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06 GIXXER 600 SET Valve removal

Discussion in 'Tech' started by swiftscott, Dec 31, 2006.

  1. swiftscott

    swiftscott Active Member

    I'm sure it's on here somewhere, but could someone please tell me what I need to do electrically to remove the SET valve??

    I found threads with "clip pin 30" but I just ain't smart enough for that, so the more detail, the better for me. Pictures would be awesome!
  2. PistolPete

    PistolPete Fuck Cancer...

    Lots of write-ups with pics at gixxer.com but basically remove the cables and the servo, and cut or pull the #30 wire which will stop the FI fault and light. The butterfly valve is spring rigged in the open position. Some people wire it for safety to keep it from closing if the spring breaks. I took the whole butterfly out and plugged the shaft hole with a bolt. A little math showed that the butterfly and shaft even in the open position were a 25% blockageof the head pipe.
  3. Cannoli

    Cannoli Typical Uccio

    Do a search here in the tech section. I did a detailed write-up on this. It's very easy...

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