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'Cross hairs' no longer PC to use it seems

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by LabRat, Jan 19, 2011.

  1. nycstripes

    nycstripes Meatball's Dad

    Even when Democrats use cross hairs or bullseye's? Or is it just when Republicans use them? Personally, I think its just a nonsense argument to create political drama where there is none.
  2. sdg

    sdg *

    He's obscene.
  3. thrak410

    thrak410 My member is well known

    Its stupid as hell... even today they changed some wording on capitol hill from "killing american jobs" to "destroying american jobs"... wtf peolpe?!

    And the worst part is apparently the democrats are allowed to continue using those "inflammatory" words, but when a repub does it, its 'vitreol'... total bs

    common sense is no longer common
  4. Past Glory

    Past Glory I still have several AVON calendars from the 90's

    Some people just have a need to fixate on weaponry in their rhetoric. It's no different than people who think their points carry more weight if the curse. The simple give the simple what they know will get through.

    Far more dangerous is the relentless blathering from those who constantly spew the lines that "the government is out to get you" or "tyrannical governmental actions". That kind of talk, relentlessly putting forth the notion that your own government is the greatest threat you will face is what lights up nut jobs like that pathetic loser in Arizona.

    Equally as bad is the "approval by silence" that we always see when some twit calls for "2nd amendment remedies" or urges their constituents to "be out there armed and dangerous" or not willing to tell people that perhaps strutting around with a gun on their hip at a town hall meeting might be a counterproductive image.

    How sad a statement is it that someone is so intellectually weak they need to bolster themselves with a display of weaponry in lieu of legitimate facts.
  5. thrak410

    thrak410 My member is well known

    How sad is it that people dont realize if you dont use your rights you lose them.

    If its totally legal why wouldnt someone carry their weapon if they wanted to? Because it scares you? aww too bad... go cry to mama.
  6. nycstripes

    nycstripes Meatball's Dad

  7. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    Red dots are where it's at these days.
  8. Fuzzy317

    Fuzzy317 a Crash Truck near you

    so "cross hair symbol" is banned for use when someone is shot, an "arrow symbol" is banned if someone is shot by a bow or crossbow, and better not use a "traffic light symbol" for accidents involving cars/trucks/motorcycles. :tut:

  9. Fuzzy317

    Fuzzy317 a Crash Truck near you

    is your "red dot" a remark on native americans?


    IMHO some people are trying to be offended, they should just get over themselves.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2011
  10. Agreed 100%

    Some people seemingly look for things that could be considered offensive to them (or their race/religion/sexual preference etc).

    Fucking get over it. :rolleyes:
  11. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    I understand and agree but is it really any more derogatory than saying that someone is the target or aim of your campaign? I guess I'm just not seeing where the alternatives are any less derogatory.

    In the crosshairs is more humorous than the others. Granted it's smartass humor but still humor. :D
  12. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    One side has mastered the game.
  13. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Well-Known Member

    That is partisan you hater
  14. DrA5

    DrA5 The OTHER Great Dane

    Just proves the point that the left has double standards. They thrive on double standards.
  15. DrA5

    DrA5 The OTHER Great Dane

    So, can your work use a "Target group"? If any of you liberals ever use "target" again, no matter what the context, whip yourselves.
  16. kiggy74

    kiggy74 As useful as an...

    This isn't an issue of being "politically correct", this is a conversation regarding perspective. I'm so sick and tired of listening to everyone talk about political parties and differing views as "opposition". People try to talk about governing like they are fighting a war that must be won.

    There's no fucking war people, its called a political system. The system doesn't work if everyone agrees on everything, so just shut the fuck up and get along. Compromise is the only way to win, and will not vote for any politician that says otherwise. There is no solution to the issues of modern society that can come without compromise. But everyone is so caught up in "winning" that compromise has become a dirty word. I'm so sick of listening to the bullshit from politicians and partisan fuck-sticks that I could puke.
  17. cav115

    cav115 Well-Known Member

    +1. What is it, the 1st grade when you get the "sticks and stones" talk?

    Harden the fuck up!
  18. hellishhorses

    hellishhorses Active Member

    Already said that
  19. I think every politician should have to come work offshore as a roughneck for a few weeks just to put some of this candy ass bullshit they cry about in perspective a little bit.

    MINDOVERMATTER You can't see me

    But the govt is out to get us :Poke:

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