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Excel Guru's, one more time

Discussion in 'General' started by ACDNate, Mar 10, 2014.

  1. ACDNate

    ACDNate Well-Known Member

    Formula help.

    I have a formula that adds days to an entered date. The added days then display in the column where the formula is.

    ex. Cell R5 "=Q5+59"

    When Q5 is "5/10/13" R5 is "7/8/13"

    When I don't have anything in Cell Q5, cell R5 shows 2/28/00. I want it to show nothing untill I enter something in Q5.

    How do i do that?
  2. pefrey

    pefrey Well-Known Member

  3. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien


    I would suggest referencing the value "59" to a column, or to a single cell. That way the adder, days, can be changed.
  4. ACDNate

    ACDNate Well-Known Member

    Clarify? I'm kind of an excel dummy
  5. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    Will you always be adding 59 days?

    If you would like the days to be added to be the same but allow you to change the number of days, do not add 59 in the equation.

    Reference a cell:


    where $A$1 is the value of the number of days you would like to add.

    If, you would like to add different days to different dates, than

    =IF(R5>0,R5+A5,"-") or =IF($R5>0,$R5+$A5,"-")

    where the value in A5 is added.

    You can then drop the formula down and A6 will be added to R5, and so on.
  6. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    The $ is a lock.

    If you drag down
    You will get:
    =IF(R7>0,R7+$A$1,"-") and so on.



    If you were to drag to the left, nothing will change because the reference is locked to the column. The row can also be locked by $ in front of the row numbers. See. $A$1.
  7. ACDNate

    ACDNate Well-Known Member

    For that particular column, yes it will always be 59 days added. I have an additional column that adds 79 days.
  8. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    I would suggest entering the values of the days added. And referencing them.

    (date + 59) = R5 = IF(Q5>0,Q5+$A$1,"-")
    Where $A$1 = 59

    $A$2 = 79
    (date + 79) = X5 = IF(Y5>0,Y5+$A$2,"-")

    This way, if you need to revisit either of those adders 59 or 79, you can do it in one place, one time. And it applies to your equations immediately.
  9. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    The formula above works but the R5 clearly applies to Q5 in your example.
    Pefrey formulas always works the same. The presentation is slightly different. I prefer to show "-" versus "". The latter yield a purely blank cell, if there is not date entered. Options and preferences. :)

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