Calling all self employed business owners who supply their own healthcare

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by eggfooyoung, Nov 15, 2018.

  1. cav115

    cav115 Well-Known Member

    You, like the leaders before you, want to force people to buy what you deem correct.

    I concur: shove that shit.
  2. Ducti89

    Ducti89 Ticketing Melka’s dirtbike.....

    And Egg is using a stick to beat the brain dead.....

  3. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Um, yeah, wanna try that again? I get mine straight through the government site.

    It covers not one cent until I hit a $6500 deductible.
    cav115 likes this.
  4. zrx12man

    zrx12man Captain Amazing

    What the actual fuck are you on about?

    *edit* I can't stop thinking about Braveheart, but an old guy shouting over his neighbor's fence some shit about health insurance and tyranny. You go, insurance warrior. Thank GOD for you, sir.
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2018
  5. zrx12man

    zrx12man Captain Amazing

    I see, and I stand corrected, I misunderstood your earlier post. Don't assume that I'm trying to defend the current state of affairs just because we're discussing it deeper than "yeah man, this sucks". I didn't write the goddamn law, and I don't like it either, but it's where we are right now.
    I hear you on the high deductible, I have one as well, though I think I get something like 4 or 5 doctor visits per year at a $30 copay before deductible kicks in. Your plan may also have that feature, I found they don't exactly make that shit easy to read, though it's in the plan summary. That's something we shop for carefully, because it lets me go in if I bang something up or need an overseas UKOOA medical exam or something.
    Since your plan is from the exchange, all your preventative care and screenings are covered at 100% as well, with no deductible or copay. I didn't think much about that until I turned 50, and the deal with my brother.
    As I understand it, your deductible is near the annual out of pocket limit, which I guess means that if you had something bad happen (or more than probably 1 day in the hospital at current rates), everything else would be covered at 100% for the rest of the year, copays, etc., is that right?
    Stop trying to convince me the law shouldn't exist or should be different. I AGREE WITH YOU. But it does exist, just like stupid speed limits geared toward state revenue instead of public safety. It's fuckin stupid, but it falls on us as consumers to understand it, doesn't it?
    mdroadracer likes this.
  6. zrx12man

    zrx12man Captain Amazing

    You do know I said "if" in my post, right? Jeez, everyone's in such a hurry to get offended around here.

    "If Mongo is on a shitty non-ACA compliant employer sponsored plan"
  7. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Oh sure, kiss his ass because you're a fuck knuckle who doesn't understand shit, but call me a freeloader for paying 100% of my medical expenses all by myself.

  8. zrx12man

    zrx12man Captain Amazing

    A nice glass of haterade for the gentleman?

    Or would he prefer to go to his safe space where everyone agrees with him and don't call him all those offensive names? Sounds a bit snowflakey to me, really.
  9. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    I prefer the company of people who can challenge my positions without exposing their inability to reason.
  10. zrx12man

    zrx12man Captain Amazing

    Poh-TAY-toe, poh-TAH-toe. Back to your echo chamber, Captain Snowflake. Hurry before you're exposed to any more offensive ideas, like (gasp) we may actually bear a basic civic responsibility to one another!!! AAAHHHH!!! It's Hitler, look out!
    This is super fun and I'm going offshore eastern Siberia in the winter right now on a diving project (seriously, I thought it was a bad idea too). At least this helps break the monotony.
  11. zrx12man

    zrx12man Captain Amazing

    That's not why I called you a freeloader, and you know it if you're half as SMRT as you seem to be. I called you a freeloader because according to you, your long-term catastrophic health care "plan" appears to be a "dirt nap", which you know goddamn good and well if you're being honest with yourself isn't gonna happen. That means if you don't have adequate coverage (which ACA-compliant plans specifically ALL provide in the form of strict out of pocket limits and no lifetime maximum benefit), or a cubic fuckton of cash saved up, the rest of us will have the cost of your care rolled into our costs. I am not and will not defend the ACA, but arguing about it while failing to understand its' basic provisions after what, 5 years? is just trolling for it's own sake.
    Either that, or you're one of these guys I know all too well whose life philosophy is "fuck you, I got mine, and everything's fine for me right now". Which is all well and good, but I think those people are assholes and by definition sociopaths.
  12. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Shows what you know.
    zrx12man likes this.
  13. zrx12man

    zrx12man Captain Amazing

    Tru dat, homie. Tru dat.
  14. HotbodiesRacing

    HotbodiesRacing Well-Known Member

    Call an insurance broker and let him do all the research for you.
  15. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Yet again - I know my plan. Stop assuming you're the only one who can read a damned insurance policy, it's rude and stupid as hell.

    I have no issue understanding the absolutely fucked up law or the fucked up plans. Your posts are exactly the same "reasoning" that was used to get the law enacted. You are not remotely just dealing with it, you are saying it's a good thing and giving excuses as to why it's so great. That doesn't work for me.
  16. zrx12man

    zrx12man Captain Amazing

    Due respect, that's a completely separate discussion. I don't really care what anyone on an internet discussion forum thinks about my expressed opinions of this or pretty much anything else, like a lot of other folks on here. I don't care if it works for you or not.
  17. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Then why, when I am bitching about the law are you defending it rather than just ignoring my posts since you supposedly agree the law is fucked?

    I haven't done anything but bitch about the law.
  18. zrx12man

    zrx12man Captain Amazing

    Does bitching about it on the internet help anything? I do try to understand it because it affects me directly, but I also follow the issues and take the actions available to me that will help improve the situation.
    I don't hate 100% of it, some of the ACA really does help me and my family, for example my wife couldn't get on my employer plan at all before because she has high blood pressure. It's not black and white to me, I try to identify how it can improve.
  19. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Odd, my wife has high blood pressure and has been on meds for as long as I've known her - without a single issue ever finding new health insurance. Actually affordable insurance - well, prior to the ACA being enacted, then it went stupid.

    Why not bitch? Especially when you read someone going on about how good it is and how it's important to pay your neighbors bills for them and other silliness.

    As for understanding it, you keep making assumptions about my insurance that show me you don't understand much of anything other than your own little part of it - and I'm even suspect about that now...
    Ducti89 likes this.
  20. zrx12man

    zrx12man Captain Amazing

    So what's your point exactly? I may not share your opinion on this issue, therefore anything else I have to say must also be inaccurate? I've already told you I misunderstood your earlier post. I'm trying to learn more about this all the time, it's a complex topic. And you don't live or work in the states where I do, so your pre-ACA experience in no way relates to mine.

    Like I said before, I do not care if my existence or opinion upsets or offends you. If all you're doing is bitching, and looking for people to agree with you, then you're not adding to the conversation. Fair enough you know all about your own insurance, but several people on here don't know as much as you do. Instead of "just bitching", why not maybe help show the OP some facts that would help him make a good decision moving forward instead of pretending that if we all just collectively do nothing but complain about it on the internet it will just go away. You may also have noticed me doing a fair amount of bitching about the law in this very thread, but you're only keying in on the parts where I said there are parts of it that work for us as well, like pretty much anything else in life. Understanding it is not the same as voting for it.

    Are you trying to help the OP with his issue, or is your whole point more "PWN the libs" internet trolling?

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