Official 2016 GNF thread

Discussion in 'General' started by Gorilla George, Oct 16, 2016.

  1. Ducti89

    Ducti89 Ticketing Melka’s dirtbike.....

    I think I'll wheel the trebuchet over here for a bit.
  2. joec

    joec brace yourself

    I thought that was a, north south thing..time is slower the further south you go.....huh....
  3. 83BSA

    83BSA Well-Known Member

    Time is exponentially related to the distance from the equator: Very slow at 0 degrees and equally slow at 90 degrees. The time speed -distance relationship is parabolic. This is evidenced by empirical evidence and experience. Having worked in the Arctic, and at and around the equator, I can testify to such. As for the "fast" time zones, simply go to NYC, Paris, London, etc and experience the rapidity with which everything occurs.

    As for "Texas Time" being normal, . . . . I suggest that invokes the concept of an altered state . . . .


  4. sowega

    sowega #710

    It's a flat circle.
    RedReplicant likes this.
  5. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    OK, I read the last few pages kind of quickly and might be a little confused, but it seems that something backfired badly in here since yesterday. This thread delivers.
  6. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    I figured you weren't pushing it - you'd be faster than them with competition. It was still impressive how they were rolling.
  7. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    The 45th WERA Grand National Finals will be at Barber Motorsports Park on November 2-5, 2017.
  8. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    For FSS?

    " *No engine modifications allowed"

    It's been there since it was ESS and I made the class.
  9. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

  10. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Yep, looked at the numbers for the classes Friday night along with factoring in the R3 Cup being there this year and I split them Saturday morning then combined Sunday morning.

    If we do the R3 Cup again in 2017 I'll most likely leave it split on the schedule.
  11. sowega

    sowega #710

    Thank you for that - LW practice was great Saturday AM; the only real problem I had was sharing the track with Copoulos, who is a shitheel.
  12. Robby-Bobby

    Robby-Bobby Steeltoe’s Daddy

    I'd like to file a pre-protest on the top 3 in the R3 cup. I want to see crankshafts:)
    Cam Morehead and JJJerry like this.
  13. regularguy

    regularguy Always Krispy

    eff you dickhead. At least I waved instead of flipping you off.
  14. cannonballcobb

    cannonballcobb Registered Offender

    You gonna need someone to send you pictures of the cranks?

    Or are you gonna grow a pair and show up to the GNF next year?
  15. sowega

    sowega #710


    I don't want to fight.
  16. Robby-Bobby

    Robby-Bobby Steeltoe’s Daddy

    You cracker ass cracker I got more GNF laps in 1 year than you have in 10. I don't wanna hear it.

    DOn't make me bring a dirtbike and take your trophy and your mini-van!
  17. cannonballcobb

    cannonballcobb Registered Offender

  18. Metalhead

    Metalhead Dong pilot

  19. omatter34

    omatter34 Well-Known Member

    My birthday weekend, hmmm. Haven't been able to race with Wera for a few years due to work & life, but I may need to make some rounds next year to be able to do the GNF.
  20. dickie doo

    dickie doo Well-Known Member

    Damn, just saw this... You can't catch a cold old man.

    Get back to underwater basket-weaving and leave the shit talking to the big boys. :p

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