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New to the BBS

Discussion in 'General' started by Ex CCS Racer's Wife, Nov 30, 2001.

  1. Ex CCS Racer

    Ex CCS Racer Banned

    Actually I'm looking for a bi-girlfriend [​IMG]
  2. scuzzlebutt

    scuzzlebutt Proffessional Twat

  3. TWkeydet

    TWkeydet Well-Known Member

    That can not be the same person you spoke of in the ad. She type's way to nice. Welcome !!
  4. ZebProctor

    ZebProctor Well-Known Member

    I wish MY wife loved roadracing, how'd he talk you into all that? maybe you could have a little heart-to-heart talk with my wife and review all the great things about roadracing and get her to like it, here are some examples:1) costs LOTS of money, 2)Husband is always busy with bike 3) you have to travel long distances on the weekends 4)chance of him falling off and getting hurt, 5)Costs LOTS of money .... I only list these because I hear all the NAGGING each day about why do i want to roadrace... NEED RELIEF!!!!
  5. ZebProctor

    ZebProctor Well-Known Member

    What part of Columbia you from Scuzzlebutt?
  6. He showed me the ad. I was not amused. We do have our differences but respect each others opinion of the other. No matter what it is. But I didn't post it for everyone to see!
  7. WERA29

    WERA29 On a mental field trip...

    The best remedy for that situation is to bring her to the track. If you can't sell her on racing, you'll have a better chance at selling her on the quality of people at the track.

    Let her talk to some of the female racers as well. I've seen this work a couple times this year with significant others who didn't care too much for racing or the track, but after spending some time with the people they just can't stay away. It's pretty cool to see that happen. [​IMG]
  8. SpEdette

    SpEdette Zombie

    What Tom said. [​IMG] A lot of significant others who haven't been to the track see only the expense, the time and the danger. But bring them to the track so they can see why those things are so worth it. WERA people are on the whole the nicest, most fun and most caring group of people you can find.
  9. Ex CCS Racer

    Ex CCS Racer Banned

    My wife loves racing but doesn't like to go because she says I change. I do. I don't wanna hold hands or go for walks 30 minutes before my race. Sorry. I'm a dick for that. Plus she saw a guy highside in turn 12 at Road A while watching from in front of the tower.

    [This message has been edited by Ex CCS Racer (edited 12-02-2001).]
  10. WERA29

    WERA29 On a mental field trip...

    I'm the same way, just as TIW. [​IMG] She knows to step away from Tardholio when I put my race face on. [​IMG]
  11. SpEdette

    SpEdette Zombie

    Part of the reason I became an official was because I couldn't stand being in the pits with Tom right before his races.
  12. SpongeBob WeaselPants

    SpongeBob WeaselPants Bohemian Ass-Clown

    I became an official because I couldn't stand being around ME before a race. [​IMG]
  13. BrownMS

    BrownMS Well-Known Member

    Let's see...
    a. Being there for first race of season which involves freezing cold and rain.
    b. Being there for summer races which involve sweating and being eaten by mosquitoes and rain.
    c. Being there means hard time keeping nails from breaking.
    d. Being there means you learn how to change tires, maintain motorad.
    e. Being there includes maintaining all gear and pit area which, of course, includes cooking, cleaning. Elsewise the place would look like a pig sty and who knows what he'll eat.
    f. Being there to watch the changes in moods as race time gets closer.
    g. Being there to take pictures, time laps.
    h. Being there means meeting great people.
    i. Being there to watch the spending of lots of money you haven't yet earned. You'll be surprised at how easy you will say OK to a new set of tires.
    j. Being there means using all your vacation time to support spouse/significant other.
    k. Being there includes dragging pooches (some actually have children) to all these cool places and watch them growl and act all stupid (the pooches not the kids [​IMG]).
    l. Being there to say "hey, you're acting the part of the perfect ass."
    m. Being there just in case and giving a loving hug or pat on the back.
    n. Being there to help piece bike together, drilling holes=good therapy.
    o. Being there to see the big stupid grin and getting a big old hug when he (or she) has a good ride. [​IMG]

    All of the above...priceless.

    Wouldn't miss it for the world. Well...OK...the world, maybe.
  14. SOFG

    SOFG Well-Known Member

    He lives in that little green truck.
  15. Ex CCS Racer

    Ex CCS Racer Banned

    You can't miss it. It's bright green. Like this grin [​IMG]
  16. Bad Iguana

    Bad Iguana Well-Known Member

    My wife went to a practice day a couple of weeks ago. She feels better about what I'm doing and liked the people she met (even Tardholio) but it didn't make her a race fan. And I'm so slow I don't even have a race face. So taking her out there doesn't always work. But it doesn't seem to hurt.
  17. SOFG

    SOFG Well-Known Member

    And his skin color on the Sunday morning ride after Saturday night.
  18. Ex CCS Racer

    Ex CCS Racer Banned

  19. Stumpy

    Stumpy apprentice

    Hey, Stick, you gonna let her talk about Drew like that? [​IMG] [​IMG]

    GSXRGIRL Guest

    Amen!!! [​IMG]

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