Women's March

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by SPL170db, Jan 21, 2017.

  1. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    To clarify because you still tried to surround your answer with other crap - you think a 10 year old should have a child because she was raped.

    My original assessment stands, you are seriously fucked in the head.
  2. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Well-Known Member

    But then you had that opinion before also :beer:

    Though all kidding aside for every rational policy there is an extreme case. Certainly my opinion on the extreme case would be under discussion as to how we could be avoid extreme cases. And another thing that I probably don't want the answer but how many 10 year olds have been raped and impregnated? I suspect the number is extremely low. Sadly more due to timing and age than the number abused by some sick POS.
  3. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Does it matter if it's only one? She should subscribe to your sadistic theories on when life begins?
  4. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Well-Known Member

    Or when yours on when it ends for millions of others? As some one pointed out it is a matter of perspective.

    In the end it is not an easy topic nor 100% clear to all but the extreme and while I have an opinion I am always open to rational polite discussion on the topic (something that many cannot do). I might not even agree in the end but I could learn something.
  5. CausticYarn

    CausticYarn I’m just here for the food.

    The pregnancy rate in this country for 10-14 year old girls is around 1 per 1,000 - that doesn't mean the pregnant child was raped, it's just the reported pregnancy rates. The rate for 15-19 year olds is about 60 per 1,000. Half of all adolescent pregnancies end in abortion. We have one of the highest rates, if not the highest, of abortion in the developing world - over 600,000 abortions are performed every year.
    Holy shit!

    We are failing our children by being puritanical prudes. Sex is fun, they are going to do it even if we tell them not to - but sex makes babies - and it is ASTOUNDING how many kids don't know that. Just hop on yahoo answers and get a sampling of kids who don't know shit about biology.

    Education and access to birth control - that's the only way. This ass-backward country is run by a bunch of prudes clutching their pearls at the sound of the word labia or giant shaft.

    Mmmmmm...giant shaft.

    I still wouldn't ban abortion a despite the overwhelming proliference of it. I am not sticking my nose in someone else's uterus.
    stk0308 and TurboBlew like this.
  6. TurboBlew

    TurboBlew Registers Abusers

    Im still baffled that young folks aren't made aware of basic biology. It was also hilarious to me that when becoming "sexually" active... Catholic school girls went right for a home run. Jewish girls weren't having none of the "ABC after school pregnancies" so they used their mouths! :D
  7. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    I'm not trying to change anyones mind or force any woman to do anything one way or another. Not my place.

    Rational would mean you'd understand that cells are cells and getting rid of them through a D&C is no different than before they're formed into a zygote. Rationally they're not a human until they're born. Emotionally however, that leads people to say 10 year old rape victims should give birth the child of their attacker.
  8. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    The fuck you know about giant shafts? :Poke:
  9. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    I figured it had something to do with machinery at work.
  10. CausticYarn

    CausticYarn I’m just here for the food.

    I learned from all of those Reddit links you sent me. Your fault.
  11. Potts N Pans

    Potts N Pans Well-Known Member

    This changes everything!!
  12. brex

    brex Well-Known Member

    To be fair, abortion is not legal or is allowed only in certain instances across all of Africa, where teen pregnancy rates are the highest. Also South America, Middle East, Southeast Asia, Australia, parts of Euroland, etc.

    I do agree that education is very important. Then again, I also think that firearm education should be part of Jr. High as well.
    TurboBlew likes this.
  13. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    And that stat could be 600,000 new entities entering the foster care system every year. Just sayin'.
    TurboBlew likes this.
  14. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Well-Known Member

    Check out the number of illegal immigrants vs the number of abortions. But then the eugenics crowd did get the desired outcome and are thinning the 'inferiors'
  15. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    If I have to explain the difference between abortion and eugenics to you then I will be disappointed because we have met face to face and you didn't seem quite that dumb when we met. No one in the us is getting an abortion because the genetic combination isn't going to create the desired genetic outcome.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2017
  16. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Well-Known Member

    Certainly there is a difference however the founder of Planned Parenthood (a big promoter of abortion) was an avowed supporter of Eugenics and stated it as part of the need to make abortions easier.

    I 100% agree the consumers of the service are not driven by that. There might be a couple of outliers but they are not the norm.
  17. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    I think we both also agree that Planned Parenthood should receive no public funding. You can get an abortion and that's fine. The citizens tax dollars should not be paying for then.
    crashman likes this.
  18. CausticYarn

    CausticYarn I’m just here for the food.

    There is an argument that abortion has allowed the culling of poor black people though. So don't completely discredit the thought.

    And yes - the birth rate for teens has fallen by half since the 1950's because they are aborting half of the pregnancies before they come to term now. Same issue in the 50's though - teens just fucked without understanding the consequences because parents were scandalized at the thought of their special snow flake doing the horizontal mambo.

    The 1950's was not a more pure time, it was just painted that way. You were also more likely to get forced into marrying some asshole you hated while raising his asshole children.
  19. CausticYarn

    CausticYarn I’m just here for the food.

    Sorry. I meant " developed world". I can't beeb and work. But there are still places in Africa that have people believing that the cure for HIV is a virgin, so I can't even go down that road.
  20. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    And only possible via government funding. By definition poor people don't have the funds to pay for the procedure themselves so the net effect should be the exact opposite if you remove the outside funding of the procedure. Now whether it should be looked at as a good or bad thing is largely dependent on where you sit on the argument. Does funding the abortion have smaller financial/societal burden on the country than the care and feeding of the potential number of resulting children? That's a difficult delima to reconcile.

    Just a mental note...there are far more poor white people in the country than poor black people as a percentage. Are poor black people the only ones using the service of planned parenthood? I suspect not so that may invalidate the eugenics argument all together.

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