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Alabama abortion law...

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by jase, May 16, 2019.

  1. CausticYarn

    CausticYarn Well-Known Member

    I have been told three times in the past week that I use too many big words. I got in an argument with a friend that pretty much ended with "I don't want to have to use a dictionary every time I try to talk to you." :crackup:

    I feel like I am in Idiocracy.
    "You talk like a fag"
    sheepofblue and Rebel635 like this.
  2. nigel smith

    nigel smith Well-Known Member

    Obviously, I fully support killing as many people as it takes to get you to properly respect the sanctity of human life.
    pickled egg likes this.
  3. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Was that sarcasm? :crackup:
  4. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    We are only at the top of the food chain when standing in specific locations and armed well enough to protect ourselves. Otherwise we are part of it.
  5. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Georgia law is idiotic and will be overturned. Alabama law is even more idiotic and goes totally against Roe V Wade so it won't even stand as long as Georgias.

    Seems like the whole idiocy is a push to get the Supremes involved - yet there is no reason they would or need to. None of this crap will reach them and if it does they should just not hear the case.
  6. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Pregnant mother murder laws are weird and usually very different than the abortion laws/limits. Never understood them myself.
  7. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    I noticed everyone avoided this question like the plague.

    Your neighbor has a dog in his back yard.
    It's behind a fence so you can't see it and it's not your dog.
    Every day he comes home and tortures it in the back yard,
    out of your sight.
    Is it any of your business?
    Is your neighbor a bad person?

    How about this one?
    It involves a topic that gets injected into other discussions
    all the time here.

    If a priest somewhere is molesting a kid, and it isn't your
    kid or your church, is it any of your business?

    Venom, why don't you take this one?
    It's another adult exercising his free will and
    it involves someone else's kid, so not your business.
    And it's just sex, not murder.
  8. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    No. It's not my business. It's not my business until he ventures in to my yard and attempts to torture my dog. I think we have a society that is entirely to comfortable with believing they have a valid obligation to be involved with what goes on in their neighbors yard or home. Do I feel bad for the dog? Sure. Would I take the dog if asked because he is simply tired of abusing it? You bet. Would I get so involved that I feel the need to have someone forcefully remove the dog from that person's possession? Probably not. Again I took on the responsibility of caring for and keeping my dogs safe by choice. I didn't make the choice to do so for all dogs.

    I can deem a neighbor a shit bag for any number of reasons. That doesn't give me any ability to get involved in his life.
    Last edited: May 17, 2019
  9. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner

  10. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    They're alive. They're established. Abortion isn't a good thing, but come on, let's face it - people who do not want a child are not going to be good parents, so the likelihood of that kid growing up and being a productive member of society is fairly low. During the first few weeks of a pregnancy, there's nothing there but a mass of tissue. It has no cognizance, no feelings, no nothing, and it completely dependent on the mother's body. It may be the next Einstein, or it may be the next Hitler. Either way it simply doesn't matter because it's not up to you or me to decide how to proceed at that point.

    And everyone who claims to be against abortion, but it not willing to support or take care of these unwanted kids - your opinion is completely void. That's the huge irony in all of this. The same people wanting to ban abortion are also against welfare, wic, birth control, and so on. Total hypocrites.
  11. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Yes it matters and yes you should get involved. It's a human being. Abortion however up to the fetus being viable outside the womb without a lot of nicu help is a mass of cells that is not a human.

    I realize you will never accept the difference. Lots of people use faith rather than logic when thinking about things like this.
    tzrider likes this.
  12. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner

    Something else I'm perplexed about here, with the whole rape and incest argument (which I still think are bad arguments to be making to support abortion legality).

    If you've been raped and/or having an incestuous relationship, why not immediately take a Plan B pill right away. Why would you get raped, wait several months for the baby to gestate inside of you, and THEN go and demand an abortion. Does the former approach not seem far more logical than the latter? I get it, its an awful traumatic and very unfortunate situation to happen to a victim, but nevertheless using a bit of good sense will prevent not only the need for a potential abortion to be carried out down the road, but also the mental torment the victim might need to endure going through that procedure months down the road rather than simply swallowing a pill that's readily available and costs a couple $'s and being done with it then and there.

    I would still concede that abortion is allowable if the pregnancy is a risk to the mother's health/life. But we've gone through this argument before in that other thread a couple of months ago when Virginia Gov Ralph Northam was proposing allowing abortions up until and at the time of birth. When we look at the ACTUAL numbers, the overwhelming majority of abortions are NOT conducted because of rape, or incest or even less because the mother's life is at risk. They are overwhelmingly done because the pregnancy is an inconvenience......and once again, if it's going to be an inconvenience why did you wait months and months to do it.

    Again, I'm someone that pushes alot for people to take personal accountability and responsibility for their actions. Between Plan B after the fact or contraception beforehand there's alot of personal responsibility a person can take to prevent almost all of this from even being a thing in the first place. Unfortunately the majority of people want someone else to clean up with messes most of the time, which is unfortunate.

    I dunno, JMO
  13. TXFZ1

    TXFZ1 Well-Known Member

    Roe v Wade, I never understood how the Constitutional Right to Privacy excepting the right to life or due process. Roe V Wade was a stupid judgement, just as bad as Dred Scott in hindsight. Now, we have the Natural Law of Property overriding the Natural Law of the right to life. :crackup:

    Love the viable argument, kids are not viable until three and they are outside the womb. Lots of elderly folks are dependent on others to live.

    Mass of cells that contain the genes that define sex, height, hair and eye color, blood type (which can be different from the mothers), personalities traits, medical risks, etc. Its a human life form at conception and not before, that is the line. Calling it anything else is just disingenuous.

    Face it, Safe, Legal and Rare was a farce. In 1971, 24 women died from complication during legal abortions and 39 died from illegal. in 2017, 6 died from legal. 60 million rare, that is more than Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Poi Pot, and the Rwandians in total.

    Benefit to society, who knows if the next Albert Einsteins has already been aborted?

    I am okay with overturning Roe v Wade and Planned Parenthood v Casey, as they are based on the 14th Right to Privacy and abortion is not defined in the constitution. States can write the laws that they want. It's wrong to me but I follow Venon's, you do you philosophy. Just don't pretend it not killing a human.
  14. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Well-Known Member

    Could be long words, sheeplish with an accent. I get head nods a lot up north anymore, and the French Canadians :crackup: And yet they are to polite to complain :Pop:
  15. CausticYarn

    CausticYarn Well-Known Member

    You’re saying an 11 year old needs to know what feeling pregnant is like? Or that a child should just say no to fucking their brother? Riiiiiiiiiiight.

    Plan B isn’t a sure thing - it fails all the time - its a heavy dose of bc pills and if you’ve already ovulated it’s even more useless. It also isn’t available everywhere all the time. If the pharmacy is closed or you aren’t 18...guess who doesn’t get the pill?

    No one should have to be forced to carry a rape baby.

  16. jase

    jase Your kind makes me sick!!

    Wow. This is good.

    My stand is that it should be left up to the mother what to do with her body. I dont think it's right to force your opioin, by law on what someone can do with their bodies.
  17. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Well-Known Member

    Yep like vaccinations? Or taking your labor? Or mandatory education. Or ..... Granted this is MUCH more personal but the government forces people to do things all the time. And it is amusing how in this case the sides have swapped. Those for big government are against this control while those against big government are for this government control.
  18. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck

    Too soon, dude.... too soon ...
  19. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    You must be new here. :moon:
    auminer likes this.
  20. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    What about the contributor of baby batter? Should he have consideration in the killing of his potential child?

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