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Ron Paul to lead Fed oversight panel

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by hank748, Dec 9, 2010.

  1. hank748

    hank748 Well-Known Member

  2. 45° Please

    45° Please Large Member

    The American people asked congress who wants to lead?

    The Democraps took two steps back. :)

    Agreed, about time. :up:
  3. Tinfoil hat charly

    Tinfoil hat charly Well-Known Member

    It's great that the establishment Repubs went along with this.....
    Paul is not going to ask Bernanke softball questions, will be fun to watch.
  4. annoying

    annoying Banned

    you "republiclowns" tossed Ron Paul to the curb like he was the second coming of Cher. now you want the "American Public" to think you are actually going to do something??? LMAO.
  5. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Hey annoying...shut the fuck up.

  6. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Oh look, our resident dick-o-crat is trolling again.
  7. Trikky74

    Trikky74 Well-Known Member

    Wow, this is actually terrifying.

    The guy who said that the civil rights act went to far is in charge of something more meaningful than a lemonade stand...

    Wow, only in America

  8. tzrider

    tzrider CZrider

    Letting Ron Paul go after the fed can only be entertaining. And he isn't writing policy, just bitching about it.
  9. brex

    brex Well-Known Member

    Really, what in his exact words was wrong?

    Were you equally terrified when Senator Byrd, D, who himself personally not only voted against the Civil Rights Act, but filibustered it for 14 hours, was President pro tempore of the Senate? Same guy who was a member of the kkk?
    Of course, from reading your other posts you wouldn't know that the position was third in the line of Presidential succession.
    He also held numerous chairmanships throughout his career. Did he scare you?

    Or is it only intelligent Representatives that state the FACT that the Civil Rights Act expanded the powers of the Federal government too far, and that the system of racial quotas doesn't work and is itself racist that terrify you? Scared of people stating the truth? Scared of someone that has long exposed the Fed for what it is chairing the oversight of it?

    Wow, only in America. We clearly need a better education system.
  10. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Your ignorance is overwhelming. Thanks for being the dunce cap wearer for today. It makes me grin. :up:
  11. H8R

    H8R Bansgivings in process

    We figured you needed a day off...you've been working at it so hard. Congrats on your temporary promotion from dunce to rabble-rouser. :D
  12. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Go shovel my driveway, surf-fag. :Poke:

  13. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Well-Known Member

    The school I went to was deemed hateful (despite having a higher percentage of minority students than the state that all got in with no preference but rather on their performance) so the feds stepped in. To cure things they had to change the schedule.

    So you are a decent unhateful democrat and will easily be able to pick which is racist and explain why: quarters or semesters
  14. scotth

    scotth Banned

    He made a good point. When they had the chance, Republicans ran from Mr. Paul like he was...well, the second coming of Cher worked pretty good. Except somebody bought all those 'If I Could Turn Back Time' singles, and I've got $100 that says that Sheepie and Dougie still jerk off to that video. It's got Cher, sailors, and a battleship. :D

    Exactly. I'm looking forward to it.

    I don't know...you seem to know nothing about quite a lot, but that never stops you. Let the man blabber.

    I'm not going to to the ALL CAPS thing for retard emphasis, but that looks like an opinion to me.

    Dictionary.com will help you with the difference between 'fact' and 'opinion'.

    Believe me, man, every time you post...
  15. brex

    brex Well-Known Member

    Pot, kettle. You're tops of the worthless, uneducated blather.
  16. Trikky74

    Trikky74 Well-Known Member

    Hi, I was actually referring to his speech in Fancy farm Ky in which he expounded on the particular are of the civil rights act went to far, and that was the one in which a business owner was legally not allowed to discriminate on the basis of race. His comments basically said, and I am doing this from memory so they are not spot on, that free enterprise and the pursuit of capitalism trumped civil rights, ergo the government should not be allowed to tell anyone who the HAVE to serve in a free market system.

    Granted this was in Kentucky and not on the national news, but it was still slightly terrifying.

  17. Trikky74

    Trikky74 Well-Known Member

    I'm glad I could make you grin, my work is done.

    Oh and by the way I personally think that reading an opinion that you came up with all on your own would be great. Regurgitation of tepid right wing commentary is getting kind of old, and so is your old stand by of personally attacking anyone who can actually debate the merits of a topic thereby confusing you.

    I appreciate that the short bus got you to school, I appreciate some underpaid teacher in some back woods school district allowed you to graduate, and I appreciate that you feel all powerful being able to curse people out from a stance of pure anonymity whenever the prose of a post gets to confusing, but really is it to much to ask for even a semblance of relevance in your posts?

    Google is your friend my little Darwinian poster boy

  18. Trikky74

    Trikky74 Well-Known Member

    I think that I made clear my stance on R. Paul if you want to read up fine, if not, fine. Please continue to base your assumptions on what I said on what the trolls wrote.

  19. MidnightRun

    MidnightRun Well-Known Member

    i thought Rand Paul said that?
  20. Trikky74

    Trikky74 Well-Known Member

    My broken keyboard and I are going to slink off somewhere that teaches one to read names carefully.



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