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Illegal taping of police officer. v. bike cam in MD

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by EngineNoO9, Apr 10, 2010.

  1. scotth

    scotth Banned

    Well then please take my invitation to come to Florida and wave your gun around while in street clothes.


    And let me know when and where.


    Oh horseshit--the guy was acting like a tool. You're not recognizing it because you're a tool, too. That cop's lucky he didn't catch a slug between the eyes. It's just not smart to wave a gun at anyone like that, and it's especially stupid if you've been trained (not to do so, presumably), and haven't identified yourself as a cop.

    I wouldn't want to deal with the hassles of shooting anyone, much less a cop, but if that was me on the bike and I was carrying I think things would not have gone well. That whole "better to be judged by twelve than carried by six" thing comes to mind. Some crazy looking guy I don't know is screaming at me and has a gun. That's almost the definition of why people carry.
  2. Commander_Chaos

    Commander_Chaos Hillbilly Genius

    Speaking as someone who's been pulled over plenty, it looks to me like there's plenty of blame to go around here.

    Wheelies are not popular with most motorists, especially police. A confrontation is inevitable if you persist.

    The other issue is should the cop have had his gun drawn. I'm not a lawyer, but my guess is no. Although the rider was totally to blame for the traffic stop, the one he was most risking was himself. The police take the wheelie as an FU to them, which is how it is meant. Although they are understandably angered by this, we pay them to be professional and follow the rules. The cop got caught in tape screwing up and didn't like it.

    Both parties deserve some grief.
  3. silveralt

    silveralt Active Member

    I don't think I've ever saw a cop run out of a MALIBU in civilian clothes. If the cop would have identified himself as a cop first and foremost, then he wouldn't have caught so much shit. The cop put himself in danger by doing what he did. What if a gun happy hillbilly was next to them and decided to "aid" the motorcyclist from a thief.
  4. silveralt

    silveralt Active Member

    If my statement isn't valid... That means you are one of those people who would pull out your gun when not needed?

    I've been in many situations that I COULD have pulled my gun, but I didn't. The situation didn't need to be escalated to that level. When a gun comes out, even the person with the gun is in more danger than before. If my gun comes out. It's being used. There's no other reason for it to leave it's holster.
  5. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    Riiight, with a trooper behind him the whole time. :rolleyes:

    Like I said, you folks are stretching the incident to fit a "what if" scenario of your liking.

    Last points:
    1- Anyone who says the trooper was "WAVING" his gun is a confused individual who should stay out of this discussion or actually watch the video.

    2- If you haven't identified tinted out Chevy Malibu's as an official LE unmarked unit BY NOW, then you really should not carry a concealed handgun cuz your common sense meter is stuck on zero.

    3- For the rest of the dopes who 'think' they'd have dropped the trooper as he's already drawn, you're not even worth responding to......seriously. Oh and save the Jesse James quick draw mumbo jumbo.

    4- As mentioned by TWO people in this thread who may or may not be familiar with this line of work, the LEO drawing equates to constructive force which is allowed and that's putting aside that he did, in fact, have a running motor vehicle in front of him that could have been used as a weapon.

    5- The ass clearly indicated that he SAW a badge on the troops belt, just because the angle of his video doesn't show it doesn't mean jack, he admitted to seeing it on the forum so all this boohoo shit is getting REAL OLD.

    Now, if any of you nancy boys STILL have a problem with this, either move to the most northern or southern territory of North America or 'deal with it'.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2010
  6. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    I agree.
  7. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    Jesus Christ, if you can't see the difference in being "prepared to use" and "100% sure you are going to use" then there's no need in discussing the validity of your statement. :rolleyes:
  8. silveralt

    silveralt Active Member

    I can appreciate where you're coming from. But I don't think it needs to come out unless it's getting used.

    This happened to a guy I know. You can take it or leave it. He was at a stop light in his car. These two guys run up on his car and one starts beating on his friend through the open window. The other one is punching the car trying to get the guys to get out and fight. My buddy pulls his gun from his pocket and holds it in his hand, ready to use it. A cop was sitting a few lights back in an unmarked car. Cop comes up and arrests my buddy for having his gun out in a situation he didn't need to have it out. He has a permit to conceal and carry. And yes. The guys where probably provoked in the first place.

    I'm not comparing a civilian to a cop. Just the school of thought that you don't need it out unless it's going to be used.

    Last edited: Apr 26, 2010
  9. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    So your friend was arrested on a bullshit charge. What's the point?
  10. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    This reminds me of the most amazing fight I have seen. In Hollywood, 10 years ago. At a traffic light, a bunch of guys get out of two cars and start beating the crap out of each other until the light turns green, they get back in their cars and drive away.
  11. Suburbanrancher

    Suburbanrancher Chillzilla

    There's a reason they're called 'unmarked' cars.

    Just sayin'....
  12. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    There's obviously a lot missing from that story. Who did the provoking? If it was your friend and his passenger then he did not have the right to pull his weapon(at least that's what the TN law would be).

    Someone is full of shit whether it be your friend or the cop. Could be a bit of both too.
  13. frackadelic

    frackadelic Buddha Stalin is Chronic

    Getting the shit beat out of you at a stop light through your car window doesn't justify pulling a gun? :confused:

    Edit - agree with John, something is missing
  14. turner38

    turner38 Well-Known Member

    Thats the problem here, by waving the gun around the cop is using it to give him authority over the guy on the bike, it doesn't. If the dumbass had got out waving a badge there wouldn't be a thread on here about it. THe only thing that gives a cop authority is his badge, any idiot can hold up a gun and say police, showing the badge will get more respect than the gun. Too many people think a gun gives them power, it seldom does.
  15. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    Again, with the "waving".

    Right, because there hasn't been any cases of bad guy cop impostures with badges.
  16. silveralt

    silveralt Active Member

    I figured you guys wouldn't see the point. He got charges dropped because it was bullshit. It doesn't matter WHY it happened. Cops don't care about bullshit drama between stupid kids. The point is that it didn't need to involve the gun. The gun got everyone in trouble when it didn't need to be pulled.
  17. silveralt

    silveralt Active Member

    You can spot most unmarked cars from a mile away. You pretty much made my point though. How was he supposed to know? If the fuck had his badge out WITH the gun it wouldn't be a big deal.
  18. silveralt

    silveralt Active Member

    To end the debate on WHEN or WHY to pull a gun. I won't pull mine unless someone is going to get shot. This cop can pull his gun when he see's fit, but only if he's stepping out of a COP car. I don't give a fuck if that malibu was owned by the police force or jesus. It's not marked. The only thing to let you know if it's a cop is this guy's douche bag hair cut. If he showed a badge, he'd be fine. But it's nice to know that I can go pull up on bikers in my car with a gun and tell them I'm police. I think I am going to go pick up a few sweet bikes :up:
  19. turner38

    turner38 Well-Known Member

    The gun was not in a fixed position or motionless therefore it was waving, it may not havebeen waving over his head but it wasn't in its holster where it belonged.

    There are many situations where pulling a sidearm is necessary and justified, this wasn't one of them. The guy on the bike was not a threat to anyone at that time.

    Who was he protecting by pulling his weapon?
  20. Shyster d'Oil

    Shyster d'Oil Gerard Frommage

    The moral of this story is that the cop should have shown his badge and did not. If he had pulled out his badge and his gun, we would not be whining about this mess.

    And by the way: Which vehicles are the most likely to run from the cops? My guess is operators of sport bikes, especially one being a douche enough to go over a buck forty on an interstate.

    I'm not sure I'd be even irritated at the cop for pulling a pistol as this guy did as long as he pulled the badge too. But without a badge he comes across like a mall cop playing tough guy, or, slightly worse, not a cop at all.

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