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How much are trailers marked up?

Discussion in 'General' started by pefrey, Apr 28, 2008.

  1. pefrey

    pefrey Well-Known Member

    Question 1. If a 5x10 enclosed trailer lists for $3,500 is it safe to say I could offer $3,000 cash (no check, no CC) and walk away with it?

    Question 2. With economy slowed down and stuff like houses and cars not selling, could I offer, say $2,800 and not expect to get punched?

  2. Sulli

    Sulli Well-Known Member

    actually todays $1 is actually less tomorrow... expect pricing on things to go up with an average range of .o119% of dollar decline

    That $3500 dollar trailer may actually cost you MORE
  3. HPPT

    HPPT !!!


    Do you think demand is going up in a slowing economy?
  4. fullmetalF4i

    fullmetalF4i C. Lee #826

    whats sad is that i was taught that saying in my economics class years ago when we were still coming to the peak of our boom. As this was a saying that we were learning in business sense. Didnt think that it would actually become mathmatically true for some time...
  5. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Fuck. Sulli really is Pouch's cousin.
  6. pefrey

    pefrey Well-Known Member

    I'm not buying the trailer overseas, so $1 US Dollar today will be equal to $1 US Dollar tomorrow.

    That said, I guess I'm trying to figure out what I should offer on a trailer.

    Enclosed, 5x8, v-nose, aluminum, torsion suspension, 13" wheels, 2 years old. I was thinking about offering $2,500 cash. I'm searching for the best price on comparable trailers and need a starting point.
  7. Hyperdyne

    Hyperdyne Indy United SBK

    Not sure on the enclosed, but for the open's, you can't build them much cheaper than they sell them. By the time you buy the axle, tires, springs, flooring and box tubing, then weld it up, we spent close to $450. They usually go for $500. On top of that, aluminum and stainless are up.
  8. divein6

    divein6 Well-Known Member

    2500 is too much for a 5x8
  9. Hyperdyne

    Hyperdyne Indy United SBK

    Depends on if it's an all aluminum v-nose. Some of those smaller ones are really nice, lightweight, and have cabinets with nice walls and lighting.

    It is a bit much though for one bike
  10. Sulli

    Sulli Well-Known Member

    Actually $3k is a decent deal...

    but yea you wonder why gas prices are going up? because of our falling dollar.. that is more direct.

    We are directly impacted... But yes your dollar TODAY is worth LESS tomorrow, the rate of decline is increasing because we are in a recession.

    I have seen a lot of nice trailers for sale in the classifieds lately in the nashville area.
  11. kiggy74

    kiggy74 As useful as an...

    I was recently shopping for a trailer. I guess Haulmark just raised their prices about 7% across the board just a few weeks ago. Reason was because of the falling dollar, cost of materials, blah, blah.

    The dealer I bought from basically had his prices hanging on the wall for all of the different models. The price was the price, kind of like buying a Saturn.
  12. Glenn Foster

    Glenn Foster Well-Known Member

    Are you trying to tie time value of money to inflation, the currency exchange rate and a recession?

    Did you sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night too? :rolleyes:
  13. John29

    John29 Road racing since 1973

    Hey make the guy an offer, the worst he can do is say no, right?
  14. pefrey

    pefrey Well-Known Member

    He could punch me in the face. Just kidding, I just don't want to pay his asking price only to get a better education on pricing later on.

    Looks like I am finally going to buy an enclosed trailer. I would have bought one 4 years ago but figured, how long am I going to do this track day thing. I wish I had bought it back then.
  15. DangerZone

    DangerZone CAUTION!

    Yeah, make an offer, low offer but don't insult the guy. You never know what deal he might make. When he turns you down ask him then what is the best he can do because you only have "this much". He is expecting you to low ball him but you should expect for him not to budge much if any. And yeah, my trailer guy keeps telling me that steel and aluminum prices are up. The customer pays in the end. And when you do make a deal and you are paying him "this much", make sure that all he sees is "this much". It's embarrassing to get a deal for say 2950 and give the guy 3000 when you just wheeled and dealed and want your $50 change. I mean I know that 50 bucks is 50 bucks but you know what I mean. :p
  16. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    Exactly. Don't ask for a deal, and then pull out that wad of hundreds.
  17. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    Upside of the downturn is folks will be selling more stuff. I'd imagine if you spend some time you can find some deals.
  18. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien


    YZROOSTINYA Well-Known Member

    I just bought(4 weeks ago) a Haulmark 6x12 v nose(18") with trailer brakes
    3/8" walls, 3/4 plywood floors. ramp door, roof vent, light, 4 d-rings, 15" wheels and stoneguard for $2950
    16 oc walls, seamless roof


    ask for Ronnie!
  20. 999

    999 Well-Known Member

    Great! :crackup:

    Loan me $100k, I'll pay you back $100k, no make it $101k in 10 years. You make one thousand US dollars of p-u-r-e profit.

    Sweet huh?


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