Inversion tables

Discussion in 'General' started by L8 Braker, Oct 14, 2020.

  1. Dom17

    Dom17 Well-Known Member

    Cut out processed food. Kraft foods and NABISCO are owned by the same people who own big tobacco(phillip morris). They bought snack food companies in the 80s when tobacco was on its way out When they formulate new foods they put people in aMRIs and make sure the sugar fat sodium combination triggers the addiction pathways in the brain. It is an addiction and a crack head can't turn down crack just like you and everyone else can't turn junk food down. Keep it out of the house and only eat stuff if it came right from the earth or an animal.

    There's a lot more to it than that but cutting out all processed foods will get you 70% there. Also avoid vegetable oils. It's all industrial inflammatory seed oil bullshit.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 using Tapatalk
  2. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    When I use one, it fixes my upper spine and neck. Can't go full inversion, wish I could, works sooooo much better when I can and I hear those cracks and snaps.
  3. nigel smith

    nigel smith Well-Known Member

    pickled egg likes this.
  4. Dan Dubeau

    Dan Dubeau Well-Known Member

    Dr Beeb has convinced me. Been teetering on the fence about one for a while.
  5. GixxerJohn011

    GixxerJohn011 Well-Known Member

    My dad got one and so far it has kept him from going under the knife. He has two discs the pinch his sciatic nerve. At one point he could not get comfortable and barely slept for 3 days, he said he wasn’t thinking about doing it but he could understand why some people commit suicide...I guess it hurt pretty bad.

    He got one in the afternoon, used it that day and then again the next morning...we were on the golf course for noon.

    My wife’s aunt got one after my dads experience. She had been misdiagnosed with something and was on prescriptions and shots that were barely helping. Shortly after she got it she got off everything else.

    I guess what I’m saying is get one, they are cheaper than just a few copays and a fraction of any procedure.
    TurboBlew and Ducti89 like this.
  6. KneeDragger_c69

    KneeDragger_c69 Well-Known Member

    I have one and best purchase ever...

    Attached Files:

  7. Motofun352

    Motofun352 Well-Known Member

    The only one I've heard of is the Teeter that is advertised on TV. Are there other better ones?
  8. KneeDragger_c69

    KneeDragger_c69 Well-Known Member

    I'm pretty sure they all do the same thing at the end.
    I do have the lumbar support and pressure point balls I can add to the back region.

    Besides that, all should be the same... unless anyone else has other experiences with many of these.
    Buy once and enjoy.
  9. zx6rfool

    zx6rfool Stacks Wood

    Been soo tempted for a while. Ive always had lower back pain, and seen a chiro on and off for 15 years (Im 38). I can only sleep an hour or two at a time before my back wakes me up and I have to crack it and change positions. Might put it on my Christmas list.
  10. TurboBlew

    TurboBlew Registers Abusers

    chk craigslist... I have one of the original ones with a canvas backrest. the newer ones have the moulded plastic type. They dont wear out or have skeevy components that cant be cleaned or disinfected.
    I think I paid $300 new... might be a few hundy more these days.
  11. sicc

    sicc Well-Known Member

    I have a cheapo one, only complaint is the part that grabs your feet. Its just a bar with crappy foam, really hurts the feet. I wrap a towel around my feet where the bars make contact.

    I would look for one that has a boot or something that holds your ankles, rather than a flat bar with foam
  12. Norton 357

    Norton 357 Well-Known Member

    I have been suffering lately with sciatica form herniated discs and this sounds like something worth trying. I have already had one fusion surgery and don't want another. The scans alone would be in the thousands before a neuro would even talk to me about treatment.
    I will be looking for one now.
  13. zx6rfool

    zx6rfool Stacks Wood

    BTW just checked on CL, people are listing these for a fraction of the new price, some barely used.
    black knight and TurboBlew like this.
  14. Norton 357

    Norton 357 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I found one near me for $75 obo. Gonna go by and take a look with 50 in my pocket.
  15. Norton 357

    Norton 357 Well-Known Member

    I use Offerup, try to avoid CL if possible. Just fyi
  16. Rico888

    Rico888 Well-Known Member

    The Teeter unit is really well made....nothing cheap about it...
    Found mine on CL for $60
    So do check CL or OfferUp before purchasing new...
  17. JBraun

    JBraun Well-Known Member

    Which disc(s)?
  18. MikeR

    MikeR Well-Known Member

    I've looked at and considered one of these in the past an I'm now doing so again after running across this thread. My question for those that have experience with them is, do they also help with neck pain and tension? I could also use it occasionally for lower back issues but, my main area of focus for relief would be my neck where I have two bulging disc.
  19. pushystone

    pushystone Well-Known Member

    I used one for a while (had a lot of lower back pain) It never helped me at all.
    I got one of these and use it regularly (with some exercises) and my back has been fantastic.

  20. KneeDragger_c69

    KneeDragger_c69 Well-Known Member

    Not really.... I also have issues with my neck and it doesn't.

    I know there is a traction device that is sold, you can hang on your door and with weights (light) on the end, it pulls lightly on the neck.
    If you have a better half, ask them to pull your head lightly and release and repeat. Works wonders.
    MikeR likes this.

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