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El Paso Shooting

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by ryoung57, Aug 3, 2019.

  1. 50Joe

    50Joe Registered User

    Counterpoint with these shitbags:
  2. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    Counterpoint to what?

    And OKC shouldn't be in that list. It was a totally different kind of crime and different motivation.

    Plus it's incorrect. The Virginia Tech shooter was an Asian guy.

    FAKE NEWS!!!!! :D
    G 97 likes this.
  3. Clay

    Clay Well-Known Member

    Just so we're on even playing ground, can we make sure to reference how many white males are in this country vs black males? Also, please let's make sure we add all "mass shootings" where more than one person was targeted ala Baltimore, Chicago, etc. Mmmkay?
  4. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    I'm guessing Joe is trying to say this is a white male problem, or is somehow racist (???). It's neither. It's an anti-depressant problem. Due to various socioeconomic factors, white guys are more likely to seek psychiatric care, and subsequently more likely to be put on anti-depressants. These things are the fucking devil. They remove all fear of consequences, and turn off all of the signals that tell people that this stuff isn't right. If you want to ban something, ban the pills, not the guns.
  5. 50Joe

    50Joe Registered User

    Domestic terrorists we should not forget. 1 out of 27 pics wrong. OK, it's 96.3% accurate. Happy now?
  6. 50Joe

    50Joe Registered User

    Wow, you are falling for the "they are mentally ill" bullshit? Talk about drinking the Kool-Aid. Sure, there are whackos in there but some indeed had racists motives and then there are some who are simply evil fucks bent on killing people - any people.
  7. G 97

    G 97 Garth

    Yep, no argument or debate with this.

    Just simply pointing out, that contrary to what the master troll from KC has stated, not all or even an overwhelming majority of mass shootings are committed by whites targeting what he calls brown people. He made a blanket statement, that not surprisingly was incorrect and only a figment of his fragile liberal imagination.
  8. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    A lot of kids are started on mood-altering drugs shortly
    after they start school and that has been going on for decades.
    The long-term effects are basically being tested in real-time.
  9. ducnut

    ducnut Well-Known Member

  10. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Sorry, but anyone that decides to off multiple humans is, IMHO, a whack job and evil. The stated motivations are simply their rationalization.
    Banditracer, sheepofblue and Photo like this.
  11. blkduc

    blkduc no time for jibba jabba

    Shark week just ended but I see that several people around here need to jump a few more. Good grief.

    What in the hell do we accomplish by trying to tie a killer to a political ideal? Seriously. Take a step back for a moment and really think about this. Is this the way to fix anything? 3 mass killings in a few days. 2 killers were leftists and 1 appears to be right leaning from some weird manifesto. WTF does it matter to the people dead or their grieving families? Why is everyone overheating the googles to prove some stupid numbers game in an effort to blame politics? Fucking stop it!

    We have mentally ill people that are going untreated and no one is talking about it! Instead we run around blaming tools used, politics, skin color, WTF? Hell why stop...let's blame all the tools and all the people the killer knew. Why not? Obviously we need to ban the breakfast the killer ate, the car they drove in, the gas station that they bough gas at, their clothing choice, ban driving on the fucking street they drove on to get there. Lock up the killers friends and family...all of them. If the killer liked skittles...ban them!

    Until this stupidity stops and we have real conversations about the real problems. These stupid arguments are taking us the wrong direction. Good luck humanity...you sure need it.
    sheepofblue likes this.
  12. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    I'm not falling for anything. You're totally falling for the "racist" schtick if that's where you're going with this. For the record, I did not say "mentally ill". Anti-depressants are over-prescribed by a thousand times, and most often that's to suburban white people.

    I will give you that there is a race factor going on here, but it's more a matter of culture. Minorities are doing plenty of shooting, but it's more spur of the moment due to the world they live in (inner city, gang, drug, etc). When the environments are similar, minorities are just as likely to commit these types of crimes (Navy yard guy, SoCal police guy, and a few others).
  13. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    Still, entirely different motivations and should not be included in a discussion about the types of shootings we're seeing at the moment.
  14. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    Shot, or killed? It says both.

    I don't get why these things have to lie. It destroys the credibility of the discussion.
    ducnut likes this.
  15. blkduc

    blkduc no time for jibba jabba

    What in the hell does this accomplish? Label them all white, racist, suburban, meat eating, republican voting, suv driving, cavemen. Great! Now what? Seriously...now what? What does it fucking matter? Who fucking cares what skin color or voting preference they have. You can win the label war, bravo here's your stupid trophy. Now what do you do?
  16. Spang308

    Spang308 Well-Known Member

    Nope. It also conveniently leaves off the black mass shooter that killed a dozen of his co-workers in VA Beach a couple of months ago.
    That pic is trying to paint a picture that is inaccurate at best.
  17. 50Joe

    50Joe Registered User

    I view them all as domestic terrorists regardless on the method used. People bent on killing other people just because they chose to. Very different to me than a drug deal gone bad, theft because they are poor and think they have no other option, etc.
  18. 50Joe

    50Joe Registered User

    So is G97's. Why not call him out on his????
  19. G 97

    G 97 Garth

    Because it has to be framed in a manner that produces the greatest potential of change with the liberals political agenda. If it isn’t framed as such it doesn’t advance their liberal socialist cause.
  20. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck

    Are you saying that "evil fucks bent on killing people" are not mentally ill? Fascinating viewpoint..
    Photo likes this.

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