Crashed bike and repairs

Discussion in 'General' started by Bandit730, Aug 13, 2012.

  1. jd96

    jd96 Well-Known Member

    If it were my bike i would be content with him repairing it mechanically. I wouldn't ask for new body work- it can be repaired to a sufficient level.

    I always end up chucking my bikes down the track one way or another. Body work is like brake pads... Disposable wear item as far as I'm concerned lol
  2. fallrisk

    fallrisk Well-Known Member

    My policy is you break ot you buy it. Im not waiting for months to get my bike fixed. Already been through this once and i got paid for the bike right away.
  3. jd96

    jd96 Well-Known Member

    Or that is incredibly fair if that were the deal going into the weekend. ^^

    Not many people have 8-14k laying around to do that. It's much easier to spend 1500$ in parts.
  4. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Forget crash damage, it's spying I'd worry about. The guy could take pictures and measurements and sell them to the Koreans!
  5. duck62

    duck62 V7 Scooter

    Sounds like your answer.....
  6. Bandit730

    Bandit730 Racing neophyte

    That's part of my frustration, I'm not asking for new bodywork or expendable shit like that, shit, I went ahead and bought a new frame, fairing stay and pipe so it's not I left the dude with the total cost of repairing it. The bike still needs things like brake lines, throttle assembly (tube, housing and lines, etc) and a right rear set among other things. I'm not even sure what all is still needed as the bike has been at the ama racers house since it was wadded up. Needless to say, I'm heading over after work to pick it up.
  7. Spitz

    Spitz Well-Known Member


    I think thats pretty disrespectful to walk away assuming they owe you nothing. If I didnt have a bike to exchange or a way to fix the bike I wouldnt have rode it to begin with. I understand if the guy didnt have the money cash in hand but damn, cmon. I dont let people use my shit anymore for that reason.

    My wife backed into her mom/dad's car the other day. I IMMEDIATLY called him and said lets start the insurance claim so we can get it fixed up and all that. He said he didnt car but it still bothers me to see the big gouge in her mother's car. I'm half tempted to just go take the bumper cover off and run it to the bodyshop.

    DOUBLE-R Member

    I would expect help in fixing my bike nothing more. whats the bike worth 3k? And he put 1k plus time and a garage to work on it? Sounds like half way to me. Thats great that you also did your part to help out as well. The guy "" riding your bike is was a seasoned vet in the racer world for sure and it was an accident for sure. He did man up the next day a after a bad crash still rode for your team so you werent left on the side lines. Even rode a full hour with body work falling off and radiator fluid spraying all over him. Didnt he go out for practice on known smoked tires?? Lots of stuff seems to of got left out of this badger. Said "guy" is a stand up dude and would do all that he can for even total strangers just saying. I remember watching him look up parts as you guys ate dinner. So is it the right way to handle it? Depends on which side of the fence your standing on I guess. What else do you think he owes you for a TEAM endurance bike?
  9. xrated

    xrated Well-Known Member

    I honestly can't believe that this question needs any discussion! He wrecked it, he puts it back to the condition that it was in before he rode, labor, whatever expense that has been accrued. That is how I was raised and how I would act. Adults take responsibility for their actions and if he couldn't or wouldn't fix the bike to "pre-borrow" condition, then he had no business riding it....plain and simple!
  10. GixxerBlade

    GixxerBlade Oh geez

    Why is this even a conversation?
  11. fastedyamaha

    fastedyamaha Well-Known Member

    I you think the almighty beeb will flame this guy and force him to pay you some more cash? I think it's pretty poor taste to air something like this with just your side of the story being posted as what is the truth....

  12. kneedragger29

    kneedragger29 Well-Known Member

    Hopefully you're not serious.
    1,2 & 3 all happened when his ass was on the bike.
    The rider who crashes returns the bike in as-borrowed condition, or better.
    One more for "why is this even being discussed?"
  13. BC

    BC Well-Known Member

    Borrowed is a little confusing the way I read it. Guy was asked to ride and binned the bike in a practice day prior to the race.

    The endurance thing changes everything for me. I don't have enough details or both sides of the story to form an opinion, but I'm not ready to hang the guy either.
  14. ttt637

    ttt637 Well-Known Member

    What kind of bike is it, we all may have some spares to get you going.
  15. Bandit730

    Bandit730 Racing neophyte

    How and where have I asked for the beeb to flame the guy? Only thing I've asked of the beeb for is an opinion. Don't like it then move the fuck along. You want both sides of th story then I'll gladly pm you his contact info O' might judge fucknut. Who the fuck do you think you are to judge me?
  16. Bandit730

    Bandit730 Racing neophyte

    $3k? Not even close. Suspension alone was $2500. Don't believe me, I'll be glad to show you the receipts. And your getting your "facts" all crossed up as the bike that was riden for the endurance race was a completely different bike than the one that was crushed. Our TEAM, endurance bike was actaully in Chicago and i offered up mine for that event. Well fawk me for doing my part for helping out the team. YOU of all people should know at least that much since you were there. Smoked tires? Try again, they had one weekend on them, a 2nd gen SV isn't going to burn through tires like inline 4. But keep going captain save a ho.

    As far as what else do I think is owed? My bike fixed to be at least ride able. I wasn't even asking for it to be in the same condition as I handed it over.
  17. fastedyamaha

    fastedyamaha Well-Known Member

    Im Rick James bitch! Why would you post this up on the forum if you didn't want people to flame him? Do you seriously want me to believe you needed another 30-40 opinions on this situation? Fine, then here's my opinion. You sir are an arse clown for posting this on a public forum. Your friends are also arse clowns for flaming him here and elsewhere. Don't let other people ride your bike if you don't have an iron clad (meaning in writing, signed, notarized et al) agreement on what happens if your bike is crashed. Once you have said agreement, feel free to visit a court of law and seek your reparations. Post your dirty laundry here, be prepared to be ridiculed for it. That's my opinion tough guy. Don't like it? Move along! :beer:

    QUOTE=Bandit730;3932314]How and where have I asked for the beeb to flame the guy? Only thing I've asked of the beeb for is an opinion. Don't like it then move the fuck along. You want both sides of th story then I'll gladly pm you his contact info O' might judge fucknut. Who the fuck do you think you are to judge me?[/QUOTE]
  18. Branko

    Branko Well-Known Member

    Interesting story and looks like end of one friendship.Probably you dont have any tools (law tools) to push him pay you a dime.
    If i ill let my friend ride my bike its clear for both of us. If You crash its yours.You pay me for what bike was worth and keep it. Happened to me one time (hungaroring course in europe) and my FRIEND pay for bike.We fixed later and he sold it.
    So i wish you good luck to dealing with this crappy situation.At list one cheap friend out of your list.
  19. Lizard 1

    Lizard 1 Well-Known Member

    Here's the bottom line that I think a lot have missed. It was an endurance bike and the rider who crashed was asked to ride on the team. Since he had no seat time, they had him run in practice the said endurance bike. After all, is a smart idea to let the guy with zero time on said bike some laps to get used to it.

    Rider crashed the bike. So, it is an endurance machine. If he was told it would be split three ways, why is this an issue when he asked for some help on fixing it? If he put in $1k of time and parts, I'd say that that sounds pretty fair to have the other two kick in $2k total for $3k in repair.

    Are you saying that because it was not under "endurance practice time" or during the "endurance race" that he is solely responsible and should foot the total bill?

    If so, you don't understand how the endurance thing goes... Oh, and I saw the results of the crash and there isn't more than $3k damage to that thing.

    Sounds like you are crying about your precious bike that got crashed and want it like new condition. It is an endurance bike that I am almost willing to bet a stupid amount of money that has a ton of time on and has several thousands of miles on the motor.

    You stated that you offered YOUR bike up for the team. Guess what, Holmes? Your bike is possibly going to get destroyed in a crash at the hands of three different riders. That's just a fact. We used to have two bikes at the track at all times because the fact was, we could literally total one and get on the "B" bike and even though start over, could still gain some points. Endurance racing is a blast. But, it can also be a weekend where you crash 2-3 bikes and have a HUGE parts bill on top of the regular costs you pile up on those weekends...

  20. grantcarruthers

    grantcarruthers Well-Known Member

    Did he have $1000 in the endurance effort (entry/fuel/tires) or $1000 toward repairs? Big difference and I don't think ^ gets it.

    From OP it sounds like he walked without providing a single dollar or part toward repair.

    If I crash someone's bike I plan on buying it or repairing it to original condition

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