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10 Reasons why Louisiana should wake us up....

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by S.E.R.E., Sep 2, 2005.

  1. tony 340

    tony 340 Well-Known Member

    I think people and companies are doing what they can. Most people and companies are stretched so tight right now, they don't have much they can donate or do. Just like the people down there, paycheck to paycheck. This country is on the verge of a total economic collapse. Nobody wants to admit it. If it wasn't for the credit/finance system it would have already collapsed.

    I think the problem with the hurricane relief is

    1. Organizing it.
    2. The sheer number of people
    3. The area they are spread out over

    It seems to me that these hurricanes are now a serious problem and have always been. Why doesn't congress spend the 20Bil and set up Disaster Relief Warehouses all across the south, with tens of thousands of gallons of bottled water, cots, blankets, oxygen bottles, etc.

    You can't prevent the past, but you can prevent it from repeating.
  2. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    We had a staff meeting here in Augusta this morning and are making sure a plan is in place to accept any refugees from the Gulf Coast that may be relocated here (we are told that they will be coming, we just don't know when). Our 911 Director reported that one Food Lion in our area had called wanting a contact to send a trailer load of bottled water to the area. He called Red Cross and was told they were not prepared to accept anything but cash. American are almost always prepared to stup up and help those in need. In this case, the people in charge seem to be totally unprepared.
  3. Buckwild

    Buckwild Radical

    Along with about a gaggle of other Artists, Ball players, actors and other raising more than 10x that.

    The real question is what the fuck have you done besides show your ignorance?
  4. Mitch

    Mitch MV Persistence

    Re: Re: 10 Reasons why Louisiana should wake us up....


    :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:
  5. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    I got around to it.
  6. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    What took you so long. It' s not like there has been a lot going on. :D
  7. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    I had a busy day of doing nothing to get done first. ;)
  8. Knarf Legna

    Knarf Legna I am not Gary Hoover

    Re: Re: 10 Reasons why Louisiana should wake us up....

    Yep, take a look at his sig. WTF is an Air Force guy doing trying to look tough using someone else's slogan? Some people have earned the right to use that phrase, and it sure isn't a bunch of flyboy wannabes. What a friggin jackass.
  9. MarkB

    MarkB All's well that ends well

    Welcome to being poor. All that happened in NO was that the poorest, lowest level of society got crapped on by nature. Where were your plees to Wal-Mart, Evian, Jay-Z when it was merely society shitting on these people???

    These people are used to scavenging, stealing, making do with little/nothing. The only reason you can see them now is because everyone else left them to look after their expensive belongings while they leave town for a bit.

    America (the country I love, so screw the rest of you) needs to look at itself. These people had a shit life last week too - only last week it was dryer for them.
  10. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    And they'll have a shit life next week and the week after, no matter were they are sent. I do not have an answer for the problems of chronic poverty. Yes they are there, we've been fighting a war on poverty my entire life with victory nowhere in sight. Were are the calls for an exit strategy on this one?
  11. Buckwild

    Buckwild Radical

    I read some of the dumbest assed posts on this thread.
    Since when did anyone give a rats ass about poverty anywhere for that matter? To criticize someone's effort and make a mockery of a gift that they didn't have to give to start with is equally as stupid.

    Everyone becomes a vigilante for the masses after the effect. None of you gave a rats ass about the poor or what the wealthy did with thier money and now during a national crisis you stand in all your glory to criticize. I'd stand to bet that less than .05% of the folks posting on here offered nothing more than your worthless opinion on the bbs.

    I guess my rant can be classified under 'political grandstanding' because i'm black and have a desire to see folks do more for these people that started the day with less than nothing.

    How about everyone here look inside and see what you can do to help instead of bastardizing the efforts of others.
  12. Strick

    Strick Good to be king

    Nope it is only political grandstanding when you are an elected official to the U.S. Congress and go on TV and say that the reason those people are not getting help is because they are black.

    Your statements were just right.
  13. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    Being a native of New Orleans I can tell you that there are poor people of every color not just blacks in that city. But I have a hard time feeling sorry for someone bitching about all the stuff they don't have and how everybody should be helping them when she is bitching through a mouthful of gold teeth with the grammar of a 3 year old. And this goes for my relatives live there. They chose to remain there and remain in the finacial position they are in. Most fo the are not worth the air they consume and are riddled with drug use and a lack of motivation to shit.

    And I am sorry if this pisses people off but I have a hard time feeling sorry for people whose lives are a result of piss poor decision making. And that's all it is. People come here everyday that don’t even speak the language and find a way to be productive and make money and better there lives. Are they special in some way that the poor of New Orleans are not? I don't think so. Being poor is a consequence not a destiny. None of them were destined to be poor. Their actions or lack there of have put them there.

    I have made my donations and I will volunteer my time to help rebuild the place. Although I think it would be better turned into a landfill. But you all don't have the things you have or the money you spend to go racing from sitting on your ass waiting for someone to hand it to because you feel entitled to it.

    I applaud the generosity of the Pro Athletes and Recording Artist that are donating. Because they are helping the same people that sometimes spend the last 10 buck they have to sit in the nosebleed section of stadium to watch them play.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2005
  14. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Bullshit! You know this based on what data? Have you met each and every one of us and know everything we are involved to make an informed comment? Or is this based on a stereotype?
  15. Buckwild

    Buckwild Radical

    I'll see your bullshit and raise you some action.
    I just volunteered to drive a school bus from my son's high school to deliver water and food to those in need. There's also a plan to bring some of the victims (some of which are now orphans) back this way for temporary housing and school. My son's HS is making room for them as I type. You knuckleheads can rant about whatever. I'm getting my ass in the mix to see what I can do to help. Here's your data. 1 person that I know of. Do you know more?

    P.S. You're right Strick, I just watched the replay.
  16. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    You're a good man, Kevin. Better than I'll ever be. Have a safe trip.
  17. Buckwild

    Buckwild Radical

    Careful with that good stuff, I have a reputation to uphold.;) Really, I'm not better than the next man. I'd like to think that everyone has degrees of good in them. I'm in a position where I can tear loose for a week or so to help, so why not right? If you separate the thugs from the rest there still remains good folks down there that may not mind eating something I cook. (or bring in a box)

    My son is asking if we can volunteer to sponsor one of these kids coming back. I think I'm more shocked at his selflessness than anything else.........
  18. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    Tell your son that he's a good kid with a good father, and then explain to him about karma, and that what goes around, comes around.
  19. DDD570

    DDD570 Guest

    cry me a fucking river.....

    utter bullshit.

    what the fuck made someone a god-damned animal today.... that wasn't before a storm??

    not ALL of of the affected areas acted out in such a manner as N.O....

    all that demonstrates in stupid stupid stupid mob and animal behavior.

    nothing else.

    it's EXACTLY WHY you haven't heard a peep from AL sharpton, or Jesse Jackson UNTIL NOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!!!!

    sorrry to bear the truth.

    but this shit we've AAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLL BEEN privy to is a pretty good MICROCOSM of what is going on.

    bigot???? i guess I AM.........
  20. Robert

    Robert Flies all green 'n buzzin

    That's a very cool thing to do. And give it up, your reputation is fucked. :D

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