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Relieved beyond words and frustrated as hell

Discussion in 'General' started by povol, Jul 26, 2013.

  1. povol

    povol Well-Known Member

    Last night at around 11.00pm, im out walking the dogs when one of my neighbors pulls up in the circle and asks if i have seen his little 8 year old sister. At that time of night, that question sends chills down your spine. He tells me her, and a friend of hers the same age cannot be found anywhere. I start walking the woods around our house with the dogs and man let me tell you, under those circumstances, your mind is on fire and your body is buzzing like you're hooked up to electricity. I swear i think my hearing was more acute, and my night vision tripled. At around 1 am, their was no good news, and the police asked us to go home and stay inside because they were calling in heat signature helicopters to search the area. Never heard anything the rest of the night, so i went by their house this morning and there was no police, which i took as a good sign, and no one answered the door when i knocked, which i took as another good sign. If my baby was missing, i wouldnt be asleep. Got to work and called the city police, they know nothing, dont have a report of what im talking about. Advised me to call the County Sheriff. I call the Sheriff's office and ask, did you find the 2 missing girls. The girl on the phone starts checking around for reports, nothing. I said honey, 2 girls missing, half the force was in my neighborhood last night, and they called in helicopters with night vision and IR. She keeps looking and nothing. Then she asked if maybe i had dreamed it. I said no, i didnt dream it, i have not been to sleep. She agrees that this is pretty weird, puts me on hold and comes back a few minutes later and says, they found them. I asked if there was any details and she says she doesnt know. Was there any foul play, if there was, is anyone in custody, are they still on the loose? Was it just a case of parents not paying attention to where the kids are, thinking they are here , when they are over there. Dont know she says. Will you do me a favor then, when you find something out, will you please give me a call, I would really like to know if a predator is stalking my neighborhood. Sure thing sir, have a good day. GRRRRRRR
  2. HFD1Motorsports

    HFD1Motorsports BIKE TUNA

    Oh that happened on the other shift....bring me some dougnuts
  3. thrak410

    thrak410 My member is well known

    Even if they did know all that, I'm not so sure they would release that info to some random guy on the phone. *shrug*
  4. ton

    ton Arf!

    a statement to the public about an potential crime sure the hell isn't 1) coming over the phone 2) from the receptionist.

    really pleased to hear the girls were found
  5. TLR67

    TLR67 Well-Known Member

    Someone won at Hide and Seek!
  6. povol

    povol Well-Known Member

    I agree that details may not be available, but damn, 2 little girls missing, dozens of officers involved in search, helicopters deployed, and nobody knows anything. In a town the size of Knoxville, that is big news. I think HFD1Motorsports is closer to the truth than the dept playing dumb to a random guy on the phone, which i wasnt, because i told them exactly who i was, where i lived and that i had been involved looking for them.. I will go ask the parents today what happened if the Sheriff Dept doesnt call me back
  7. styles

    styles The untrained eye

    That happened to my dad with my nephew. Funny now but it probably cost my poor old pops a few years of his life!
  8. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    But over the phone they have no way to verify that. For all they know, you're the guy that nabbed the kids and you're trying to figure out if they have any leads. Crimes, or potential crimes, involving children are very sensitive topics. From their point of view, it's best to just play dumb and log you as a potential lead.
  9. :crackup: :crackup:
  10. :stupid:
  11. povol

    povol Well-Known Member

    My guess is, when my call came in, they knew who i was, where i lived,and the last time i pissed off my balcony before they even answered the call:crackup:. Like i said, she did finally find someone who knew what was going on and told me they were found, they simply didnt know.
  12. HFD1Motorsports

    HFD1Motorsports BIKE TUNA

    Guilty dumbasss public do you not get it the government is in charge....
  13. caferace

    caferace No.

    If you call from your landline, they know exactly where you are.

  14. John29

    John29 Road racing since 1973

    Call the local newspaper or TV station and ask them about it. If they don't know about it, chances are they will chase down the story.
  15. jrsamples

    jrsamples Banned

    Call the boss.
    (He/she works for you)

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