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help me understand - e85

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by heavy penny, Mar 17, 2008.

  1. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    Cost of Ethanol

    Cost For A Gallon Of Corn Ethanol

    $2.49 - Corn Ethanol Futures Market quote for January 2007 Delivery
    $0.28 - Add cost of transporting, storing and blending corn ethanol
    $0.09 - Added cost of making gasoline that can be blended with corn ethanol
    $0.51 - Add cost of subsidies paid to blender
    $3.37 - Total Direct Costs per Gallon

    $0.40 - Added cost from waste
    $0.06 - Added cost from damage to infrastructure and user's engine
    $0.46 - Total Indirect Costs per Gallon

    $1.27 -Added cost of lost energy
    $1.79 - Added cost of food (American family of four)
    $3.06 - Total Social Costs

    Total Cost of Corn Ethanol @ 85% Blend = $6.89
  2. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    No power is free.

    There are people working those facilities and those things have maint. costs too. :)
  3. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    Tommy, I will start my assuming that I missed the sarcasm of your post. I won't even blame it on a second language problem. I will simply state that I failed to comprehend or catch up to your sense of humor.

    I will tell myself this because I am definitely frightened by you. No one who is so wrong so often should ever be so conclusive in their statements.

    In advance, my personal apology to you in the event that I am wrong.

  4. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    Here is one on thecost of gasoline!

    I was trying to get a feel for it since I found number on ethanol.

    You only have to look at who is putting this out to know the results.

    What I find interesting is that included (devoted verbage) about the cost of building and maintaining the highway infrastructure.

    Correct me if I am wrong but the last time I check, ethanol is somewhat (don't want to be exhuberant here) corrosive. And as such, it is not friendly to carrier pipes.

    Do these people have a clue about transportation/delivery of ethanol?
  5. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    My bad for the link above, these people are smoking crack:

    "Local and municipal external costs associated with gasoline powered
    motor vehicles include the response of police, fire,
    and emergency teams to traffic accidents."

    NEWS - Ethanol powered motor vehicles are never involved in motor vehicle accidents!

    I guess is the smell coming from the tail pipes that keeps them isolated from other vehicles.

    They tried everything:

    Fear tactics:

    "Up to $96.3 billion in US defense spending each year may go
    directly towards protecting overseas oil sources."

    Poor us:

    "Auto pollution causes $2 billion to $4 billion worth of damage to
    agricultural crops each year in the United States."

    More nonsense:

    "Annual road de-icing and runoff costs may reach $5.2 billion."
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2008
  6. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    Ethanol cannot be transported in pipelines for at least three reasons:
    1. Corrosive
    2. Hygroscopic
    3. Settles out of petroleum if premixed

    Consequently, ethanol must be transported by tanker to a local distribution area where it is mixed with gasoline in relatively small batches so it doesn’t settle out before retail sales. This is part of the cost cited for transportation, storing and blending.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2008
  7. Team Atomic

    Team Atomic Go Go SOX!

    Thats why it's transported by trucks.

    And can't use current gas pipelines. The may be able to retrofit them with plastic inserts.
  8. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien


    My point being why is the Ethanol org article claiming the maintenance of the roadway infrastructure in calculating the real cost associated with gasoline prices when it is ethanol that relies solely on transport via the same infrastructure not oil?
  9. LBF

    LBF Hearse Driver


    Don't think it's impossible. How many COLA's have been submitted recently, or are in the process of being submitted? We'll see "another" Nuke plant built in the US starting within the next 2-3 years, and several completed by 2017.
  10. LBF

    LBF Hearse Driver

    Spent Fuel

    Every Fuel Rod used at the Plant I work at is still on site, safely stored away. There's enough storage capacity to last until the end of our current license, and for another 20 years when we get our license renewed. We even just built an on-site storage facility for our old steam generators, which we recently replaced. All of these items will remain on-site until the entire site is decommissioned. As far as the transportation of radioactive waste is concerned - if you've ever driven through Tennessee and passed a truck with a big silver cask on it, then you've driven past some horrible "waste." It's really no big deal.
  11. LBF

    LBF Hearse Driver


    My final post on Ethanol - all of my old cars - Cadillacs, Oldsmobiles, Pontiacs, And one lonely Ford - hate the stuff. They run like shit on 10% Ethanol. And now that's all I can get! Makes me want to buy a big(er) Diesel truck and haul them to all of the car shows I travel to across the country...
    My newest vehicle, a '97 F150 (well, not counting my '01 FZ1) gets about 320 miles per tank now instead of 400. How's that for economy? Thanks for the Ethanol! NOT!
  12. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    My 06 Ridgline is very similar. Close to or over 400 miles on regular (~20mpg), leaves me praying for over 300 miles on the 10% (~15mpg).

    400 miles

    20 mpg @$3.00 = $60.00
    15 mpg @$2.89 = $77.07

    Roughly 25% decrease in fuel efficiency and approximately 28% in additonal cost to cover 400 miles.

    Cue in Billy, "Marvelous"
  13. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    Shuddup... you're lying... it can't be done... the waste is too much. :D
  14. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    But doesn't your exhaust smell like buttered popcorn? :D
  15. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    Yes, it does! But that my truck won't get into a wreck if I use ethanol. So that is good.
  16. Team Atomic

    Team Atomic Go Go SOX!

    Every site I been too has hundreds of leaking drums onsite. What about those?

    There are thousands of sites like this worldwide and they need to be cleaned up.
  17. Team Atomic

    Team Atomic Go Go SOX!

    You antique cars are running shitty because your running unleaded fuel.

    You need to use a lead additive for unleaded fuel.

    Oil companies are going to be using more Ethanol since MTBE (octane booster and known carcinogen) is outlawed.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2008
  18. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    And you know this how? I don't recall seeing a model year on his post. You MAY be right or you could be full of crap. Even odds.
  19. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    My man, you need to slow down a bit. You are too sure of yourself.

    Why not try this:

  20. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    The Internet and MTBE, Al's puppies!

    MTBE, another knee jerk reaction by our Government.
    Soon, we can say the same about e85, more conclusively so than today.

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