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Advice needed on tenant/landlord issue...

Discussion in 'General' started by Gigantic, Feb 4, 2009.

  1. Yankee Bravo

    Yankee Bravo Well-Known Member

    You don't have to be a Christian to get help from a church...

    BTW, nice articles at TrackdayMag... You might see what else you can find in that arena... Got to be more than a few motorcycle oriented websites that could use some articles...
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2009

    GAMBLER Neard supporter

    SUE ME? SUE ME! ha, ha, ha, take a number pal!

    pour concrete down their pipes, become a nun, god will forgive you while you live rent free among sex starved jesus freaks

  3. GixxerNash

    GixxerNash I hate this job!

    This is correct

    I agree 100% with what was said here. I lost my job early 2008 making close to 100k. I am also in a very similar position to what you are describing. Over qualified for most work in my field and under qualified for something new paying good money. I now work two jobs and have sold almost everything we had in our previous life. Seriously take a look at the Dave Ramsey information. Listen to him on the radio or watch on Fox News Network at night. It is the kind of information that will change your life. When you get through this mess...and you will get through it! You will have a better understanding of how to avoid these type of problems in the future. Simple things like setting up your own emergency fund for times like these. I can tell you that my wife and I will NEVER finance another thing as long as we live. Not a house, car, bike, or kitchen table. Anyway, good luck bro and check out the Dave Ramsey stuff. I know it has helped us...
  4. Donkey1

    Donkey1 Well-Known Member

    Go get Aflac then jump out your window, youll be covered.:D
  5. Gigantic

    Gigantic Maverick Moto Media

    I would sell the jeep, but that would leave me with no transport, and still hafta make payments. Resale on SUVs is not so good these days, especially odd-ball diesels that didn't sell well to begin with.
    I'll look into churches and other social services. I hadn't actually considered that angle; I'd rather have a job or three and work my way out of this mess. Always been reluctant to collect welfare of any sort- in the past, it was always easier to find a job, any job. Not so now...
  6. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    It isn't welfare if you truly need it.
  7. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Hey Alexa's Cabana Boy, clean out your box.
  8. scotth

    scotth Banned

    hey lance, you've maxed out your p.m. inbox. did I read somewhere that you cook and went to school for it? like the c.i.a. or something?

    clean out your inbox.
  9. Gigantic

    Gigantic Maverick Moto Media

    Cleaned out.
    I didn't go to school, I learned the old fashioned way- I got screamed at a lot by a short, egotistical frenchman as an apprentice in my early 20's. Last pro gig was 2002 at the Cafe Motley Cow in Iowa City, iowa, where I served as Sous Chef & Sommelier. Now I just make BBQ at the track. People say that it's not bad for being made by a Yankee.
  10. Sig

    Sig Well-Known Member

    What about taking a lesser job to pay the bills while you are looking?
  11. 2Fer

    2Fer Is good

    I didn't know Yankees even knew what good BBQ was, let alone how to cook it.
  12. Gigantic

    Gigantic Maverick Moto Media

    Trying that. Not having any luck.
  13. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Have you tried gigolo?
  14. Gigantic

    Gigantic Maverick Moto Media

    Do a search for a thread called "this past moday at Jennings" I don't mess around when it comes to the Q.

    GAMBLER Neard supporter

    hang on to your jeep, shack up with the gf, fuck the landlord & his lease, sell the bikes/toys, get the resume up on all the boards, consider crime
  16. motion

    motion Nihilistic Member

    I don't have the time to read this entire thread, but if I were in your shoes, I'd figure out a way to legally get out of the lease. Depending on your city/state laws, there are all types of things you can pursue to get off the hook. Mold comes to mind first. There are many others. Do a little googling around. Get the ball in your court. Right now they have you by the balls. Get a part time gig at McDonalds. Something is better than nothing.
  17. CB186

    CB186 go f@ck yourself

    sell the damn bike and the jeep. you signed a contract for the apartment, do everything you can to uphold your end. the bike is the first thing that should go.
  18. BC

    BC Well-Known Member

    Keep the jeep, and use it to deliver pizzas at night. Sounds lame but you can make enough to survive. Work for a couple different places so every night is covered. Your days will be open to find something better.
  19. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Get a job cooking. You're good, you've got experience, do it.
  20. crash51

    crash51 Active Member

    Honestly, without sounding like a complete prick, swallow your pride, Nut up and sell what you don't need. I understand a car is needed to find work, but having a track/race bike and saying you don't have money for rent is RETARDED. Sounds like your priorities are way off. I agree with what someone else already posted....Food, Utilities, Shelter, Primary Vehicle, then Luxuries and having a track bike is not a necessity, no matter how great a deal you got or how much you love it. Times are hard, but jobs are out there. I'd work 2 jobs at McD's before I didn't have a roof over my head.

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