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Anyone care to see my band?

Discussion in 'General' started by EXKid, Oct 11, 2009.

  1. EXKid

    EXKid Well-Known Member

    It's been a while since i've been on here. I've changed hobbies so to speak from riding to being a dad, and playing out with the band when time permits.

    Pretty sure I started a thread back when we went on a week long tour out to Phoenix last year.

    This show was back in April when we opened up for Karma to Burn from WV. Good time.

  2. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    DAMN! that's one big ass drummer. What do you feed him, whole cows and crates of Oreos?

    Pretty tight. :up:
  3. 418

    418 Expert #59

  4. EXKid

    EXKid Well-Known Member

    He's quite a big boy yes. Might not surprise you to find out that one night at band practice he had a mild heart attack and we took him to the E-room.

    Not a fun time. Three stents. He has since quit smoking and started eating healthier, though he falls off the wagon occasionally. Heart attack at 35. In this same set there is a part in another song where he pull out a nitro pill to settle him down.
  5. EXKid

    EXKid Well-Known Member

    I'm the bass player btw.
  6. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Cool, that saves me from telling you to get a hair cut. :D

    Good stuff, dude.

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