Wearing authentic military jacket

Discussion in 'General' started by L8RSK8R, Apr 15, 2021.

  1. Philip Mirgliotta

    Philip Mirgliotta Well-Known Member

    That's not a jacket. It's a Blouse. It bears the EGA. If you're not a Marine, you haven't earned the right to wear it.
  2. speedluvn

    speedluvn Man card Issuer

    Where is the EGA in the photo that you speak of?
  3. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    I don't know, something like 1950s Belgian "brushstroke" camo or Rhodesian 70s/ 80s camo would be cooler.

    Tactifools would think you're just some woods rat.
  4. 88/532

    88/532 Simply Antagonistical

    Utility blouse. LOL
    tony 340 likes this.
  5. Philip Mirgliotta

    Philip Mirgliotta Well-Known Member


    Attached Files:

    tony 340 and speedluvn like this.
  6. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    If that's on it, it needs to come off NOW.
  7. rd400racer

    rd400racer Well-Known Member

    I had to look up what EGA meant.

    Kid at work bought a Ram that has the EGA emblem on the back. I told him if he was smart, I'd remove it. That was a year ago...still on. I'm hoping he gets called out:D
  8. speedluvn

    speedluvn Man card Issuer

    Damn! I didnt see that.
  9. speedluvn

    speedluvn Man card Issuer

    I had to look it up too.

    I've learned and teach my kids to wear only things they know and understand the meaning of.
    rd400racer likes this.
  10. bored&stroked

    bored&stroked Disclaimer: Can't spell

    Why would a plain jacket be disrespectful to wear? That doesn't compute.
  11. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    I'm a little lost on that, I know enough Marines I like I could see putting a sticker on a car to support them, and most of the other branches really.

    Torn on the shirt thing, without name or other insignia have the EGA doesn't really make me think someone is or was in the service. No more than a POW/MIA shirt or any number of other things like that. If it's got a name and rank etc... that is an entirely different thing.
  12. speedluvn

    speedluvn Man card Issuer

    Same as the yellow vs white background issue in racing.
  13. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Not really, that would me more like wearing one rank insignia when you're another rank - or being in one branch and wearing the logos of another.
  14. SGVRider

    SGVRider Well-Known Member

    I agree with the chorus. Utility uniforms like BDUs, ACUs etc. with zero insignia, service name, rank, etc. are fine. I can see how they’d be useful to a civilian.

    Dress uniform, no way. Unless you were issued it in a prior life and wear it properly.
  15. speedluvn

    speedluvn Man card Issuer

    There are some beebers who feel that trackday riders shouldnt have white backgrounds because they haven't "earned" the white background.
    badmoon692008, backbone and stk0308 like this.
  16. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    I will say I see no issue with wearing the shirt with name/rank/etc... of a directly family member.
  17. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    I'd go even further. The "No name on the back of your leathers as a novice" deal.
  18. GixxerJohn011

    GixxerJohn011 Well-Known Member

    Only one EGA is a sure way to get knocked off. We all know a real Marine will let you know they’re a Marine...a lot.

    Before some Marines burn me at the stake, thanks for everything, I just find it funny that many Marines can put more stickers on their vehicle then even the proudest Harley owner.
    rd400racer likes this.
  19. rd400racer

    rd400racer Well-Known Member

    I have a few BDU's that I wear when chain sawing or doing heavy yard work. They're decent protection and last forever.
  20. speedluvn

    speedluvn Man card Issuer

    Ive been here a while and forgot the reasoning why this is :rolleyes:
    Jed likes this.

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