission.

    This reminds me of the sentiment of many among the lower rungs socio-economic ladder; they think some kind of magic money stardust is given to the wealthy. The fact is that accumulating and maintaining wealth is hard work, and it requires dedication, discipline, and personal sacrifice.

    The government already takes a disproportionate amount of money from the wealthy. Where does the Constitution direct the redistribution of wealth as we have it set up today?
  20. Shyster d'Oil

    Shyster d'Oil Gerard Frommage

    Yes. And so what?

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