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Las Vegas shooting

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by Metalhead, Oct 2, 2017.

  1. blkduc

    blkduc no time for jibba jabba

    "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."~Benjamin Franklin

    "I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery" ~Thomas Jefferson
  2. crashman

    crashman Grumpy old man

    Potentially how many lives will this new legislation spare and how much would it end up costing the consumer? And what would the risks of creating a black market and introducing more of the criminal element? I know it sounds heartless but for me there is a risk / reward element here that is not being considered. I personally do not buy in to that "If it saves just one life" bullshit.
  3. Chino52405

    Chino52405 Well-Known Member

    You're grasping at straws - the demand and distribution across all walks of life cannot in any way be compared to the "demand" for high capacity mag. Can you grow a magazine? You can also walk around asking to buy weed with extremely minimal risk of any recourse.

    Law abiding gun owners won't illegally sell the ones they own, right? Getting connected to an illegal gun dealer would lead nearly everyone looking to the internet - or connecting with people who are likely on law enforcement radar already.
  4. Chino52405

    Chino52405 Well-Known Member

    I don't know if I should laugh at this comment or take it seriously.

    The attempt to "contact the black market" is where law enforcement can intercept. You're right, illegal gun dealers do not report their customers.
  5. knutz

    knutz Well-Known Member

    Meh ..... more laws.

    While firearms and their components are sometimes a little complicated they aren't rocket surgery.

    Any attempt at legislating any aspect of them out of existence is easily overcome by someone with a minimal mechanical skills and a few tools.

    Add in more sophisticated machinery like CNCs and such which many many many people have access to and the ability to overcome becomes much easier.

    One can sit there and say most people wouldn't dare run afoul of the law out of fear if they wish , but they're living in a fairytale land.
  6. Chino52405

    Chino52405 Well-Known Member

    Can I buy a grenade legally? No. Now let's say I walk into a crowded room with a 100rd drum (since that's been floated) or a grenade. You want to get heartless, I'm willing to bet the grenade penetrates less victims, causes fewer casualties and I'm subdued immediately following. The Pulse shooter and the theater shooter were both able to subdue and control the environment for a longer period causing greater potential casualties.

    So how many lives? I don't know but we've already decided that some weapons do put the public at too great a risk of danger with little to no recourse.

    Cost the consumer? Why would it cost the consumer anything other than the ability to own the high capacity mag/drums?
  7. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    So you don't know what the law would accomplish, but let's do it anyway?
  8. nigel smith

    nigel smith Well-Known Member

    Speaking of laughable comments. How is law enforcement interception doing at removing guns from the streets of Chicago? What illegal items are currently being intercepted at rates high enough to make a significant impact?
  9. Britt

    Britt Well-Known Member

    You can make a Magazine in your garage... also I could go right now and get no less than 100 high capacity mags in less than an hour... pass a ban and it will be no different.. it will just drive up the gawdamn price.

    Chicago, you said it yourself, tough laws.. guns still come... all against the law.

    I give up... the stupidity of legislating criminals is just stupid.

    GoodFucking Luck... You're in for a life of disappointment... tilting at windmills and all.
  10. L8 Braker

    L8 Braker 'Murica

    We should definitely make guns illegal.

    After all, we made drugs illegal and that seems to have worked out pretty well :rolleyes:
  11. Chino52405

    Chino52405 Well-Known Member

    Law enforcement's inability to control the market in Chicago is directly related to the legality and availability of these items. Non felon family and friends buy across the border at dealers and gun shows. Likely the cartels make up for some of the cheaper high powered weapons. These are also going into the hands of gangs and professional criminals. Ones who do not need to seek out connections.

    Additionally, and again heartlessly, these criminals are not committing the mass shootings we're currently discussing.
  12. brex

    brex Well-Known Member

    Media control laws would save far more lives and be better for the greater good of everyone.
  13. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Clip, magazine...my voter dont know the difference either. Someone get hold of Cuddles, Anacree is on again.
  14. samizx7

    samizx7 Well-Known Member

    What law would have prevented this guy from buying anything he want. He had a clean record , never had any mental issue , he is not on Terror or no flight list. Every law they suggested he would have passed. So how would any law prevent this from happening. All his guns were legal. Same with the Orlando guy, he had security clearness. Same with the army guy in Texas. Passing any law would not prevented anyone of them from getting a gun
    auminer likes this.
  15. Britt

    Britt Well-Known Member

    What the hell do you think a "Mass Shooter" is...a fucking choir boy?...Now you are attempting to "Classify Criminals to make your point...yet you refuse to understand making shit harder to get, by banning it NEVER WORKS...jeezus name one thing that is illegal to possess that you can't buy.. Gawdamn spies buy nuclear shit on the black market....LOL
    gixxerreese likes this.
  16. thrak410

    thrak410 My member is well known


    gixxerreese likes this.
  17. gixxerreese

    gixxerreese Well-Known Member

    You do know its illegal to just listen to everyones phone calls right. So unless your under investigation and a warrant is granted you cant intercept anything but some free doughnuts. So i dont know whether to laugh at your law and order csi detective gum shoe ass or to take you seriously.
  18. gixxerreese

    gixxerreese Well-Known Member

    Chino needs to be renamed to skankhunt42 the greatest troll ever
    Robby-Bobby likes this.
  19. Ian178

    Ian178 Well-Known Member

    That's the crux. If I could melt my guns down and somehow save one of those victims I would do it. The truth, I'm sorry to say, Is that the world can be dark, and you can't stop man's inhumanity towards men.

    It may sound silly, but what makes America what it is is the philosophy of government by consent. That's what the 2nd is about. Get rid of that and you just accelerate the race to the bottom that we are on now. I wish I had the answer.
  20. Chango

    Chango Something clever!

    Do you know how long it takes to swap a magazine? I can fumble my way through it in a few seconds, without any kind of special training or practice. Swapping magazines is faster than swapping guns. Limiting magazine capacity will do nothing at all. Sure, the deranged lunatic may have to carry more magazines with him, but that doesn't really seem like a major concern for someone who is about to commit mass murder anyway.

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