Tips at resorts

Discussion in 'General' started by Gorilla George, Oct 15, 2019.

  1. :confused:

    I love petting zoos. It probably looks funny because it is always me, surrounded by a bunch of kids about waist height. But I don't give a damn. :D
    StaccatoFan and BigBird like this.
  2. :crackup:
  3. Shit. Good call. I didn't think about that. I think its an atom downstairs.
  4. pscook

    pscook Well-Known Member

    Given the local economy, I don't think that 10 p per drink is insulting. 1 p per would be insulting. But the early tip at the start is a good idea, and it's always good to ask the wait staff their schedule so you know when to expect them (and that you want to keep feeding them tips for great service). Lots of the staff rotate between bars and restaurants if it's a large resort, and some staff work "non-standard" weeks, with alternating days off. We had a poolside waiter who would hook us up with his favorite counterpart on his days off so we got the same level of service every day. What's really great is returning to the same resort a year later and having the staff remember you and you getting the same level of service (or better) for the shared loyalty.

    Anyway, tips are tokens of recognition, and small repeated tokens are appreciated, especially when you treat the servers with respect (eye contact, audible thanks, smiles, etc), which I know that you do, but just to reinforce for the general audience.
    Funkm05 and Gorilla George like this.
  5. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    The petting zoo was only part of what made me laugh. I have this mental image of a big kid going "Hey, Cancun is in Mexico...ROAD TRIP!!!!!"
    StaccatoFan and Funkm05 like this.
  6. :crackup:

    That’s actually accurate. :D
  7. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    How can someone so impulsive be so predictable? :crackup:
    Scotty87 and vfrket like this.
  8. renegade17

    renegade17 Well-Known Member

    Say hello to caferace for us.
    worthless and Phl218 like this.
  9. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Maybe my sense of humor is broken but I don't know why some of you guys think this is funny.
  10. Jedb

    Jedb Professional Novice :-)

    Since you are in Cancun and have some time, a trip to Coba would be cool. Aztec pyramids and you can see their 'handball' court:
    Winners met their gods. :eek:

    You can also head to Tulum and check out the pyramids by the sea. Totally awesome and they have a boat load of iguanas waiting to be petted.
  11. speedluvn

    speedluvn Man card Issuer

    Really? This is the beeb. It attracts all kinds. You must be new here, noob? :Poke:
  12. Never heard of Tulum. It looks kinda “old”, meaning the places don’t look as modern as Cancun.

    But I do like iguanas though.
  13. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Did you seriously suggest that Broome look at something historical?
    Jedb and Gorilla George like this.
  14. I’ve never been into “seeing things”. I’ve been to the Eiffel Tower, pyramids in Egypt, bigass Jesus statue in Rio, etc. As soon as I see it, I’m like “ok, we saw that thing, now what?”

    Looking at shit doesn’t do anything for me. I was to do shit or play with shit.

    I did enjoy the big Jesus thing though because the winding road that leads up to it goes through the jungle, and there are tons of little monkeys along the way. They are barely bigger than your hand and funny.

    Im looking forward to Cancun for the parasailing and scuba diving. I hope I can swim with some bigass turtles.
  15. younglion

    younglion Well-Known Member

    I'm the same way - never really understood the attraction of seeing historical things - maybe it's because I'm not a person who enjoys selfies and social media, dunno.

    If you like that kinda stuff - diving, animals, etc.. I'd recommend going to Xelha (pronounced Shell-Ha) - we went a couple years ago while there on a work trip and we thoroughly enjoyed the day. Tubing river, swim with dolphins if that's your jam, wild animals and parrots all over to see and decent food/restaurants - great way to spend a day IMO.
    badmoon692008 and Gorilla George like this.
  16. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    I like historical things and have never considered taking a selfie or posting to social media about them... It's cool to me to see things people did that long ago and consider how they did them without modern tech and so on, some of it is just appreciating their artistry.
    StaccatoFan, MikeR, Metalhead and 3 others like this.
  17. Sounds perfect.
  18. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    People enjoyed historical stuff long before there were social media and selfies. :D
  19. younglion

    younglion Well-Known Member

    Okay now you and Mongo have made it clear I wasn't on point with my comment. :)

    I meant that nowadays most people seem to make it a point to visit these locations solely for the purpose of rubbing it in others faces on social media, increasing traffic on their 'Gram, and basically just ticking it off a to-do list so they can add it to a convo later in life - "yeah, been there, got the t-shirt, wasn't impressed with the pyramids, great wall, leaning tower of Pisa, The Louvre, Angel Falls, yada yada..."

    Like Mongo, the ONLY thing typically I enjoy is the crazy engineering that went into some of these feats like the Pyramids or Grand Canyon - I mean, just how many slave laborers were needed to dig that bugger out???


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