MotoAmerica | Championship of Utah | 20 Jul - 22 Jul

Discussion in 'General' started by RossK6, Jul 20, 2018.

  1. Focker

    Focker Well-Known Member

    Wrong lawfirm. Dewey Cheatem and Howe.
  2. turbulence

    turbulence Well-Known Member

    good stuff man, just followed. keep it up
    stangmx13 likes this.
  3. drop

    drop Well-Known Member

    Look im not downing you all as racers at all. I'm not downing motoamerica. I'm not downing our sport and I'm not downing the class in which you run. I stated my opinion on some of the decisions motoamerica has made.

    Parrish dude I'm thrilled your riding good and making a good showing out of it. Hats off to you.

    Wyman, I was a huge fan of yours when you rode the xr1200. Hell i rooted for you every weekend. That was some of the best racing at that time. I root for you now and wish you nothing but the best. I guess you could say I'm a fan of yours. Matter of fact I know exactly without a doubt where your old xr1200 sets.....

    I was saying i wish they supported the support classes as much or half as much as they do the big guys. Atleast put you all on TV also. No I'm not in the paddock every weekend. So I don't know every in and out of how they treat you. I'm just going off of what I see.
    KWyman133 and t11ravis like this.
  4. RM Racing

    RM Racing Tool user

    You have my respect for everything you and your guys do. Your setup is always tidy. You present yourself well. Keep it up!
  5. Was happy for Chad. Remember him back in the day with the bike always out of shape sliding all around. That BMW had some serious legs on it. Was almost like watching the sv vs fz on the straights.
    Christopher Farros likes this.
  6. F#ck em, you are putting your money where your mouth is and putting on a hell of a good show. Heck, I set my alarm on my phone 15 min before the race so I could ensure I was at a place with a signal to watch it as it’s been great racing.

    Do we all with it was BSB full grids, of course we do but it is what it is and IMO opinion we have a light at the end of the tunnel. People overseas are getting a bit interested more than before and a lot of that is due to rule parody, A LOT of it. MA is finally in good hands with people who want to make it better and have the knowledge and contacts to do so, and one of them maybe has a bit of clout in the racing world. JU calls it like he sees it at I value his opinion so when he speaks it speaks volumes.
  7. You need carbon erry-thang. You need to spend more time Saturday mornings at Starbucks to get the scoop :)
  8. I was going to use you as an example to my previous post but chose not to. You stated and are doing what I said people need to do unless they have a money tree. You could just piss and moan about not having this that or the other instead you bust your ass, find the necessary tools to get the job done and make it work. Always professional, bikes always tidy, pits always tidy, you (and Bryce) present yourselves very well and set s great example.
    KWyman133 likes this.
  9. KWyman133

    KWyman133 Well-Known Member

    @drop - I appreciate the support. That final race-winning XR sits in my Mom's dealership just as it came off track :)

    For anyone who cares:

    I just don't like the whole idea of a rider or team wanting more exposure than what they know they will get in a support class.

    If you want to be a professional and you want to get all the hype and the media and the TV time, go race Superbike. Can't race Superbike? Then go figure out how. Find the money, work on your riding, make more sacrifices, learn how to write PR, handle logistics, oh, and get faster. To me it's simple because everything I do is to go faster, there is no "balance" in my life.

    10 years ago I was a WERA novice at Barber, green t-shirt and all, and at the end of the weekend somebody finally educated me on the existence of tire warmers. Not kidding. Yes, it got more complicated than that over those 10 years, but my point is there are no short cuts.

    The whole reason that Superbike gets the attention and exposure it has is because there's not a lot of people who can do it...
  10. KWyman133

    KWyman133 Well-Known Member

    If you want the full truth, I've been that guy at times. Felt like I was just in a dead end and had no way out - I was just a product of my circumstances.

    Except if you can still hang on to some sort of idea that "maybe there's a way to pull it off," you'll find a way.
  11. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    Wait, you're one of the BrotoGP guys?
    stangmx13 likes this.
  12. Thistle

    Thistle Well-Known Member

    Speaking of BSB grids (and I'm pretty sure you'd echo this) but the racing in the UK and USA is 'apples and oranges' merely due to the distances involved to get to each event.

    I've nothing but the utmost respect for the 'privateers' that caravan across the nation to compete in every round. In the UK most tracks are all within 300 miles of each other. Hell, they used to bitch about coming up to Knockhill in Scotland - around 450 miles from London. The cost of getting a transporter around the UK is nothing compared to the US. Not even close. Travel, fuel and lodging costs must be astronomical for the MotoAmerica guys and probably sucks up a significant portion of their budget. It's easy for us fans to bitch about depleted grids etc. but it costs a shitload of money to do... well... this shit...
  13. Phanuel

    Phanuel Well-Known Member

    Yeah, that's Robert, with the hair.

    He'll tell you how to get that lustrous shine no problem!

    One of the main reasons in my mind that US isn't breeding world competitive level motorsports athletes is because of how expensive it is to just get to places where the high level racing is actually held weekend after weekend.
    Thistle and stangmx13 like this.
  14. Banditracer

    Banditracer Dogs - because people suck

    That was good, more will be better. :clap:
  15. stangmx13

    stangmx13 Well-Known Member

    yep. hi, im Robert :D

    Genetics, infrequent washing, and good conditioner. Racing motorcycles doesn't help, but ill deal.
    Christopher Farros likes this.
  16. Travel alone is a massive cost in both money and time.
  17. Robby-Bobby

    Robby-Bobby Steeltoe’s Daddy

    I don’t understand the hatred towards the Twins class.

    I could see if they were like “we are replacing superbikes with sv650’s”

    But they are just adding more to the fan experience.

    Instead of waiting around for the next race, the fans are still entertained by racing.

    Anytime someone is watching a race instead of sitting around on their phone is a good thing.

    So they haven’t cut a dime from the other classes.
    They haven’t cut laps.
    They haven’t cut teams.
    They’ve especially only added riders and money to the series.

    What’s the bitch?
  18. TX Joose

    TX Joose Well-Known Member

    I think the whole expensive part or whatever. Oh ya and exposure
  19. metricdevilmoto

    metricdevilmoto Just forking around

    Good post, but I think you meant "parity". However, if you meant "parody", it's almost even better.

  20. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner

    Some pretty nifty content you got on that channel of yours. I'll be sure to catch up on some of the past vids for sure.
    Bugslayer and stangmx13 like this.

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