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I'm Hooked on Roadracing!!

Discussion in 'General' started by Janie McCommons, Jul 25, 2000.

  1. Kris18

    Kris18 Guest

    Absolutely. I'm not sure when I'll be coming though. I think I'm coming down Saturday instead of Friday.
  2. Janie McCommons

    Janie McCommons Well-Known Member

    Kris, If Jeff's not racing until Sunday (it's only a couple of hours from us)maybe I could just get Jeff to leave at 4:30am Saturday morning...what was I thinking?! We'll be there Friday night!
  3. wera122

    wera122 Guest

    I'll be there Thurs night and camping all weekend. I'll have the grill with me, so if you can make it Friday stop by and we'll chow.

    If you don't see me at first, keep looking. I'm going to clean my bike and put new bodywork on it. It'll be blue, just like my new leathers used to be before CMP. [​IMG]
  4. TONY #20

    TONY #20 Well-Known Member

    Hey Janie, looks like you & I aren't a far and few between. I enjoy Tony racing, with my two boys I am going to be doing this for a long time. I agree with you if they don't have something to do with their time, they will get into trouble(ha-ha). I just wish I could see more wives at the races to congradulate their husbands on their victories or help them up when they fall. I could't imagine sending Tony to the track alone, I would feel like a big loser. So maybe we can show the other wives how to have fun at this, even when our husbands crash each other, or should I say my husband, just kidding it was a very big accident. Talk to you soon... [​IMG]

    Amy Dunham
  5. Janie McCommons

    Janie McCommons Well-Known Member

    You said it sister! If more wives would TRY to share an interest with their husband, they would have a much stronger marriage. I have a friend who just damnit will not go with her husband to the dirt-track where he races. He is gone several nights a week, working on the car and until 2:00am every Saturday night. She sits at home pissed off most of the time and makes both their lives miserable. If Jeff loves it, by God, I'm going to try like crazy to love it, too. He won't race forever...but I might just drag him to the races when he retires! [​IMG]
  6. Kris18

    Kris18 Guest

    I see you guys are still up. I'm up but only half witted now. Mr. Ford payed for quite a few beverages today after work. I'd figure I'd check out what happened here before I called it quits. Later!
  7. Janie McCommons

    Janie McCommons Well-Known Member

    Mr. Ford...Helluva nice guy, huh? How many marguritas did he buy last night? And you claim not to be a frat boy!
  8. WERA

    WERA Administrator

    Normally I am as pure as the driven snow but this picture made me laugh way too much not to share it... Kind of goes back to Tracees joke about the perfect woman [​IMG] Thanks to a source (who may wish to remain unnamed so just in case, I won't name him) on the 125 email list.

    Click here - www.wera.com/graphics/motivation.jpg
  9. td930

    td930 Well-Known Member

    [​IMG] ohhhhh....i wonder if she'd hold my parasol whilst we're waiting on the grid???
  10. Tracee Polcin

    Tracee Polcin Pic by IYF Photo

    Hey HMFIC Wannabe,
    I don't think I would want my mechanic holding up that sign. Unless he lost some weight and shaved. [​IMG]
  11. cb500

    cb500 long hair hippie freak

    btw thanks
    Ricky ford [​IMG]
    I bought kris drinks and didn't even know it
    must have had two many. [​IMG]
  12. Photo Jeff

    Photo Jeff Member

    I loved that pic and I can just imagine what the other riders thought as they passed by and saw that sign LOL.

    To Janie,
    Way to go in being there with him. I think it makes it a hell of a lot easier for him to leave for the weekend if your with him. To the other wives that may read this, go and get involved. You might be surprised at how much fun you can have and how many friends you will have after a few races.
  13. Janie McCommons

    Janie McCommons Well-Known Member

    Kris, I'm wondering, why just before tucking you in for the night, I never see Mr. Ford at dinner?! Jeff

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