iOS 7

Discussion in 'General' started by Spooner, Sep 17, 2013.

  1. Mr Sunshine

    Mr Sunshine Banned

    We would say, "We already did that." Guess what my team does?
  2. Mr Sunshine

    Mr Sunshine Banned

    I simply was telling you that you were incorrect using a single word. Why? Because I don't want to explain it to you as I don't believe you would get it. Its ok if you don't...the details are complicated.
  3. Jed

    Jed mellifluous

    I've seen intermittent issues with profiles. Typically we track it down to the antivirus software locking files required to load the profile. Shutting down the system at that point just leaves a nice corrupt file on the drive that can't be read.
  4. thrak410

    thrak410 My member is well known

    Why dont you explain it to me, trust me I would understand. Maybe you could also explain why MS has such a problem getting their install restrictions 'right'. I mean, are you seriously trying to say that Windows has not been cracked? Gimme a break man... :crackup:
  5. Mr Sunshine

    Mr Sunshine Banned

    Not sure what you are meaning when you say "windows has not been cracked".

    As to explaining it. Naw it has to do with UEFI, hardware and various other things.
  6. tophyr

    tophyr Grid Filler

    thrak, cracking a standalone piece of software (windows) on an open and widely-developed architecture (intel x86) is way, way different than cracking an integrated boot environment on a closed-design system that's built from the ground up to prevent it.

    I won't go as far as Sunshine and say it won't happen, as I occasionally help out doing that exact task with Android phones, but I will say that it's a metric shitload harder. Your PC will start happily executing any instructions whatsoever that happen to be in the right spot in memory (or hard disk) at boot time.. a phone cryptographically verifies each of the many stages of bootloaders it runs in order to verify that each of them is valid and untouched.
  7. roy826ex

    roy826ex Been around here a while

    I like it except the stupid passcode part,:down: did I do something wrong can't turn it off. :confused:
  8. Mr Sunshine

    Mr Sunshine Banned

    Going in to settings and turn it off
  9. thrak410

    thrak410 My member is well known

    I understand all that, but you guys do know that WinRT is able to run non-MS, and desktop apps (jailbroken, as its called these days), and has been ported to non-MS hardware, right? That was quite a while ago, and it is UEFI... *shrug* Is it more difficult, sure. But to say 'wrong' is just stupid. Is there alot of buzz about it? Not really, cuz no one really cares much about Win8/RT.

    Mr.Sunshine, once again, proves how big a whorebag he is by tossing degrading holier-than-tho posts out there, that end up making him look more foolish than he already does.
  10. Mr Sunshine

    Mr Sunshine Banned

    Trust me I'm aware and I could tell you the story. But that doesn't make you right. You are still wrong. Show me a WinRT system with Linux (or something other than WinRT) on it. That is the discussion.
  11. cortezmachine

    cortezmachine Banned

    Why the fuck are we talking about windows in this thread now?
  12. thrak410

    thrak410 My member is well known

    Just because you say thats the discussion doesnt make it so. We were talking about Mac and their lack of license enforcement via hardware. You said "wrong" when I said it will still be cracked. For some strange reason you think nothing can be cracked open.. I dont understand that mentality. As long as computers have been around people have been encrypting and locking things down, while others hack and unlock that encryption. Its a back and forth game that will never end.

    WinRT, that is supposed to be bound by UEFI to specific hardware, is running on other hardware. WinRT that is supposed to only run apps from the MS App store, can run programs not from the store.

    If you want to run Linux, just get SHIM. (yes I know it still needs a MS signed pre-boot loader)
  13. Mr Sunshine

    Mr Sunshine Banned

    Your syntax and vocabulary shows me you are out of your element. Just go sit down so you can stop looking like a fool to anybody else reading this.
  14. jp636

    jp636 Yellow Turd

    No one else fucking understands this...
  15. GixxerBlade

    GixxerBlade Oh geez

    Go to settings>general>pass code lock...type in your pass code then select turn pass code off.
  16. lizard84

    lizard84 My “fuck it” list is lengthy

    what he said.

    By the way, to delete emails you swipe left now instead of right.
  17. NemesisR6

    NemesisR6 Gristle McThornbody

    I realize that this is a minor inconvenience as it only took a day to get used to it, but it still irks me that in some Apple meeting somebody made the suggestion to change it.

    They all probably stroked their chins and echoed, "Completely reverse the motion that users have been using for the past 5 years to make it seem new and fresh?"

  18. roy826ex

    roy826ex Been around here a while

    Thanks I got it last night I guess the 4 beers I had impaired my thought process.
  19. tophyr

    tophyr Grid Filler

    i think sunshine just came in his pants
  20. Mr Sunshine

    Mr Sunshine Banned

    Why? Because Apple also does things that users get upset about?

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