Squatters- talk to me like I am in 5th grade

Discussion in 'General' started by DrA5, Mar 1, 2024.

  1. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner


    MELK-MAN The Dude abides...

    Once the lease is up, it's all fair game, but no, during a legal and current lease, a landlord can't just arbitrarily raise the rent DURING the lease term.

    Leases i used were standard (2 pages, pretty basic stuff all legal), and both myself and any tenant had 30 days prior to lease expiration, to renew or not. So i could tell them 30 days or more prior "sorry, gonna have to move out" and they had option to tell me, "sorry, we won't be renewing". And obviously the lease terms could be changed for the renewal if both parties agreed to them, if all was legal under local landlord-tenant laws.
  3. Jedb

    Jedb Professional Novice :-)

    Some leases have a 30 day notice period while in term. Gotta read the fine print.
    Other municipalities have implemented a cap on the amount that can be raised (Portland is 10% maximum on renewal)
    Other municipalities have also said that you can't cancel a lease unless you, as the owner, are moving back in or you have to pay to move your tennant.

    There's a wide variety of rules now (out here anyway) and the 2 page lease doesn't hold up anymore.
    One of many things keeping me out of the slumlord business.
  4. TurboBlew

    TurboBlew Registers Abusers

    no municipality is going to dictate who I can rent to or how much to charge. I know some urban cities require tenants to provide a copy of their lease to building depts for occupancy, school registration, or parking emblems... but not a landlords problem.
    I encourage tenants to stay longer in a psuedo rent control because its less expensive for me to deal with screening new tenants or sprucing the place up for market.
    My costs are fixed for the most part & the rent more than covers taxes & expenses. At this point Ive gotten all the equity out so its just ladels of gravy now.
  5. ChemGuy

    ChemGuy Harden The F%@# Up!

    I know i am late to the party but tis has and is being done around ATL. A couple years ago my boss sold his house while building his his new house he will eventually retire in. They moved into a rental somewhere north of Alpharetta. The whole neighborhood (maybe 40-50 houses...in that range) was bought by investment/real estate company before it was finished and all rented out. My understanding is they do this pretty regularly. But they only rent them for 8-10-15 years tops as thats when they need remodeling and then they start selling them off.
  6. ChemGuy

    ChemGuy Harden The F%@# Up!

    Looks like the commie troll is MIA or banned...too bad. I havent clicked this thread in a while and I missed all the good stuff

    Squatters Rights...Whatever da fuq that means...comes from Adverse Possession. This concept goes back to the Romans at least. So basically if you have something you think is yours and after a couple years someone comes by and says....hey thats mine, heres proof...you can say well maybe it was but now its mine legally.

    For property it was used like 400-500 years ago so land wouldnt just sit there un tilled when no one knew who owned after everyone died in the (Pick one) plague, war, famine, etc... And some modern uses are like bad surveys from 150 years ago and you think your land goes from here to there and then someone with a gps says oh no...it rally only goes to from here to almost there...well we have been using this piece openly for 100 years, fenced it in, called it ours...etc so most places will grant you legal title to it....that sort of thing.

    So states have laws that say, yes you can take legal title to land, houses, etc if its unused and you move in, pay the taxes, act like you own it, etc...but most places that allow this the timeframe is years. The odds someone isnt going to come by a dead relatives empty house and see you and start to throw you out before you can take legal title is so small you shouldnt try it. It makes no sense. Unless your a crack head dirt bag, commie, idtio, believe everything on the al gore intertubes type person.

    And the cops and courts that wont throw these fools out after like a week or 2 (max) with their fake leases and paperwork are the enablers.

    Whats crazy is a part of several states laws on this is you need to believe you own whatever you are adversely possessing for it be legal. Like lets say you have some land and you are told by your family, agent, former owner, etc that the land goes back 200ft into this woods. So you log off 200ft in to the woods. Well maybe your line is only 50' into the woods. You may not get into trouble due to adverse possession as you legitimately thought the lumber was yours to sell. You didnt sneak in and steal it. In your mind it was yours to sell.
    Thats where these "rights" this worthless human trash uses to try and steal from people comes from. They should be hung. Slowly. By the neck. Until dead.

    That would slow this nonsense down. Maybe.
    crashman likes this.
  7. Jedb

    Jedb Professional Novice :-)

    While I agree that it's not ok for the municipality to do so, no one has challenged it in court yet, so TBD.
    That being said, I'd not get a rental inside the Portland City limits, nor the Multnomah County limits (as they overlap).

    I do agree that it's easier to work with a good tenant and make less money in return for less hassle, potential threat to the building, etc.
    I'd even go to as little earnings as break even, as long as the tenant was decent.
  8. Jed

    Jed mellifluous

    My ex-BIL has a few section 8 houses and a few non section 8s. He says the section 8s are the best tenants as they had to go through the process to qualify and are very glad to be in the houses. He also says the immigrants who tend to rent are great even when they have more than the recommended number of people in the house. They want to keep a low profile and not do anything that would jeopardise their situation.
    auminer likes this.
  9. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck

    My recent move-out was an immigrant. I was leery, but the only turnover expense is going to be flooring in the bedrooms which I debated doing 2 years ago before they moved in.
    Jed likes this.

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