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Palestine v Israel

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by Steeltoe, Jul 20, 2014.

  1. ACDNate

    ACDNate Well-Known Member

    Can't blame them for trying, it did work pretty well for us with those pesky native americans a few year back...
  2. Jim Moore

    Jim Moore Well-Known Member

  3. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Same thing Hezbollah does in Lebanon. When somebody gives you food or helps pay your bills, you tend to be less critical of any terrorist activities they engage into. Those millions flowing from Iran don't just buy weapons from the fighters.
    If on top of that, said terror tactics are aimed at people you perceive as terrorists themselves, you might go from overlooking to downright supporting it.
  4. Kurlon

    Kurlon Well-Known Member

    Looks like they have a thriving missile export program as well?
  5. RoadRacerX

    RoadRacerX Jesus Freak

    According to Netanyahu Hamas has been tergeting Israel's nuclear reactor. The iron dome defense system has successfully foiled these attempts. Just what does Hamas expect the result will be if they breach a reactor? These folks are either stupid or desperate, or both. This will not end well.
  6. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Well-Known Member

    :crackup: if you say so. That was the worst piece of circular logic I have read in a long time. And it left out significant facts like which side the arabs were on in WWII. And if it was Palestinian land then why are you talking of Jews and Rome :beer: Lots more strange logic there. He did have moments of clarity but it was engulfed in his attempt to say everyone is equally to blame.
  7. 2blueYam

    2blueYam Track Day Addict

    It also left out the fact that much middle East land diving was set up during WWI, not WWII. That time the imperial powers promised it to the Arabs but instead kept much of it for themselves instead.

    The other thing is Fred's piece was looking at a macro view. From a closer view, Hamas wants to keep showing pictures of babies that were killed by Israel, because they know they don't have the resources to win in a straight up fight. Israel wants to keep bombing Hamas back into the stone age, so from a different point of view, I can see this continuing for a while just because neither side is really that upset at the way it is going right now.
  8. crashman

    crashman Grumpy old man

    All I know is it looks like the Palestinians have never seen what happens when you corner a badger. Their techniques would work with someone like Obama that will roll over and piss on his belly like a little puppy when threatened but I think Netanyahu is made of stouter material than that.
  9. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    Palestinians are not dying in Israel.
  10. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    For a minute, I thought you were talking about the US and the democratic party?
  11. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Not even going to ask…
  12. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    The mob rules. People receving handouts blind themselves to long term reality. They are blind.

    It will be to the other guy that gets kills. It is the other guy that is getting screwed. It won't happend to me. I am getting a free ride.

    Terrorists, drug dealers, democratic party - they provide enough to empower themselves, peopel are dumb.
  13. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Dude, I REALLY wasn't asking. :D
  14. ahrma_581

    ahrma_581 Well-Known Member

    Just to keep the history straight, the Sykes-Picot agreement outlined what would be either French or English in the ME post war (basically everything); the Germans and Turks kept pointing this out to the Arabs. The anguish about misleading the Arabs was pretty much T.E. Lawrence's.
  15. 2blueYam

    2blueYam Track Day Addict

    So are you saying the British didn't sign any agreements with the Arabs that contradicted Sykes-Picot or are you saying that those agreements were rendered null and void by Sykes-Picot?
  16. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

    Why hell yes. I, and my friends here in Texas, would all march on Washington DC and clean out the place and claim it as our new homeland. :) On the other hand, I doubt that very many of the American Americans would want this desolate place now. Well, except for the Cherokee, Apache, Comanche, and a few minor plains Indians tribes and considering where they are presently, we would have to move East somewhere.

    On the third hand, if the UN came to tell us that we had to move they most likely would injure themselves trying to do the physical act that we would suggest. :)
  17. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

    It's not likely. In fact, those dumbasses in Washington have even stopped taking my suggestions lately. :)
  18. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

  19. sonicnofadz

    sonicnofadz Well-Known Member

    Strong supporter of Israel and the IDF. HAMAS wants to play games by firing rockets and sending suicide bombers all the time, well now they can have their games. Israel has a right to defend themselves and their country, I hope they level Gaza and all the animals in it.
  20. Sweatypants

    Sweatypants I am so smart! S-M-R-T... I mean S-M-A-R-T!

    an argument i brought up once upon a time in regards to that, and what maybe a lot of non-jews don't understand in its context... but also why i don't whole-heartedly agree with the israeli tactics in such matters, is as follows:

    as a jewish kid growing up... you get bombarded with tales of being persecuted and picked on. pharoahs in egypt... the holocaust... pogroms... crusades... etc etc... and so rightfully so, these don't just come out of thin air. couple that with being surrounded by people hostile to your general existance, and you can see why there's a back against the wall, little guy being picked on, helpless group mentality that goes with it. which also creates the subsequent lash outs. its definitely deeply engrained in the culture... and that's why you so easily see it come out in the political sphere and other social areas where jews can then try to ally themselves with and muster support from a sympathetic aspect.

    on the flip side to why i don't necessarily agree with being blindly zionistic in that way comes from 2 areas...

    1) i think that everyone should have a place to call their home, or there's really no other option but to completely eradicate them off the earth (which i highly doubt they'd ever do to an innocent populous), or assimilate them into your own culture (which is never gonna happen when the countries of that area all identify religiously, and not nationalistically in an ambiguous nature. because of this... i feel like palestinians are deserving of their own country that isn't walled off like a ghetto in 1930's Europe, just as jews want their own. hard to cry that half the region won't recognize you and you then deny the others a similar concession, irrelevant to "they did this first, no they did, no they did..." when i hear about Palestinians essentially stuck in refugee camps in other nations because they don't actually have passports because they don't belong to any recognized nation and can't go anywhere... something just isn't right there.

    2) because of the history/mentality at the beginning of my post, israel has/had (which may be wanning) an image of this helpless little bambi fawn, stuck in the meadow. except, they aren't helpless. and i understand the psychology and tactic of an escalated response to things, as both a deterant and as a strategic strike... but when somebody is essentially shooting an oversized bottle rocket at you and 99% of them hit nothing at all... then you go in and level an entire apartment building with helicopter gunships just to kill one dude, i hardly have any sympathy anymore that we as a people are helpless and innocent little kids being picked on by bullies.

    in that way... i will never say that they shouldn't strike back or defend themselves, or deserve the right to have their country... but i can't furvently support israel just cause i'm jewish (not to mention i have literally nothing in common with anyone from the middle east at all besides that) as if they're so ambivolent and righteous and free of any guilt in all this. to me, blindly supporting israel is no better than how a lot of people view muslim supporters of violence from the other side in other countries.

    personally i'd rather they just all fucking stopped so i could go visit israel and lebanon in a single trip on a single passport without having to worry about customs interrogations or visa denials. its fucking annoying, and in 100 years none of this will matter and the same conflicts will still be going on.

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