For the FTP's amongst us

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by ryoung57, Jan 27, 2014.

  1. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

  2. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

  3. Banditracer

    Banditracer Dogs - because people suck

  4. blkduc

    blkduc no time for jibba jabba

    First the mayor fired the chief in an attempt to save face and throw the chief under the bus. Then the mayor lost her reelection bid to a young carpet bagger who is a fierce cop hater. The good news is the new chief is a solid cop who is well respected but it's hard for him to do what's best when the mayor is such is jackass. A recent example was the manchild mayor throwing a tantrum about MPD participating in Warrior training and said they will not do it anymore because they won't be associated with the name Warrior. :rolleyes:'s Army you dope. Anyway, the union said FU you can't stop us and last I heard no one is listening to him.

    There have been several Somali cops in other precincts for years but Noor was the first in 5th Precinct. It has a huge Somali neighborhood and the mayor fast tracked him to pad her resume. I know that other officers avoided this guy, let's just say that this murder was only a matter of time and everyone that knew him realized that. NO ONE but the mayor wanted him wearing a badge, that bitch has blood on her hands. Full disclosure, there are Somali cops here that are GTG and it's important to have them to deal with the exploding population of Somalis.
    XFBO likes this.
  5. Banditracer

    Banditracer Dogs - because people suck

    Thought maybe you'd know. How can he be found not guilty of 2nd degree but guilty of 3rd degree murder in the same trial ?
  6. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Thanks Gabe.

    I try not to retain too much of the insanity going on in Shittyapolis. If it starts marching westward, then I'll start worrying. We've done very well in my little hamlet on the lake in keeping conservatives in office. :beer:
  7. blkduc

    blkduc no time for jibba jabba

    I finally got out last year. I'm as far east as you can get and still retain the privilege of high taxes...but a jump over the river would change that if I decide to. Having friends and family as LEO and doing ridealongs is awesome.
  8. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Eh, fuck that. Closest I'm coming to a ride along is being on the phone to dispatch giving the 411 on another typical fucktarded MN driver who doesn't appreciate that I drive the speed limit and settling 12" off my back bumper isn't going to make me go faster.

    I do enjoy seeing those cunts get lit up, and knowing I played a part in their misery. :D
  9. nigel smith

    nigel smith Well-Known Member

    I didn't realize that you were 92 years old. I'll bet no one walks on your lawn, goddammit!
  10. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Nobody rides my bumper and pulls shithead moves without the 5-0 getting alerted. I'm sick and fucking tired of the fucknuttery these cunts are pulling, even moreso when I've got my kids in the car.

    Oh, yeah, and these are the cunts that are so far up my ass I can see their faces pressed against my back glass, but they're too fucking stupid to see that even if I wanted to go faster, the seven cars in front of me kinda keep me from doing 70 around the lake.

    To hell with the lawn, get off my fucking roads! :mad:
    Newsshooter and Steeltoe like this.
  11. nigel smith

    nigel smith Well-Known Member

    Lighten up, Francis.
  12. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

  13. crashman

    crashman Grumpy old man

    Crotchety old bastard...
  14. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    R1M370 likes this.
  15. R1Racer99

    R1Racer99 Well-Known Member

    If there's seven cars in front of you, I totally agree. If not, get the fuck out of the way.
  16. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    I am getting out of the way. At the posted speed.

    How about you maintain a safe following distance and stop playing Ricky Racer on public roads?
    brex likes this.
  17. R1Racer99

    R1Racer99 Well-Known Member

    Not to completely change the subject, but are you talking about highways or two lane roads?

    If you're talking about Minnetonka, I get stuck behind people every time I go out there and it drives me mad. I also get stuck behind people in the left lane every time I'm on the highway and it also drives me mad. You're too logical of a person to drive the speed limit.
  18. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    I'm talking about the idiotic fucks that follow me off the island in the morning, 3' off my back bumper, while I'm driving the speed limit, with my kids in the car.

    And the idiotic fucks that park on my bumper, then pass in the breakdown lane or go swooping past in turn lanes to pass when I'm driving the speed limit.

    I travel this road every day. There are days some twit decides to roll 25mph on Cty15 all the way to Wayzata. I keep a safe distance to the car in front of me, and always some entitled cunt blows an aneurism over the 50' of space I leave, like I'm the geriatric leading the parade.

    So yeah, I'm *that guy* that is sick of aggressive, self absorbed fuckheads endangering my kids' lives because they're too fucking important to suffer the same inconveniences the rest of us do. So fuck them, with a failure to maintain safe following distance ticket, courtesy of the OPD and me.
  19. crashman

    crashman Grumpy old man

    :crackup:I think as we get older there is less tolerance for bullshit. If it is a 2 lane road with a bunch of traffic I leave room between me and the car in front of me and just go with the flow like a somewhat intelligent person would do. If they get really aggressive I will employ some old mx skills and brake check them. I know, childish and unsafe but watching some dick in his fancy car losing his mind makes me laugh and brightens my day. The ones that get me are the ones who block the passing lane on the Interstate by matching speed with whatever vehicle they get beside or are going maybe 1/4 of a MPH faster and refuse to accelerate even a little to make the pass. I will get right up on their bumper until they get nervous and pull over into the proper lane. That is stressful though as there is always some dick out there that might try to brake check you...:D
  20. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    I heart rolling coal on those dooshes! :D

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