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Volcanoes: They're not warming the Earth

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by chuckbear, Oct 16, 2012.

  1. chuckbear

    chuckbear Totally radical, bro.

    I pulled this from a Facebook post by a group called The Earth Story. I hear a lot from climate change deniers that Volcanoes and such emit more CO2 than humans, though all I've ever seen is anecdote, so I found the numbers behind that suggestion to be very interesting.

    I can't wait to see where this goes. :D

  2. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Do your part....stop breathing.
  3. chuckbear

    chuckbear Totally radical, bro.

    I'm glad to see you're concerned. :up:
  4. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

  5. chuckbear

    chuckbear Totally radical, bro.

    Do tell.
  6. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Global warming. It's a scam and a money grab. Al Gore has made tens of Millions from it and stands to make hundreds of Millions by scaring people.

    The big bad boogey man and his global warming is commin' ta' git ya'!

    Or maybe I'm bored and feel like stiring shit, you figure it out.
  7. chuckbear

    chuckbear Totally radical, bro.

    So if someone's making money, it must be bad?

    How about these NASA boys' study on which the post is based? Are they fudging the numbers as a money grab, even though their budget is fixed?

    Btw, stirring shit and believing what you're saying are not mutually exclusive. :D
  8. Britt

    Britt Well-Known Member

    So, Just exactly what the hell do you want to do about it??? Stop all human activity? Stop Driving? Stop Making Stuff...what ever shall we do??

    The Sky is Falling The Sky is Falling...Oh My God, Runnnnnnnnnnnn.:D
  9. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    By scaring people, yeah it is.

    Yes. And they were caught doing it.

    30 years ago it was global cooling and another ice age is coming! Run!
    15 years ago it was globabl warming and the earth will be like Venus in 20 years! Run!
    Now it's global climate change and the polar bears will have no place to live and piranha will infest your toilet so you'd better check before you sit down to read your RRW. Run!

    Carbon trading, alternative energy (but not nuclear), you will own a 60 mpg hybrid or we'll send you to the reeducation camps! Bush did it!

    Scam! Scam! Scam! Al gore is a liar! Global warming is bunk! and hippies are the enemy of human kind.

    or maybe I'm really really bored.
  10. ahrma_581

    ahrma_581 Well-Known Member

    Reduce your expectations. Everyone will have to live in mud huts. But some peoples' mud huts will be much nicer.
  11. Britt

    Britt Well-Known Member

    Can we at the very least have a fire to warm ourselves and cook with or is that going to kill the planet too.>?
  12. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Are you going to cook murdered animals over you fire? You should consider going vegan and not eating your friends.
  13. duck62

    duck62 V7 Scooter

    I think we are forgetting about all those cows farts too.

    Britt has it right! What a bunch of BUNK!
  14. Britt

    Britt Well-Known Member

    Slit their throats, bleed them out, roast the raw flesh to a tastey warmness allowing the juices to retain the soul...yep...my food will shat upon the Vegan's food, up and untill the moment I slay it for my fire.
  15. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Well-Known Member

    "Published reviews of the scientific literature by Kerrick et al (2001) report a minimum-maximum range of emission of 65 to 319 million tonnes of CO2 per year from subaerial and submarine volcanoes."

    :wow: there are aerial volcanos! Those must be a true bitch.
  16. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    If I can reduce your carbon footprint to zero, I can get a credit.
  17. chuckbear

    chuckbear Totally radical, bro.

    I don't know. Who said we can do anything?

    Wouldn't you rather know the truth, regardless of whether or not you can or will do something about it?

    Everyone is going to die one way or the other. That might scare some people, but not telling them will not change that fact. I don't think we should coddle people by not telling them truth.
  18. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Exactly. A little panic will probably eliminate more of you breathers.
  19. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Some truths are more true than others. :D
  20. chuckbear

    chuckbear Totally radical, bro.

    Who's panicked?

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