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Jon/ Fishing boats... Teach me.

Discussion in 'General' started by assjuice cyrus, Jun 18, 2018.

  1. Scotty87

    Scotty87 Lacks accountability

    For sure. I don’t fish the big lake a lot though. When I have this year, we have been hammering them. Probably 5+ 25lb or better Browns. I just don’t care for trolling fishing but it’s what my buddy is set up to do so when I’m with him that’s what’s up. In my boat, I bass fish, or occasionally target panfish for dinner and the occasional speed troll for the pike bite.
  2. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Not sure who’s uglier...
  3. Skrawny

    Skrawny Well-Known Member

    Love you too Dern!
  4. Used, like really used panoptics last night skipping docks, saved a lot of time. That was the first time I’ve got real benefit. I’ve been drop shotting as well mostly and always keep some sort of topwater ready. Our lake is turning over like mad so in certain spots the fish are all over the place. I also hate drop shot fishing, too boring but sometimes fish are just hanging out deep. I haven’t caught anything above 4.5 in a bit but I haven’t spent a whole lot of time fishing. Mainly been playing with the boat and electronics. Ya the boat is MAXED with that motor, just wanted to see “what I could do” with it. Best prop was ironically a prop that most say that boat doesn’t need, lifting prop. Lots of guys will use the 13p I tried a 14 then went to a 15. Can hit top speed with jack plate (Manual 4” I added) at about 2.5 holes down equivalent and I still have about 200 rpms before redline. The 14 id run out of revs. The top speed isn’t sustainable as the boats pretty unstable but wanted to see if it could :). 36.5 is a decent stable top speed and it cruises at 4500 about 28 which I’m happy with. For what I have into it I can’t complain. It’s a good night boat and good for taking places I don’t want other one to go. Mine has a 21 gal tank, that’s enough fuel for the damn season :). I got it at 59 hrs and I have 122 on it now. I actually like the carbons better but with the deal I get on garnins it’s hard to justify. I need to get a trolling motor with spot lock, forgot how much you use it until you don’t have it. Keeping my eye out for a used power pole as well, all that little stuff just makes fishing more enjoyable.
    After seeing them on n off for last couple years found bald eagle nest last night while out with my 7 year old son. Was cool for him to see. Watched one of then snatch a fish from the water, was awesome to see. I need to start bringing my good camera out with me.

    Attached Files:

    BHP41 likes this.
  5. Holy crap. That’s awesome.
  6. My problem as well. By the time I can get out it’s mid day or 11pm. This morning is about perfect but I can’t justify going out fishing Saturday am when I travel so much, I like my family time. Fishing with the little guy isn’t quite the same, fun but not the same.
  7. Same with me as far as cold. I fished Erie a few weeks ago with a buddy and caught a bunch of small mouth which was fun. Did some sight fishing in the gulf last month but it was so so as it was after hurricane came through and a lot of the bottom was up floating so it would encase your line with the slightest contact of it. I don’t like deep sea fishing, just feel it’s someone catching the fish for me and I’m just like a winch bringing it in. The guide I use in Fl kind of let’s me decide where to go as I’ve gone with him 6 or 7 years in a row and we get on very well.
  8. Captain Morgan

    Captain Morgan Well-Known Member

    Seaweed(sargassum) is a relatively new problem to destination fishing in the gulf, Mexico, and certain Caribbean islands. It's always been here but not like this for months on end. When I'm offshore, I love seeing a big patch of seaweed as an oasis. Things have changed in the last 5 years. When I sailed across the Atlantic we were in sargassum for over 3 days averaging 9 knots. Thats almost 700 miles of sailing through seaweed. I spent a month in Mexico about 2 months ago. Brought a spin and fly rod, there was so much seaweed you could not fish from shore. I had a car and drove from Cancun down to tulum and there was no escaping it. Even found its way into the bays. The pacific side of Mexico/ Central america is always on fire. This pic is from the playa del carmen ferry terminal . There is over 100 miles of coastline like this at the time 20190518_124411_resized.jpg
  9. Yepper. It’s normally not as bad as it was, was worst I’ve ever seen it and it really sucked ass. I still went on two trips as my guide always makes something interesting happen and not to mention even though he’d give me my $ back since I’ve always been a loyal customer, I’m not going to do that to a guy who makes his living off charters. I know a lot of people bail, don’t even book, etc but I still had fun
  10. Funkm05

    Funkm05 Dork

    8A4DE4BE-941C-4045-B5B4-9E8FE5B3CB4F.jpeg Smallies are eating WELL in Door County.
    BHP41 likes this.
  11. BHP41

    BHP41 Calling out B.A.N. everyday

    I run to the dam area most of the time (big area I know ;)). I've been experimenting with small swim baits off shore. Using a 7:3:1 and letting it sink to the a foot above where I see bait on that day. It's been effective and I think this will play in the fall. Are you going to do any tourneys this fall and winter?
    I've got bit on our lake with a weighted fluke at 10-12 working it like it's winter. long long pauses. These seem to be deep spots coming up.

    Going to run up Tugaloo a good ways and see what the LM are dong in all that grass

    Where are you putting in at ? I'm at Greenpond
  12. Captain Morgan

    Captain Morgan Well-Known Member

    got to love how you can make freshwater fishing so technical, not joking, I like fishing because the learning never ends. And as soon as you think you have a clue things change, lol. Biting at the bit, back to the Bahamas on Monday, it's on
  13. That’s why I love bass fishing so much, it’s different every day. 2 years in a row after Bassmasters on my lake I caught 5 fish in under 4 hours to put me in first for the day when I fished same spots as the top guys the Monday after. By no means am I insinuating I’m a better fisherman, just highlighting how fast things change.
  14. Just put the boat in at 123 bridge and ga/ sc line. I live by Toccoa airport so that’s very close and I have a couple good spots right around there that are good for my son. Sometimes I’ll put in at Jenkins Ferry or poplar springs, usually depends on what time I’m fishing and how much time I (well usually don’t) have. Running up you will have some luck, large tailed worm of your choice, weightless (I usually add a small split shot to top part of hook, not a big Texas rig guy) and drop it right over brush piles. Find a few, mark them and rotate through. I fish zoom monsters in June bug all year, day/ night etc. I only throw the traditional green pumpkin as last resort. Brush hogs seem to work well up there as well, they have enough crap hanging off them to get the fishes attention but not too big.
  15. Also white flukes, slightly weighted fished as you described is working for quite a few guys. I usually use the SK stuff for swim baits and put an adhesive on them with some glitter then some salt. Works awesome on spots where suns beating down.
  16. Scotty87

    Scotty87 Lacks accountability

    Awesome! Headed there in a week. Care to share where you’re finding em and what they’re eating?
  17. Funkm05

    Funkm05 Dork

    That fatty was caught on a drop shot rig with an artificial worm. They’re stacking up on drops in the deep right now. That one was 18’ of water on a shoal about 3 miles up the coast from Sturgeon Bay.

    Any time you’re heading to Door County, the answer to catching bass includes drop shotting.
  18. assjuice cyrus

    assjuice cyrus Well-Known Member

    Boat for sale.

    Fuck this shit!.
  19. rd49

    rd49 Well-Known Member

  20. Funkm05

    Funkm05 Dork

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