MotoAmerica | 2024 | Silly Season

Discussion in 'General' started by 418, Sep 24, 2023.

  1. Namarow

    Namarow Well-Known Member

    Passive aggressive bitch? ... ok tough guy . My point is the same thing here in Canada happened. Nascar Canada gets all the prime slots at the big racing events here. F1, Indycar, IMSA etc. All the normal feeder (relevant to roadracing) series don't get a look in. In the past a Formula Ford team could get sponsorship based on the huge number of eyes they would get during F1 weekends for example . It was an extremely prestigious event for them.
    I would venture to say that racing with MotoGP would be very attractive to the superbike sponsors even if they are treated as the step child. Same for a smaller class. It would also showcase the top talents and help them build a name in front of huge crowds. Instead MA showcases baggers which will be a circus event to the GP fans but most beggars riders are not moving up from there.
    Look, some people on this forum are amazing. I love the insight. But others remind of pandas that won't mate to save their species. This is the way it's always been clearly is not working. I clearly am passionate about top North American riders getting the chance to move up and take on the world while creating an amazing domestic series for vets and newcomers. Some of you don't seem to care whether that series is baggers or superbike or mopeds. Fine, whatever floats your boat. But fuck off with personal insults for having a different opinion. How is that for passive aggressive?
  2. Circacee

    Circacee Well-Known Member

    Rocco to Vance and Hines Twins.
  3. Boom

    Boom Active Member

    Glad Rocco will race a second class. But sad to see him relegated to twins with supersport so stacked this year. Nonetheless, good to see him with a serious team.

    I won’t pretend to know much about Vance and Hines. However:

    (1) Wasn’t v/h or an employee—Gene?—heavily involved with Hayden Schultz’s Yamaha twins program past few years?

    (2)Does v/h have any particular connection to suzuki?

    (3) End goal of questions: Why are they fielding Rocco in twins v. supersport? Obviously larger investment to participate. Maybe this aligns with producing parts for new Suzuki bike?

    I could research this on my own, but trying not to burn too much time on a forum today.

    All in all, twins will likely be boring with Rocco Gange’n every race because he has done dominated twins a time or two before. Doesn’t help so many riders graduated to supersport. Maybe Rossi Moor will bring some heat; Kaleb too if he is back.
    Chazzz and Namarow like this.
  4. brex

    brex Well-Known Member

    If MotoGP didn't want the baggers included with their show, the baggers wouldn't be included with the show.
    The MotoGP people clearly want the baggers as part of their show, as they are who worked with Moto America to allow them at their show.
  5. Circacee

    Circacee Well-Known Member

    This link sheds some light on the V&H connection with Suzuki.

    I dig that they're branching out of the Baggers and into other classes. Perhaps they field an SS team next season.
    Chazzz likes this.
  6. Robby-Bobby

    Robby-Bobby Steeltoe’s Daddy

    See, thats MUCH better, thank you. Now we can have a discussion without you coming across a whiney bitch. You seem to have this perception that its MOTOAMERICA job or Duty to send riders overseas. What don't you understand about, if we had riders whom GP and WSBK teams thought were the real deal then they'd be there.

    I will ask again, who would YOU spend YOUR money on sending over there? SDK went and he was our best SS rider at the time, Herrin also went, Baubier went and he was our Best SBK rider at the time. Joe Roberts is also there, and showing decent speed.

    Everyone keeps asking you and you just passively aggressively avoid the questions. Who is currently being "left out" of international competition by running MotoAmerica?
    AndrewG725, 5axis and grasshopper like this.
  7. Robby-Bobby

    Robby-Bobby Steeltoe’s Daddy

    Some of yall might have forgotten that VH has a LONG history in Road Racing in America. This is awesome and who knows, maybe Rocco wins the Twins, and VH moves into another class?
  8. Pneumatico Delle Vittorie

    Pneumatico Delle Vittorie Retired "Tire" Guy

    True but wasn't Vance & Hines sold to that giant conglomerate a few years ago? So it's not Terry and Bryon making decisions and it's the bean counters?
    ToofPic likes this.
  9. Hyperdyne

    Hyperdyne Indy United SBK

    In the 90's to early 2000's, each manufacturer raced with a specific exhaust manufacturer i.e. V&H Yamaha, Yoshimura Suzuki, Muzzy Kawasaki, Two Bros Honda.. It was pretty cool. Glad to see them back!

    It's interesting to watch the "swing". We'll go from periods of Motocross being super popular. Then Road Racing Picks up. Then Drag Racing takes over. Now it's Baggers.

    Does it also seem to follow a trend where bikes get too big and powerful (KZ/GS, etc) , then the manufacturers kick out new models that are lower in CC's but end up getting faster? Going back to the 70's it just seem to also have this swing..
    Boom likes this.
  10. backbone

    backbone scarred for life

    Wasn't Honda Jardine?
  11. 27

    27 Well-Known Member

    Bonnier Motorcycle Group…. But Andre Lacey of LDI out of Indy died …. On a motorcycle trip across Africa… he was passionate about motorcycles but I’m not sure who is behind it now or if it’s the same ownership structure
  12. brex

    brex Well-Known Member

    Factory Honda used different vendors at different times.
  13. Hyperdyne

    Hyperdyne Indy United SBK

    They were brought into a PE deal that put them, PM Machine, and several others into a fund. Last I knew that group was all owned by Lacy Diversified, which is a PE company here in Indianapolis, that held them until 2018.
  14. Hyperdyne

    Hyperdyne Indy United SBK

    They did. That was the RC51 & F4 years. Previous to that I think they ran Yosh with the Smokin' Joes stuff. Erion/Two Bros also. They had a bunch.
    backbone likes this.
  15. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    The sticker on the exhaust and on the bike were.
    stk0308, malamute, ungwaha and 2 others like this.
  16. Hyperdyne

    Hyperdyne Indy United SBK

    "Since when is Honda using JC Whitney parts on Superbikes" :D
    malamute likes this.
  17. Yama-saurus

    Yama-saurus Well-Known Member

    Yeah, just a couple years ago....

    jamie james11 600ss spare road am june 1994.jpg

    Shenanigans and malamute like this.
  18. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Because it's you, I must ask: are we sure? You know how you are…
    Shenanigans likes this.
  19. Robby-Bobby

    Robby-Bobby Steeltoe’s Daddy

    I don't know the ins and out of the business, but Terry I believe owns a large part of it still or at least the "Motorsports" division in Indy. I believe the street stuff, sxs, and now truck stuff is the majority owned by the group.

    I do know for a fact that Terry and Byron are very much involved, not nearly as much as days past, but on race weekends they are mostly there. When I was working for them, they ran the Drag and Flat Track out of Indy super building. Now I believe the Road Race has kinda taken over where Flat Track was so its definitely a very very upscale operation.
    YamahaRick and Once a Wanker.. like this.
  20. Hyperdyne

    Hyperdyne Indy United SBK

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