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ACLU at it again.

Discussion in 'General' started by Couchracer85, Jan 24, 2002.

  1. lizard84

    lizard84 My “fuck it” list is lengthy

  2. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Dammit, I knew we were forgetting something...
  3. CharlieM#90

    CharlieM#90 Well-Known Member

    Somebody call my name...?????

    Defend the ACLU???

    Whatever for? They're perfectly capable of defending themselves against some lunatic mayor in Florida....(or any other official who thinks that the function of government is to be the missionary arm of whatever the flavor-of-the-month in things spiritual is)

    But thanks for reminding me....I need to send my renewal. [​IMG]

    Charlie Mc #90
  4. hamlet1316

    hamlet1316 Well-Known Member

    I have found that the majority of people who criticize the ACLU don't genuinely know who the ACLU is, what they do and for what they really stand. What they do know are the less frequent off-beat kind of stories that they are fed by the right-wing controlled media that they read. You, of course, are welcome to act this way if you choose. But don't mistake being fed your opinions and parroting the biased views of the "feeder" as intelligence.
  5. RoadRacerX

    RoadRacerX Jesus Freak

    Yeah, right. I'm sure the ACLU is glad someone believes that. I personally believe that while they may have served a need at one time, the framers of our Constitution are rolling in their graves over some of their antics. I think the ACLU is a mouthpiece of Satan. Sorry, Charlie. Now go pay your dues like a good little robot. [​IMG]
  6. hamlet1316

    hamlet1316 Well-Known Member

    Sounds like you are the one with the robotic rap pal. You've got the "served a purpose at one time but..." line down pretty well.

    I assume that next you'll be talking about the "liberal media". The same media, I assume, that continuously slanders groups like the ACLU by only printing the fringe cases they become involved in and not the many more worthwhile ones. Sounds like you are following in lock-step pretty well. I only wonder if it is Limbaugh (Dittoheads - talk about robots!) or O'Reilly that you prefer as your "objective" news source.
  7. RoadRacerX

    RoadRacerX Jesus Freak

    Scuse me Shakespeare. I do prefer Fox News, but I represent no one but my own personal opinions from a -gasp- "right-wing conservative" Christian.
  8. RoadRacerX

    RoadRacerX Jesus Freak

    You mean you don't think the media has a liberal slant? I could explain it to you if you're too feeble-minded to understand... [​IMG]
  9. hamlet1316

    hamlet1316 Well-Known Member

    It is one thing to be a fool. It is another thing all together to assume that you are right and that every one else is the fool.

    Trust me, I have heard your feeble argument about a "liberal media" a million times and it sounds the same each time. And anyhow, don't you think that I, as a liberal, would be better able to identify a "liberal media" than you would? Unlike you, I DO NOT nightly hear my views voiced on the mainstream media. That should tell you something, no? Or are your views to precious to stand up to question?
  10. RoadRacerX

    RoadRacerX Jesus Freak

    Finally someone like O'Reilly surfaces and you start crying foul? How pathetic, after the eight years of Clinton butt-kissing by CNN, Geraldo, Rather, Brokaw, etc. etc. It's little wonder CNN is losing viewers to Fox. People are sick of that utter crap.
  11. hamlet1316

    hamlet1316 Well-Known Member

    You did not answer any of my questions though, did you?
  12. RoadRacerX

    RoadRacerX Jesus Freak

  13. hamlet1316

    hamlet1316 Well-Known Member

    Q: It is one thing to be a fool. It is another thing all together to assume that you are right and that every one else is the fool.

    A: I do? You don't know me at all.
    You accused me of being "feeble-minded", remember?

    A: I would think you heard your views voiced perfectly the 8 years Clinton was in office. If you catch C-Span, you may hear Daschel or Hillary say something you like. Or maybe you could listen to any one of Jesse Jackson's, or Al Sharpton's diatribes.
    If you knew what you were talking about, chief, you would know that Clinton received a SIGNIFICANT degree of criticism from true liberals as well, including me. I am no Clinton supporter and that should tell you something as well.

    A: Then clean out your ears, jacko. Watch Dan Rather, or Brokaw every week night.
    Right. Whose turn is it for Larry King to lob softballs to tonight? Ashcroft? Rumsfeld? Cheney? Ridge? If the best "liberal" commentator that you can name
    is Rather or Brokaw you are telling a lot about yourself. I will see your Brokaw and Rather and raise you a Will, Robertson, Novak, Williams and Sawyer. All died in the wool conservatives and ex-cabinet members of conservative administrations. Ever heard of Howard Zinn? Noam Chomsky? Michael Parente? Molly Ivans? I'd bet not because they are not represented in mainstream media.
    Q: That should tell you something, no?

    A: No.
    I'm not surprised.

    Q: Or are your views to precious to stand up to question?

    A: You've got to be kidding. My views were trampled for 8 years.
    As have been mine.
  14. troll

    troll Well-Known Member

    Satan is bad Jesus is good.
    Please visit my christian brothers @ www.landoverbaptist.org
  15. Dutch

    Dutch Token white guy

    I'm no big fan of the ACLU, but why let it bother you? If their cases end up truly being a question of Constitutionality they're going to end up in front of the Supreme Court anyway.

    It's funny, though, how I have seen the media being criticized as being both too liberal and too conservative in this, and other threads, on the BBS.
  16. WERA74

    WERA74 Poser and proud of it!

    A Christian Liberal? Wow, that reminds me of when I was in college and some greenie was trying to sell me on the idea of "Vegetarian Dogfood".

    I have had experiences with the ACLU, NAACP, et al, and have come to the conclusion that such organisations are only concerned with issues that would bring them media attention and support. Whatever injustices I may have experienced were of no interest to them unless I could get media attention and they were not shy about making this point known. Hell, the NAACP were only interested in whether I could make a financial contribution, and hung up on me when I told them I was destitute.

    Liberals who squalk about big business taking advantage of the small guys should look within their own "pet organisations".

    My 2p worth...
  17. thuxley

    thuxley Well-Known Member

    What about pro-life Catholics opposed to the death penalty (a combination of conservative and liberal positions), or the Episcopal church's acceptance of gay clergy, or pacifist Quakers? Even in "fundamentalist" protestant churches, the conservative view of young earth creationists (that the earth was created in 7 days within the past 10,000 years) is in opposition to the relatively liberal view that one day in Genesis does not mean 24hours and that the earth can be billions of years old. Seems that one persons idea of a "liberal" Christian is another's idea of "conservative" and vice versa.
  18. CCS990

    CCS990 Well-Known Member

    I think the founding fathers would be with the ACLU on this one. It has little to do with being a conservative or liberal, as I'd hope that all Americans see the value of the Constitution above all other ideology or dogma. Many of the Constitution's framers were religious men, some with a liberal leaning and others more conservative, but they all agreed on the necessity to separate church and state, thus making the Constitution the supreme law of the land while insuring that individuals could practice any religion in their private lives. The references to God are not of any particular church or religion, as all religions recognize a creator.... God just happens to be the English word for the concept. Those who say they don't believe in God are free to do that too. What a great document!!!
    This liberal v. conservative battle in the US has grown to the point that the activists of each group are kicking & clawing to control the government, from Town Hall to the White House & Congress, and thus the Supreme Court, in an effort to institutionalize their ideology: socialism on one side and a non-secular state on the other. Both attempt to trash the Constitution, and to some extent already have. Hopefully the two groups stay in relative balance, because the prevalence of either will erode personal liberty and undermine everything this country was founded upon. Americans who don't have such respect for the Constituion would be well-served to go out and experience the rest of the world.
  19. atspeed

    atspeed Praying Member

    I was raised that 2 subjects to avoid were politics and religion, SO I was a Poli Sci major in college and grew up to be a preacher. My view of this group called the ACLU has to be really skewed as I KNOW what the Constitution was all about as well as the writings of our founding fathers.

    Now if these folks will get around to defending my right to speak out for God as equally as some buddhist/muslim/atheist has to expound on their disbelief in God.
  20. thuxley

    thuxley Well-Known Member

    Can you cite some cases where the ACLU has supported the rights of these non-christian groups to expound on their beliefs in secular places (like public schools or government property) and where Christians can't?

    btw, Muslims believe in God.

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