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Cardinal Sins Men/Women

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by etemplet, Nov 21, 2003.


Which Cardinal Sin, is hardest for men to control?

Poll closed Dec 5, 2003.
  1. Greed

    0 vote(s)
  2. Anger

    5 vote(s)
  3. Lust

    12 vote(s)
  4. Gluttony

    2 vote(s)
  5. Pride

    7 vote(s)
  6. Envy

    3 vote(s)
  7. Sloth (laziness)

    4 vote(s)
  1. etemplet

    etemplet Well-Known Member

    I appreciate the discussion, jokes and digs included. :)

    Merry Christmas,
  2. Joss

    Joss F3 Dabbler

    "Your body screams for it..."

    Heh, heh...

    This reminds me of the young couple that gave up sex for Lent (you have probably heard this story but it fits so perfectly into the idea of the lack of it enhances the desire of it).

    Anyway, it was very difficult to maintain their committment... so they ended up sleeping in separate rooms. Finally, on the morning that Lent ended, there came a THUNDEROUS KNOCKING at the door to the wife's bedroom.

    She coyily called out, "I bet I know what you're knocking for...."

    Her husband's reply was, "Sure... but can you guess what I'm knocking WITH?"

    Merry Christmas to you and yours, as well. :)
  3. rob600rider

    rob600rider THE MAN

    What is a cardinal sin? A not so serious one?
  4. etemplet

    etemplet Well-Known Member

    Man that sure was a good one!! Oh Yea!1 :D

    I was considering going "without" for Lent 2004. I gave it a trial run last month and failed miserably. After the 1st week I accused my wife of taunting me with her every move. ie. "Quit wearing those tight jeans! You never wore them in 6 months, Don't bend over like that in front of me! You're doing that on purpose!"

    I'm not sure but I think it turned her on. :beer:
  5. etemplet

    etemplet Well-Known Member

    Cardinal means cheif, prime or principal. These sins or called Cardinal or Capital sins because the engender other sins. For instance, "greed" can give way to theft or even murder. "Lust" can give way fornication, adultery, etc...

    Hope this helps. :)
  6. charles

    charles The Transporter


    No, no, my friend, This is the TRUE BEST THREAD of the lot!
    I mean, take a look at the bilgewater being pumped out on the "other" threads! This, my son, is the TRUE BEST THREAD
    expressing all of that which we always knew to be true but were
    too stiffled to say. Indeed, give praise for this opportunity to get into the salt of life... I'm tired now, g'night.

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