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State budgets

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by GRH, Jul 2, 2017.

  1. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    TLDC.....cliff notes?

    Which 'I' along with everyone here contributed to.....how much did YOU contribute to mine? Wha? Can't hear you.

  2. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    Well, I don't live in NJ, so probably not much, but the taxpayers of NJ have and will continue to pay plenty.
    NH has the same problem, just not on the scale of NJ.
    As far as giving you the Cliff Notes, if you are too lazy to read it, fine, but I'll not read it to you.
    I'm sure it's all based on hate for cops anyway.
    It's obvious that a real discussion of the issues is the last thing you want.
    Much easier to blame Christie for it all.
  3. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    Sigh. :rolleyes:

    - Wait what, is the $18K coming from SS or not? Taxpayers of NJ will have to pay plenty of what? If you're speaking about MY pension amount, you're even dumber than most have hinted at in here....I've explained it several times over how it's funded.

    - So you didn't read it either....great.

    - Again, you don't pay much attention, it started waaayyy before FatAss and every governor before him to Whitman engaged in the thievery by stealing fistfuls from the fund AND/OR by allowing agencies to continue to skip their half of the contribution. All while MAKING members continue to fund it.

    It must really suck to be wrong so often Mike, I feel for ya.....(actually no I don't) :moon:
  4. GRH

    GRH Well-Known Member

    If you're not that old you're going to be lucky to get back what you self funded, never mind what you were promised. I think I recall you were going to retire in the next year or two to another state?
  5. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    Yea, that's come and gone already.....officially retired at the end of 2016 and YES, it is a concern and a huge reason for the move to begin with. I know at one of my last retirement seminars, they claimed that our pension system is in far better condition than the regular or teacher's pension systems, which is true......Gov. FatAss likes to blur the facts and lies to the taxpayers that they're all failing miserably because he wants to merge them.....fuck him. We're currently undergoing a move to take full control of our pension system in an attempt to not only control it but as a means to make it more difficult for those AH's to come raid it as they have since Gov. Whitman. Anyhow, they claimed that if we stopped ALL payments, it'd take roughly 11-12 yrs to deplete it........and we'll never see ALL funding stopped so it (should) only go up from there.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2017
  6. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    The unions made the deals, and now you're complaining because you don't like the results.
    It was only the taxpayers who were supposed to be getting fucked behind the scenes by sweetheart deals between the unions and the politicians, and now you're upset because the politicians have treated you with the same disdain.
    Cry me a river.
    You're still not losing your pension anyway, since it's well protected by law, but what will suffer are future hires.
    Thanks to all the gluttons that came before them who took as much as possible, they will have to be satisfied with less.
    The public can only pay for so much and it's reached a breaking point.
    They'll still be paying for a large, well-paid police force, it's just that half of them will be retired.
    You might want to read that link I posted if you really want to understand what's happening, but I suspect you just want to bitch about the Governor who won't play ball with the unions.
    News flash: there's no Social Security fund either. The politicians took it all.
    That's how things work; any large money fund will be "tapped" to pay current bills.
    There's a good reason that great retirement benefits were what they turned to satisfy the unions, and that's because it was money that would be raised in the future. As towns and cities had to contribute larger amounts every year, they petitioned the same politicians for relief, and they were more than happy to push the payments into the future, often by overestimating the returns on invested funds.
    If the state insisted on getting those payments in full and on time, the jig would be up, because it would be reflected in the current tax rate, forces large tax increases for nothing tangible, or forcing cuts in other places, which are reflected in a general deterioration of local services.
    I'm afraid I do understand exactly what is going on.
    No honor among thieves.
  7. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    Uhhh NO you don't, you're the king of generalizing popular political/union problems and think they apply in every corner of the US.
    Trust me, you are totally clueless on how this PFRS problem came about and how it got worse. In other words Mike, you're the Dungeon's CNN anchor spreading constant Fake News......congrats!
    pickled egg likes this.
  8. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    ^^ deferred compensation. The Ponzi scheme of all Ponzi schemes.
  9. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member


    I would have gladly given up that benefit for a shit ton more money it would have cost them to do this crazy ass job. LOL! But then we'd have a new thread complaining about that too.....right D'ern?
  10. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    No, fuckbag, we wouldn't. :Poke:

    I'd complain about it right fucking here! :moon:
  11. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    Which is exactly what I pointed out. You took the promise of more down the road, because you couldn't get more in the present.
    Why don't you explain to me where I've gone wrong. So far all I hear from you is bitching and insults, but no facts.
    You keep saying you had to pay 50%, but 50% of what?
    What was that in real dollars out of your check every week?
    It looks like it was 8.5% and Christie bumped it to 10%.
    And he got rid of COLAs.
    And you can still retire at 65% of the average of your three best years.
    That could be six figures for a guy willing to work some overtime.
    Btw, you forgot to mention how much you're collecting now. You brought it up, and I came clean about what I was collecting.
  12. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    Well, at least now I know why YOU didn't pursue the LE career, Mike, your research abilities are horrendous, putting you right in-line with CNN type reporting. Some of it is accurate much of it isn't, I'd normally be happy to explain it to you, where your so called facts went awry "but I'll not read it to you." lol
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2017
  13. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”


    Pencilneck. :moon:
  14. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    Quit f'ing with me and my posts.
  15. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    He can't quit you.
    XFBO likes this.
  16. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    Once again, insults but no answers.
    You're nothing if not consistent.
    Well, I tried, and now I'll leave you to your crying.
    Must be tough with the whole world picking on you.
  17. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    Man, are you a miserable SOB or what? I guess if I made a lifetime of poor decisions I would be too huh? And I'm the one crying? LOL! If you say so.

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