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Bah Humbug, aethists win again

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by EngineNoO9, Oct 29, 2009.

  1. DDK732

    DDK732 Well-Known Member

    I don't follow. The bible prophasizes over and over again Jesus' comming and the significance of His life. It was prophasized to the day when he would enter Jarusalem, on a donkey no less. The bible also prophasizes his death in great detail (see psalm 22) as well as the future of the church (all nearly 1000 years before Christ was born). It all previews the New Testament perfectly. So, I do not see the similarity between the New Testament, a collection of books that was prophasized to be, and the book of Mormon (which does not follow any of the prophasies of the bible and even disregards what is said in the bible).
  2. H8R

    H8R Bansgivings in process

    Please cite sources outside of the Bible.

    Should I put up links that show the hundreds of contradictions, and errors in the bible? If, as many Christians believe, that the bible is inerrant how do you justify your belief with all of the errors?

    The bible fails.
  3. DDK732

    DDK732 Well-Known Member

    Sure....like all the word errors???? These come from translating from different languages. Many of the so called errors are from the copies of the original bible writtings missing the words "a" or "an" because the original Hebrew does not contain these connecting words and in English they do. Other "errors" are word order; i.e. "he placed the bible on the table" to "on the table he placed the bible". Same idea, different word order and this is what is being considered "errors".

    If you want a good book that's not the bible pick up "A Case for Faith", "God's Outragious Claims" or read any atheist debate with Dr William Lane Craig (William Lane Craig vs. Chris Hitchens is pretty good).

    For all the errors you think you can find there are just as many rebuttles that prove the validity of the bible. There have been many atheists researching the errors of the bible that have converted because of their findings.

    I'm no apologetics expert, but the proof for the legitimacy of the bible is pretty strong. I too used to doubt the bible and took many "experts" word for it containing many flaws and therefore could not be trusted. When I started studying the other side of the argument I learned that the so called "experts" that were arguing against the bible didn't have a firm leg to stand on, their logic and arguments were flawed.

    Don't just study the side you are on because you "know" it's right. Study both sides of the debate and then come up with a logical conclusion. You are bringing up old arguments that many popular atheist scholars don't even believe or push any more.
  4. H8R

    H8R Bansgivings in process

    Your not even close with the word errors....there is so many contradictions in the bible...it's ridiculous...you sound blind. As far as logic and firm leg....the bible is a nice book with good ideas....nothing more.

    And before you get all snippy...I read the bible, most of the Koran, the Tao Te Ching.... Some of the important people in my life were jews...and lastly I lived for 30 years not far from the Self Realization fellowship.
  5. DDK732

    DDK732 Well-Known Member

    For every atheist argument about errors and contradictions in the bible there are equal arguments for the bible by Christian apologists.

    Many people have read the bible and don't understand its meaning. Some fail to look into the text and study its word. Some take it out of context and twist its meaning.Some never study the original hebrew and greek to understand the full meaning of its verses.

    Many westerners have read the koran, but unless you know and understand arabic you are not getting the full meaning of that book either.

    So, have you studied the bible or did you only read it (this is not a "snippy" question, it's an honest one)? Have you studied the koran or did you only read it? I grew up in the south were everyone has read the bible, but very few actually know its meaning. This was a big reason why I grew up an atheist. They can throw out scripture and resite what the preacher has said about the gospel, but fail to have an understanding behind it all.
  6. extrabill

    extrabill Guest

    Have you read the Bible in it's original Aramaic, Greek, and ancient Hebrew?

    Here's The Lords Prayer translated from the Original Aramaic:

    O Birther! Father- Mother of the Cosmos
    Focus your light within us - make it useful.
    Create your reign of unity now-
    through our fiery hearts and willing hands
    Help us love beyond our ideals
    and sprout acts of compassion for all creatures.
    Animate the earth within us: we then
    feel the Wisdom underneath supporting all.
    Untangle the knots within
    so that we can mend our hearts' simple ties to each other.
    Don't let surface things delude us,
    But free us from what holds us back from our true purpose.
    Out of you, the astonishing fire,
    Returning light and sound to the cosmos.

    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 8, 2009
  7. EngineNoO9

    EngineNoO9 Well-Known Member

    Wow I had no idea what I was starting when I made this thread... heh
  8. bardo

    bardo Well-Known Member

    thats what im sayin' sum bitch. yeee haawwww

  9. DDK732

    DDK732 Well-Known Member

    No, I haven't read the original language of the text but I am studying it now. You do get a more rounded picture of the bible when you learn what the original text says and how it was taken in during the time that it was written.
  10. H8R

    H8R Bansgivings in process

    You're on glue.

    This is in no way meant to offend the other Christians here...I appreciate many people of many faiths...and think for those that want or need religion...well more power to you.

    DDK who is writing above is the person that gives so many of you a bad name.
  11. Stefan

    Stefan Well-Known Member

    DDK, very interesting!
  12. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    This is even more confusing than everything else you've said so far. If you haven't read the original language, if you don't speak the original language, how do you know your understanding of the Bible is better than anyone else's? :confused:
  13. soderholmd

    soderholmd Banned

    Maybe this factual account of what actually happened will help ya out.

    Watch the whole thing man and think about the words. Give it a chance, what are you afraid of trying for?


    Thats the sacrafice Christians are thankfull for H8R.........it's not about fear, it's about what Christ did for us, because we failed him.

    It's about faith in a higher being - If all you do is look at empirical known fact, you wouldnt make a very good scientist. Science is about discovering things and doing things in ways that are undiscovered. :up:

    And I think you might be onto something with the Superstring theory.....;):D
  14. soderholmd

    soderholmd Banned

    Biblical predictions come true - Go ahead and check for yourself Athiests.....:up:






    Just a short section of whats available.

    If your a Secular Science guy, you gotta look at this mountain of evidence and say this god guy is pretty special, and something completely unique.

    How do you explain all of this true and fulfilled bible prophesy away.....?
  15. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Wow. Just wow.
  16. H8R

    H8R Bansgivings in process

    Hasn't Nostradamus allegedly been right about a lot of things?

    Yep....don't believe that either.

    Science is about empirical facts. Regardless of what I believe if there isn't verifiable, repeatable evidence to confirm it....it is nothing more then a nice idea.
  17. soderholmd

    soderholmd Banned

    How do you explain away all the true prophesy in the bible written hundreds to thousands of years before?
  18. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    There is no true prophecy in the bible written hundreds (btw, it's thousands now) of years earlier. Yes, I have read the bible.
  19. DDK732

    DDK732 Well-Known Member

    I was trying to explain how only reading the bible is one part. To fully understand the text you should break it down to its roots. Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic do not perfectly translate to the English language. Plus the history behind what was said and understanding the circumstances of the time helps to better understand the text. The same is true with any book.

    My personal understanding of the bible is not the best in the world. I explained I am studying it now and only sharing my opinion that it is an important book to really dig into and study. My understanding of the bible's history and meaning has deepened because of my studies.
  20. extrabill

    extrabill Guest

    There is not a single, specific, clearly stated prophecy in the Bible that has come true. Not one. I don't have to read the bible, or even your links, to know that. The authors of the Bible were no more able to tell the future then you or I. If there was such a prophecy, or evidence of scientific knowledge unknown at the time, of even evidence that the authors of the Bible were aware of the existence of the New World, Japan or Australia, I would be well aware of it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 8, 2009

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