WERA vs CCS (What do you think?)

Discussion in 'General' started by vaCBRgirl, Nov 25, 2005.

  1. Spyderchick

    Spyderchick Leather Goddess

    :clap: :clap: :clap:
    :clap: :clap: :clap:
    :clap: :clap: :clap:
  2. Cuddles de Sade

    Cuddles de Sade AnACREE in the UK!!!

    Dawn can stay...but SD needs to be sent back!:D :Poke:
  3. r1owner

    r1owner All cars suck!

    If WERA raced in the midwest more (i.e. Saint Louis area), I'd race WERA over CCS any day.

    I've never seen an organization manage its data so poorly.
  4. SV81

    SV81 Steeler Hater

    WERA has a cool transponder system so you can always see, compare lap times/differentials to others. WERA does have a family oriented atmosphere where as CCS doesnt seem that way. The WERA BBS is way better also. I do the full WERA schedule and do local rounds with CCS like Summit and VIR. WERA also has a more proffesional points system unlike CCS. CCS has to many double points and twin sprints rounds, basically you can finish freakin 5th or 6th in each race weekend, but if you make every round you can win championships. The WERA schedule also seems to be more condusive to a lot of people, offering regions such as MA, NE, NC, SE, West, MC etc... For example, with CCS the Mid Atlantic Round last year consisted of Daytona, Barber, two rounds in Georgia. Georgia and Barber are more SE than MA.
  5. SV81

    SV81 Steeler Hater

  6. LoneWolfRacing

    LoneWolfRacing Ride like a stupid moron!

    I raced CCS my first 2 seasons, then in 2005 made the switch to WERA, to the Endurance series no less and I am hooked. The usual suspects mentioned in the above posts are good people!


    With all the moving the CCS office does, someone is bound to get dizzy and lose paperwork. :Puke:
    Yes I will still race a regional at Summit or VIR during the National schedule breaks, but other then that WERA is the place to be.

    Oh by the way Mongo, can you possibly setup Cat Daycare for FastFreddie next season just in case Yzzarrina ( forgot the spelling but we know who I am talking about... Adrienne the best pit crew member any race team could have :up: ) needs to go away during the race season.

    Which brings me to.... hope your healing well Fred, I will give you a call soon! And hello to Adrienne as well! :D
  7. rubberducky

    rubberducky David Rising 742

    CCS is a great club, unless your a racer! Because they dont care for racers much.

    Ive raced with WERA, CCS, CRA and CMRA, and I would have to say that WERA is my favorite. Followed by CMRA. Much more organized than CCS and put on really good events. Plus as Dave K. said the folks are better. But you have to figure out what will work for your schedule. After racing with WERA though the cluster you deal with at a CCS event becomes a bit less forgiveable for the price your paying.
  8. WebCrush

    WebCrush Banned

    someONE? they got one guy working out of their garage!

    Mongo--do you work out of your garage? Didn't think so.
  9. The H-man

    The H-man Go Navy!

    :bow: :bow: ROFL

    This is so damned funny and partly true. I'll leave it to others to figure out which parts are true:D
  10. The H-man

    The H-man Go Navy!

    No Putter, NOOoooo....

    Boxers are EVIL. For manly men like us, that opening in front is just a trap for our pudendum to fall outta and get scrapped against the pants zipper.:Puke:
  11. GixxerBlade

    GixxerBlade Oh geez

    I wish that there were more VIR events. I was hoping on jumping to the darkside this year. However there are 3 at Summit so I just might jump off that cliff yet. :beer:
  12. vaCBRgirl

    vaCBRgirl Member

    Oh wow! This is so exciting! (Yes, I am big dork.) Sorry, I have never done this whole forum thing before. To answer questions...

    I am in Richmond, VA, so I am fairly central for both organizations. I have a SV 650 for a track bike and a CBR 954 for a streetbike. I would absolutely much prefer to be in a family oriented environment. I love people. I love people who ride. I can't wait! I got the SV last winter with the intention of racing last season, however I bought a house, which tends to deplete your funds a bit.

    I plan to post the same question on the CCS board, thank you to the person that provided the link. As far as VIR dates, I would be mad at VIR before WERA since VIR has been somewhat discouraging motorcycle events. VIR is actually the only track I have ever ridden so I am going to try and land a track day at the other tracks prior to the races. Luckily the first weekend for WERA is at VIR. I take this as a sign.

    Two squid questions:
    BBS- what does that stand for?
    Is my lap timer automatically a transponder?

    I try not to be a complete tard, but sometimes I can't help it.

    Thanks so much for all of the responses (whether they had anything to do with the question or not). You guys rock!
  13. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    BBS - Officially, Bulletin Board System. Unofficially, use your imagination.

    Lap timers are not transponders.
  14. SV81

    SV81 Steeler Hater

    The laptimer you have if its a XT or Michron or one of the other brands is not the transponder. You must buy or rent an AMB transponder from WERA or AMB. You can check out the site which WERA posts the results/laptimes at www.mylaps.com and do a search for WERA. It does suck VIR only has one WERA round..I love that track and so do a lot of others. In WERA with the SV you can race LW SOLO, LWSS, SB and F-2. You can also bump up to HWSS and HWSB.
  15. mmfoor

    mmfoor Team Stupid!

    WERA has folks that will pick you up at the hospital after you've crashed and get you back to the track; load your trailer while you were away; offer to keep you involved even if you can't ride. Good folks all and the management has been around for a long time. Plus you can be away for over 20 years (Army's fault), come back and still see folks you know at registration and on the track. Plus the GNF, solo 20s, endurance and vintage combimed in with the race weekend is good stuff for most.
    Gotta go tailgate. My Dawgs are on soon:beer:

  16. STT-Rider

    STT-Rider Well-Known Member

    We try to send new racers the WERA way if geography allows. Of riders that offer feedback, an overwhelmng majority like the WERA "family" atmosphere present at meets.

    Additionally, WERA is a family owned and operated org . They are not worried about the radio or billboard division. Motorcycle racing is EVERYTHING they do and IMO this a plus. With all of thier eggs in one basket they better be damn good at what they do.

    Good luck which ever way you go. You're going to meet some great folks.
  17. WERA74

    WERA74 Poser and proud of it!

    Moved here from Richmond (among other reasons) to race WERA. As an organisation, they are OK. Can't beat the comraderie, though.

    My 2p worth...
  18. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    If ya can't race CMRA, WERA'll do...
  19. vaCBRgirl

    vaCBRgirl Member

    I can't wait!

    Another squid question: What class is F-2?

    Anyone have a transponder for sale?
  20. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Isn't CMRA that CCS affiliate that races minis in Oklahoma?

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