Squatters- talk to me like I am in 5th grade

Discussion in 'General' started by DrA5, Mar 1, 2024.

  1. thrak410

    thrak410 My member is well known

    MELK-MAN likes this.
  2. TurboBlew

    TurboBlew Registers Abusers

    @tony 340 ... hehe
    MELK-MAN likes this.
  3. skidooboy

    skidooboy supermotojunkie

    All of Canada did this. I believe if you read the fine print, "cottages" or "camps" with limited access, and or not near metro areas, are exempt from this. Think, vacation house, cabin type scenarios. Then foreign entities that currently own property, have to prove the use of the property to the tune of at least 28 days a year, or pay an underused property "tax". We are exempt from this with our property, due to the amount of time we occupy the home. Last year, if my deer hunt wasnt cancelled 2 days before I was supposed to arrive, I would have been in country 100 days. Ski
  4. SpeedWerks Racing

    SpeedWerks Racing Well-Known Member

    Suppose Black Rock and ilk are driving the new media/laws, worried about 1000's rental developments sitting vacant.
    Be a shame if squatters took over all the houses and entire developments they're are sitting on.
    I'm talking take all the tent people, drug addicts, Illegal aliens, empty the ghetto's, give em all brand new McMansions,, for a couple years.
    They would have a hard time law-faring all of em out,, one by one,, think of the sheer number of squatters :)
    scottn, MELK-MAN and Past Glory like this.
  5. Past Glory

    Past Glory I still have several AVON calendars from the 90's

    That sounds like a script pitch for 'The Purge'. I'd add cameras to any area considered before the tenants are delivered.
    SpeedWerks Racing likes this.
  6. Jed

    Jed mellifluous

    I'm totally down with that policy.

    It's hard as shit to buy property as a non resident in most countries.
  7. lee955i

    lee955i The Traveling Gnome

    A lot of HOA's are now passing statutes that allow only a certain percentage of dwellings in a development can be rentals. Mine is one of them. I don't really mind it.
    Once a Wanker.. and Jed like this.
  8. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck

    I always enjoy having a self-appointed bunch of busybody natzees telling me how I can or can't utilize a property that I pay for. :rolleyes:
  9. SpeedWerks Racing

    SpeedWerks Racing Well-Known Member

    Live Reality TV, we'd call it, "The Surge"... (sponsored by Ring Camera), all 'occupied' rental units littered with cams...
    My God, could you imagine the ratings...
  10. tony 340

    tony 340 Well-Known Member

    You never own your house in this country. Best lie ever sold.

    Try choking on that property tax bill for 3 years and your paid off house will vanish like a ghost.
    Once a Wanker.. likes this.
  11. ducrcr

    ducrcr reasonably fast old guy

    Once a Wanker.. likes this.
  12. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck

    Yeah, the game is rigged against those trying to pull themselves up out of poverty by their own bootstraps. But not playing the game guarantees a loss.

    Excuse me, now.. My leasing agent just called me; she just completed the vacant walk-through of our Lubbock rental. We have several approvable apps. Gotta decide which one to accept.

    I'm a long way from being homeless in 1992.
  13. TurboBlew

    TurboBlew Registers Abusers

    from a personal standpoint... real estate has been really good to me. The thought of having to pay someone rent just troubles me... also I would be a small landlords nightmare. :)
  14. This old Rz

    This old Rz Well-Known Member

    I'm in Cali around Joshua Tree area.
    A couple months ago, a block over from me...a dude who I've seen before walking his dogs Big Ass Giant Cane Corso dogs, Dude himself was pretty bulky gym rat dude, well he apparently had a dude who was in his home, a elderly guy..the owner in fussing early 40s at most.
    Dude drive up from Santa Monica to kick this guy out of his home..dude would t leave.. Owner hit him w bear spray..and took him to the ground. Well the Old guy died on the spot..Cops came did a preliminary field interrogation..Well the Owner was been arrested for murder.
    Crazy....Dude should have handled it a totally different way, especially w a old man....but things can escelate rapidly.
    I'm pretty sure there at some recent point in time , that if you occupied and abandoned property for a set amount of time , " and could prove it"under the law you could gain custody of that property.
    I think that's what alot of rural " poor" squatters are hoping for..I've heard this from many many people.
    It's okay now you're cities it's people that just don't care they know they can get away with it and they know the repercussions are slim to none.
    While I do not agree with it nor their methods I would not want that happening to me. There is an epidemic of homeless people, and contrary to what people think a lot of these people just a few years ago were working and and women.. The new rules of the land has unfortunately and truthfully...changed society.
    Don't get me wrong again I'm no bleeding heart..far from it.. but there is an entire change of structure in the Young age group that will never have careers they will never have jobs they are forced to live under social programs but I put the last night that's all they've ever known that's all they ever will know....
  15. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck

    Rico888 and crashman like this.
  16. tony 340

    tony 340 Well-Known Member

    What about families with remote area hunting cabins that you go to 5-10x a year ?

    What is the legal definition of abandoned?

    I'm supposed to stay out for the meth heads ? They already break in and steal anything of value.

    You really need to grasp where humans are at in history right now. They aren't getting better. They're getting worse. Add in fatherless homes and people no longer afraid of God and you have the perfect storm.

    The gap between rich and poor is going to accelerate rapidly over the next decade.
    SpeedWerks Racing likes this.
  17. crashman

    crashman Grumpy old man

    I don’t understand why this is even a discussion. If I own something no one has a right to determine how it is used except me. Certainly not some vagrant piece of shit that just leeches off of society.
    MachineR1, MELK-MAN and lopitt85 like this.
  18. MELK-MAN

    MELK-MAN The Dude abides...

    most can understand the attitude that is aimed at HOA's, and will agree HOA's are often a bunch of folks with nothin better to do than make other's lives miserable. BUT.. the DOLLAR VALUE of that "property I pay for", benefits from an HOA at times. keeping people from having a junk car lot in front of their home, keeping lawns maintained, stopping someone from painting a home hot-pink, AND keeping the % of homes from being rentals all help keep values higher.
    Don't wanna deal with an HOA? great! don't move to a neighborhood governed by one;) just another way of looking at it.
    thunderalley3 and aaronson like this.
  19. tony 340

    tony 340 Well-Known Member

    HOA's are great so long as you know what to expect going in and don't decide to veer off course.

    Zoning is equally important if not more important.

    Down the street from my shop used to be a 9 hole golf course and good chunk of woods right next to it. Developer buys the woods and builds around 60 condos "on the golf course"
    Fast forward 5 ish years and the golf course goes out of business. Was overgrown to shit after 3 years of sitting. Local industrial roofing company buys it and makes a massive shop, sales building, and storage yard there.

    Now you live in a condo worth 50k less, facing a warehouse and a bunch of shit and vehicles. Backup buzzers all night. All because you were too lazy to show up to the zoning meetings.

    That's what cracks me up when people say they live next to woods. You do.....for now.
  20. Jed

    Jed mellifluous

    Devil's advocate on evictions. Say you are renting a place for 2,000 a month. The landlord realizes market value is really 5k a month. He decides to evict you immediately so he can get someone in there paying the higher rent. In the scenario of 'evict anyone who doesn't belong there at the drop of a hat' you, the tenant, would have legal recourse only AFTER you've been kicked out of the place. Having a legal process protects the legit tenants from getting booted. The downside is it forces the owner to prove to the courts a person is not there legally. Pick your poison I suppose.

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