Tesla Truck reveal happening now.

Discussion in 'General' started by Steeltoe, Nov 21, 2019.

  1. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Special ed dollars don’t count anymore? :Poke: ;)
  2. zrx12man

    zrx12man Captain Amazing

    You already are.
    pscook likes this.
  3. zrx12man

    zrx12man Captain Amazing

    One oilman to another, that ain't gonna save our business. We're buffalo hunters.
  4. Banditracer

    Banditracer Dogs - because people suck

  5. Dragginass

    Dragginass Well-Known Member

    Some days I tend to agree, but on others I can't see it. There are too many developing countries that will be happy to burn cheap fuel while America and Europe force themselves to eat Lithium. Which, there will never be enough of, to electrify even America. If there is a great leap in battery technology then all bets are off. I think if America gets comfortable with nuclear power again, and battery technology advances, then the Tesla vision of America happens.
    tl1098 likes this.
  6. Electric vehicles damn sure ain't gonna save it. It is the shale that is killing us. If it wasn't for all of that, oil would have been $100/bbl 2 years ago.

    Ive been compiling a metric asston of stocks over the past 5 years the prices have been in the shitter. So I don't really need the business to be saved per se, I just want the stock prices to get up to what they were in 2013, or even half of what they were.

    If they do, im out. Ill take a super early retirement in the Philippines or Thailand.
  7. Yeah, I think people see the push from EU/USA and think "gas powered cars will be obsolete in 10 years".

    First off, there are countless other countries with billions of gas powered cars. In many of them, the vast majority of people are glad to get their hands on whatever they can get. They haven't bought a new car in their whole life, and likely won't be able to in their lifetime.

    Not to mention the infrastructure simply isn't there to support EV. Hell, there are countless places with a huge population and tons of gas vehicles...but they don't even have paved roads.

    Lets also not forget the ~400 daily household items made from petroleum based products...that have nothing to do with vehicles.
  8. Metalhead

    Metalhead Dong pilot

    Get out ASAP. You won't regret it. Early retirement is fucking awesome.
    Gorilla George likes this.
  9. Lets also not forget that this whole push for EV is based on scare tactics. There is a ton of money to be made in EV...just like there was/is gas powered ones. But in order to do that, they first have to use scare tactics to make people think we are killing the planet, and/or are going to run out of fossil fuels in the near future (both of which are false)...so everyone will think "we need electric cars!!!!!".

    The CEO's of the EV companies are playing the same game everyone else does. Make the consumer think your shit is necessary and good, and the other shit is unnecessary and bad. Then people will buy your shit and fill your pockets.
    Mille R, blkduc and gixxerboy55 like this.
  10. zrx12man

    zrx12man Captain Amazing

    Half of America, most or all of Europe, India and China for starters. Over half the world's population has set hard targets to progressively outlaw internal combustion vehicles. EV's are one solution to the question, "what then?". It has already happened.
  11. zrx12man

    zrx12man Captain Amazing

    Not obsolete, just illegal. No one anywhere has mandated electric anything, EV's are one possible personal transportation solution. Especially in remote locations with limited infrastructure, there are many more ways to make electricity than gasoline or diesel fuel.
  12. zrx12man

    zrx12man Captain Amazing

    Are you seriously trying to insinuate that the entire premise that gas-powered vehicles pollute and damage the environment is a cynical ploy to sell EV's? I knew ol' Muskie was smart, but it never occurred to me he built a time machine to plant the idea in 1960 so Tesla would reap the benefits today. Well played, Elon.
    Blammo likes this.
  13. zrx12man

    zrx12man Captain Amazing

    You guys keep overlooking the fact that IC vehicles will be largely illegal in our lifetimes. That is not waiting on EV infrastructure or battery technology, those things are being driven by the fact of pending IC extinction. Porsche, Ferrari, GM, Ford, Audi, BMW all have premier-class EV's now or in the works, and that would not be the case if it were immature technology without available infrastructure like some claim on here. I live in the country and drive an IC pickup truck plus work in the oil & gas industry, but none of that changes what's coming in my lifetime, or that my transportation habits will likely have to change drastically at some point. Everything stays the same until it changes, and those who refuse to adapt will get pushed aside like the dinosaurs.
  14. Tristan

    Tristan Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't call it a cynical ploy, more like a completely obvious one.
    Gorilla George likes this.
  15. Tristan

    Tristan Well-Known Member

    All I hear is BLEEET...BLEEEET
  16. ScottyRock155

    ScottyRock155 A T-Rex going RAWR!

    Is this similar to when they make a "law" that say a vehicle manufactures entire lineup has to average 25mpg by 2020, but then once they realize that is impossible with current technology they move it to 2025, then 2030 and then...............
    badmoon692008 and Gorilla George like this.
  17. zrx12man

    zrx12man Captain Amazing

    No, because that's not a thing. For one thing, your number is off by about 50%, plus the issue is much more complex than that, as I'm sure you know. The issue with CAFE standards isn't technology at all, it's that Americans now buy more trucks and SUV's than when the law was written, so CAFE combined fleet standards moved to 50mpg instead of 54-55mpg for 2025.
  18. zrx12man

    zrx12man Captain Amazing

    Still doesn't change the result.
  19. nd4spd

    nd4spd Well-Known Member

    There are roughly 1.5 billion vehicles on the whole planet. Pollution from ICE vehicles is merely a drop in the bucket of the overall emissions problem. Just one cargo ship fueled by heavy fuel oil pollutes more delivering our cheap goods than many of those cars. The top 15 pollute more than all of the planet's cars combined.


    And then there are these volcanoes that can emit as much greenhouse gases in a weekend as all of humanity can in a decade or two.

  20. ScottyRock155

    ScottyRock155 A T-Rex going RAWR!

    The numbers are irrelevant, the point is they made a law to mandate something before the technology was even possible. They will make similar laws for alternative fuel vehicles, and they will also be extended until a better solution is found. I understand this is all very complex, and I understand change is coming, but saying that IC will be illegal in my lifetime is a stretch in terms of actual application to my life in a rural area.

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