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Side Jobs

Discussion in 'General' started by Trunxgp1224, Apr 30, 2019.

  1. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    By all means, Mr. Know-It-All, I wait with bated breath for your next screed...
  2. KrashBandit

    KrashBandit The other guy at Pit Bull

    I make stuff out of wood and sell it on FB, Etsy, etc. Not the most lucrative, but because the equipment is at my house I can work whenever I have time. Got a hobbyist level CNC router and a laser engraver along with all the usual woodworking tools.
  3. SteveThompson

    SteveThompson Banned by amafan

    I haven't tried this myself and the idea of another job is terrifying, but I have an idea.

    If you have a marina near you (might work with a campground or something else), put up a sign that says you'll do small jobs for $40/hour. Everyone with a boat needs someone to do stuff. It's impossible to find decent help. If you answered your phone, showed up and were at all responsible, I think you would get busy quickly.
    Phl218 likes this.
  4. Rebel635

    Rebel635 Well-Known Member

    I find that with most things now-a-days. I end up doing most of my own work regarding cars, house repairs, whatever, not because i dont want to pay but because i spend more time trying to find someone, arrange time etc, than it takes to do the damn job in the first place, and i know if i mess up, i got no-one else to blame but myself vs trying to hunt someone down for shoddy work

    Phl218 likes this.
  5. Captain Morgan

    Captain Morgan Well-Known Member

    Leave for M
    Off to Mexico, hopefully not not up like Jim. London/ Alaska is meeting me in Playa Del Carmen
  6. Captain Morgan

    Captain Morgan Well-Known Member

    not end up like Jim:beer:, the rum drinks started early today
  7. Prospect

    Prospect Hayai

    If you know/like music/instruments, give lessons or setup a studio and charge people for the time.

    If you know Tae Bo, put an ad on craigslist for self defense training and do not expect any calls.
  8. Trunxgp1224

    Trunxgp1224 Well-Known Member

    I'm actually the worst person to play an instrument ever, I envy those that are musically inclined.
  9. Scotty87

    Scotty87 Lacks accountability

    That can be problematic. Most marinas have rules regarding who can work on boats while they’re docked at the marina, and it’s usually just the Marina’s own mechanic. The one right by me is super serious about it. Nearly got escorted out for replacing an oil pressure sending unit for a friend. When I do marine stuff it’s usually custom trolling mounts, brackets etc so I just go to the customer’s boat to get measurements, etc and then give them the product to instal. May be different in other areas, this on Lake Michigan in a large city.
  10. Captain Morgan

    Captain Morgan Well-Known Member

    Try a ukulele, I lived in the South Pacific on Saipan and got one there at the ukulele festival. It's amazing how many songs have 3 chords and its only 4 strings do deal with
  11. YamahaRick

    YamahaRick Yamaha Two Stroke Czar

    Somebody's already tried that.

  12. motoboy

    motoboy Well-Known Member

    My grandmother used to grow cukes and pickle them herself. They were perfect. She had tons put up. When she got old, sold the farm/gardrn and a little loopy she started giving me really odd gifts and was frustrated she did not know how to give me stuff I really wanted. To make it easier for her, I asked for a jar of her pickles, but she was all out. It made her feel even worse and I felt like a dickbag.
  13. SteveThompson

    SteveThompson Banned by amafan

    Interesting. It would work in any of the marinas my boat has been in but they don’t have maintenance. I was also thinking more like cleaning, cosmetic stuff, carrying stuff, etc. It’s almost all old people in our marina with big boats. They all need help with miscellaneous jobs. Even things like meeting the fuel truck or taking biminis on and off.
  14. Captain Morgan

    Captain Morgan Well-Known Member

    It's an easy enjoyably hobby.Came from Panama. took a flight to the Bahamas on 5 hour notice, Did 2 charters, one a 10 day with 6 Italians. Back in Fl for 5 days. I spent a month in Italy went to the ducati factory. They were super nice Italians. Leave for Mexico soon, the states scare me
  15. I got firearms instructor certification from the NRA, and taught evening pistol classes for a few years.

    It was good money, and mostly fun (but every once in a while I’d get a klutz, or a wannabe Rambo/Rambette, and it was terrifying).
  16. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    I can imagine arming stupid people could make your sphincter tighten.
  17. Trunxgp1224

    Trunxgp1224 Well-Known Member

    I used to have my instructor certs for handgun, I'd have see if im eligible to get them again.
  18. Funkm05

    Funkm05 Dork

    I hear you can jack a heap of car rims/tires pretty quickly if you practice.
    Phl218 likes this.
  19. sharkattack

    sharkattack Rescued pets over people. All day, every day

    Billy Blanks was badass!
  20. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    Good god you really are a jerk. :p

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