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14 Kids. Single Mother. Bravo.

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by tony 340, Feb 11, 2009.

  1. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    WTF paid for the procedures???

    I agree this is a black eye on fertility clinics but let's face the facts, women on assistance having babies isnt something new in this country.
  2. 999

    999 Well-Known Member

    You're right, they should be having abortions.

  3. Robert

    Robert Flies all green 'n buzzin

    It reminds me of that old joke about the elderly women who calls the police, complaining about seeing a couple having sex.

    After expressing her disgust and outrage to the cop who shows up, she demonstrates how, if she gets up on top of a chair in her bathroom and stands on her toes and looks out through the tiny gap above the curtain, she can just barely see in the couple's bedroom window.

    Oh, the horror! :)
  4. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    I'll gladly hand em a plastic can of the new DMG spec fuel. You have to take a test to drive a motor vehicle but any @sshole can spawn a potential crack dealing homicidal rapist.
  5. Sacko DougK

    Sacko DougK Well-Known Member

    Don't worry about it. Pelosi has her covered in the stimulus package. $30 million for mouse means she should be getting about $350million. But, hey, enjoy your $13 dollars a week tax rebate. :Puke:
  6. KK352

    KK352 Well-Known Member

    This woman has me so angry.... She is a piece of f*ing work alright.... Oh, and since I live in Calif, I get to pay for her little addiction...

    I was watching the full interview, and I'm just shocked.... She starts spewing religion that her babies were God's will, and that she refused to abort any of them....

    Then talks about (as mentioned in this thread) about not being on welfare, but then claims the food stamps and crap were "assistance for those in need".....

    When all this first broke, and they wouldn't even identify her, her mother went on TV and totally stood up for her daughter, saying she's a great mom and all that....
    Then when Octo Clown Car goes on TV, she says she had a litter b/c her childhood was all f*ed up and her mom didn't love her enough to give her a sibling or whatever.... How messed up is that!?!

    Then she tells Ann Curry that she's gonna use her student loans to pay for her damn kids.... we'll all get to pay for them when she defaults on her student loans b/c there's no full time job she'll ever get that'll pay for raising a classroom of kids!

    And the final cap off..... she's set up a website for donations.

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