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Florida School Shooting Thread

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by sharkattack, Feb 14, 2018.

  1. Motofun352

    Motofun352 Well-Known Member

    Classic bull shit word games. Same reason every group strives to give themselves a good sounding name. "Progressives" when in reality they are regressive towards liberty. Same holds true for the other side..."Conservative" when they spend like there's no tomorrow....
    TXFZ1 likes this.
  2. TXFZ1

    TXFZ1 Well-Known Member

    BS, then why so condescending if you don't "do emotion"?

    BlackSheep - "The Choice is Yours" Also a good Kia commercial for Soul.
  3. motorkas

    motorkas Well-Known Member

    Curious, do you think every condescending remark made in this section is emotional? (there are a lot of them made by people who swear up and down they’re not a slave to their emotions so just curious when you read them if you come to the same conclusion – personally I don’t – then again, I also know what’s behind what I write); with Knutz, there was no condescension so it doesn’t apply.

    Been on my workout play list since it first dropped on cassette. . .
    TXFZ1 likes this.
  4. nigel smith

    nigel smith Well-Known Member

    Would you be so kind as to define liberalism for me, both historically and as it pertains to our present political climate? I would open a book myself, but I'm too busy taking selfies with my phallus enhancing firearms and hanging up Trump 2020 signs.
    Disclaimer: I likely will not read your response in its entirety. Your posts usually make my eyes glaze over, causing me to switch over to the latest Metalhead thread to find something interesting.
  5. TXFZ1

    TXFZ1 Well-Known Member

    It's not about me and you did not answer the question.
  6. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    Sooo have you guys seen the latest FAKE NEWS from CNN???

    IIRC, they've been accused of using "crisis actors" in the past but this one is downright disgusting if true. Apparently, they interviewed a young kid, David Hogg, who claims he was in the school at the time of the shooting, this same kid goes on a rant against Trump and talks up the FBI since his dad is a retired FBI guy. Well, someone recognized him as someone being interviewed by CNN again in Ca in another potential shooting incident........now I'm seeing someone who's claiming he also graduated HS in 2015 out there and posted up his yearbook photo.

    If this latest claim turns out to be true, CNN needs to be held accountable otherwise, their BS will just continue to escalate.
  7. motorkas

    motorkas Well-Known Member

    Short version - don't have to - greater minds than my own have already done it. Practical application to yourself: you tend to dabble in it in regards to LEO's, can go either way with Pitt Bulls - seen references to your wife being stopped while brown, but not enough info to draw a conclusion one way or another about it.

    It actually is because the last time I checked, I don't have to explain myself to myself on this subject. To answer your question - Tactic.
  8. EngineNoO9

    EngineNoO9 Well-Known Member

    I've seen more about this kid and I'd like to chalk it off to being a crazy conspiracy theory but I can't with the last few years of fairly credible evidence of professional antagonists/protesters being moved around for anti-trump and black lives matter rallies...

    I don't hold it past the gun grabber big backers to find something like this too
  9. motorkas

    motorkas Well-Known Member

    Oh yeah, here's my good friend who I would trust with my life and he would trust me with his and his children. . .that gun is even bigger than G's (and speaking of phallus, notice the placement of it?). . .he probably already has a Trump 2020 sign waiting to go. We shoot together, we hunt together, we argue politics for hours at a stretch (without getting emotional about it) - he also actually knows the definition of liberalism historically and how it pertains to our present political climate.

    IMG_3088 (2).JPG
  10. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

  11. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    He looks somewhat imaginary in the photo.
  12. Funkm05

    Funkm05 Dork

    We’ve had some solid exchanges in the past, but I’ve gotta say ... this post kinda feels like a “I can say what I want about race. One of my friends is black.” :crackup:

    I am, however, curious how you would define liberalism historically versus present time and how they compare/contrast in your view.
  13. Chino52405

    Chino52405 Well-Known Member

    Bless your heart.
  14. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

  15. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner


    I was unfortunate enough to channel surf past Bill Maher last night and he had Salmon Rushdie and that twat Fran Lebowitz. They couldn't be more passionate about their support of gun control, just as most libtards are.

    What's interesting though is how silent they all see to be with actually identifying and fixing/treating the underlying problem here...sick in the head kids. What's even more interesting is that when there's a terrorist attack and we try to come down with stricter rules to protect our safety on the homefront they get all bent out of shape and its unconstitutional and this that and the other, but when its suits their agenda (take away guns) then they are all gung-ho about it. Go figure.

    If a deranged child wants to cause needless harm/death a gun is just a tool. Removing guns doesn't remove the root cause, it's just treating symptoms. All the kid has to do is go on the internet and Google search "how to make a pipe bomb" or something like that.
    speeddaddy likes this.
  16. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    Their (liberal) rationale NEVER makes sense.......if you listen to all the douchebags (cutting up their AR's) claiming their 10 min of fame, they all seem to say the same thing. "I'm destroying this AR because it's been the main weapon of choice for these mass shootings....and it's sole purpose is to kill people." Really? Just that rifle was built to kill?

    That's the kinda stupid they engage in and their supporters gobble that shit up. I can think of plenty of other mass shootings that solely used handguns so again their point is, well, pointless.

    Fact: You ban the AR today, what will be on their list tomorrow when these mass shootings continue?
    speeddaddy likes this.
  17. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    Well duh...you have to ban mass shootings. That'll solve it.
  18. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    It isn't teeny tiny.
  19. G 97

    G 97 Garth

    You pegged the full o shit meter.
    You certainly understand what a circle jerk is.
  20. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner


    It's kind of like that video of that fat woman smashing a bathroom scale with a hammer claiming that it controls her life and shames her about "perceived standards or beauty" or some other retarded shit like that.


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