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deviated septum surgery

Discussion in 'General' started by healthhut, Oct 10, 2008.

  1. healthhut

    healthhut Expert #18

    deviated septum surgery who's had it and is it worth the time, money, and pain? i have about 70% blockage on the right side.:down:
  2. Booger Van der Jackass

    Booger Van der Jackass Well-Known Member

    Had both sides done a few years ago. The procedure is no big deal (you are asleep). The recovery is a bitch. Figure on a solid week of couch time in la la land. When the wadding gets pulled out, you'll beg for death. Then it's all good. I can now sleep comfortably for the entire night.
    My copay was $10 for the procedure, and $10 for a two week script of floaty pills.


    Did it around 12 years ago. Mine was an open septo rhinoplasty. Had to break the nose and reshape it, i had 70% on the left. The recovery was a bitch and the splints running all the way up to your bottom eyelid was very aggrivating. They took cartliage from the backside of the left ear to build up the septum and put it all back together. The morphine was the highlite of the whole deal for sure. Problem is i recovered and everything worked great until two years ago, now the right side is acting up and i have somehow become allergic to grass? When i cut my yard it takes me around two to three days to not be stopped up.


    oh yeah, when they pull the splints out and you take that first full breath in, it felt like snorting ice and i almost came my britches at the same time. That part was awesome.
  5. worthless

    worthless Well-Known Member

    Had mine done last year. My doc didn't use packing. Find out if yours does. If he does, try to find one that doesn't. Was worth the money. I had mine done on a Thursday and I went out Saturday night and was on a plane Monday. your mileage may vary.
    Almost forgot...best part is that, while riding my bicycle, I can now do the finger over 1 nostril and blow out the other without snot blowing all over my face. bon appetit!!!!
  6. Big Deezul

    Big Deezul Gossamer has MOJO!!!

    Had it done twice...first time was horrible! Insane amounts of pain, healing took for ever and my nose looked like shit

    2nd time I had to have the physical appearance of the nose corrected, sinuses opened and the septum repaired...it was a walk in the park! No packing is key for quick healing and a skilled surgeon is key for pain reduction. My wife had it done after she saw what a breeze it was the second time and her experience was a good one as well.
  7. Booger Van der Jackass

    Booger Van der Jackass Well-Known Member

    +1 on the first breath. I also shot tears a solid 5 feet as the packing cleared my tear ducts.
    Anybody else have whiteish boogies that were like liquid glue for a few years afterward?


    Oh yeah the white boogies....what about the scabs a week or two after, I remember being all jacked up on pain meds and standing in front of a mirror with a set of tweezers......for hours.
  9. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    My sis had it done. I would pass unless I was suffocating.
  10. 02R6

    02R6 The dude abides

    I had it done about five or six years ago. It hurt like hell and my nose was even larger than normal for quite some time afterward. It helped, but didn't cure it. A friend's dad had to have the procedure done three times (!) before it took. I'd like to have it done again, but can't decide.
  11. immortal

    immortal Brake Later, Gas Earlier

    if you can get it, they have laser surgery for this that is much easier than the regular way.

    i have one, but opted not to get it fixed at this time cause its only slight.
  12. Tard

    Tard Well-Known Member

    Done it. Wasn't terrible, getting the stints taken out was ridiculous...I had no idea how big they were until they pulled em out. Through your nostril...reminded me of that schwarzennegger movie where they pulled out that thing through his nose.

    Mine helped allergies alot and breathing somewhat but it isn't tons better. Left side still is usually not working.

    You look like this when you come home

  13. parapuke

    parapuke Well-Known Member

    You look like this when you come home


    Yep, that's called a "drip pad". Put plenty of those on patients. Pulling the packing out is actually a lot of fun (atleast on my end of the deal).
  14. Rodger

    Rodger RamJet

    After seeing a couple friends go thru those operations ( 1 had serious complications & then it grew back worse ) , I decided not to have my deviated septum repaired . I get ALOT of relief with a saline nasal gel made by Ayrl . If I could get the surgery without the packing , I would .:)
  15. lrrs517

    lrrs517 Internet Investigative Officer

    What the hell is a deviated scrotum anyway?
  16. lrrs517

    lrrs517 Internet Investigative Officer

    Oh septum. I was wondering why the poor kid was covering his nose. Jeez, They must really smell. Is it got anything to do with septic?
  17. nas19320

    nas19320 Well-Known Member

    So what are the symptoms and causes of this? I'm having some breathing/allergy type problems that I have yet to get checked out.
  18. healthhut

    healthhut Expert #18

    i experience afternoon head aches where i have to stop and mouth breath for a few b4 they ease off. I had been keeping it open with otc nasal sprays but have become immune to a few brands. thats why i am leaning toward surgery.
  19. Photo_Chick

    Photo_Chick Leo's Wench!

    I had one and worked great for a few years but thinking I may have to have it redone. I also made the mistake of doing Barber about 6 days after the surgery. Walking up Turn 2 with 50 pounds of gear after having that surgery was not a good idea....:eek:
  20. healthhut

    healthhut Expert #18

    Well i know im not as tuff a vicki so i am thinking if using some of my sick time...

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