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JoeRogan/AlexJones Red Pill overdose

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by deepsxepa, Feb 6, 2017.

  1. deepsxepa

    deepsxepa Hazardous

    not a big fan of either of these guys but this one seems to have gone viral so posting for those who might not have seen it otherwise.

    I took the red pill prior to WTC911 i dont fall for much of anything these days. I think AJ speaks some truth but also think he mixes in disinfo, just not sure if its intentional or honest mistakes.

    "We aint talkin' bout the weather Eddie, I can tell ya that right now."
  2. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner

  3. bleacht

    bleacht Well-Known Member

    I listened to it commuting to work over several days. I like Rogan but Alex Jones is a bit much. I liked Rogan trying to reel him in several times and explain some points but towards the end kind of gave up. As for Jones, I appreciate his insight on Trump and I realize some of the "conspiracies" he's talked about in the past have come out as true, but a lot of it seemed way too crazy. The inter-dimensional globalists, Obama being a CIA project, etc.
  4. 600 dbl are

    600 dbl are Shake Zoola the mic rula

    Alex Jones is way the fuck out there.
  5. Laz

    Laz The New Guy

    That episode was all over the place, correction Alex Jones AND Eddie Bravo were all over the place. Joe had to be exhausted after that one.
  6. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

  7. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Well-Known Member

    Reminds me of a show that had a guy that claims he could astral project to Mars and another that claims Bigfoots are aliens and brought him to Mars. Crazy people amuse me.
  8. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Obviously you don't have to see them at family reunions. :Poke:
    sheepofblue likes this.
  9. brex

    brex Well-Known Member

    But his family does...
  10. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    That's cold. :crackup:
  11. Fonda Dix

    Fonda Dix Well-Known Member

    My favorite thing about Alex Jones: I seem perfectly sane next to a guy like that.
  12. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Well-Known Member

    I don't know I had a couple of great uncles that were pretty odd.
  13. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    brex wins this thread. :crackup:
  14. Shenanigans

    Shenanigans in Mr.Rogers neighborhood

    Is Eddie related to Johnny?
  15. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    I was gonna make fun of you because I figured the clip would be 15-20 minutes long. 3 hrs 43 min? No way. I'll try to listen to it in the car or something.
  16. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Let's not get carried away now.
  17. crashman

    crashman Grumpy old man

    Fonda Dix likes this.
  18. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    And Acree pulls an honorable mention. :D
    Fonda Dix likes this.
  19. brex

    brex Well-Known Member

    There is still time for someone to win it in overtime. Mine was easy, like a pick six against Romo.
    Fonda Dix likes this.
  20. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Well-Known Member

    I like listening to Coast to Coast while driving in the middle of the night, extra points for it being out in the desert. The old ones predicting stuff that has not happening are good but the entire thing of people doing their best PBS voice while discussing alien probes and cattle mutilation... priceless :beer:

    Never heard Alex Jones on radio.

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