DAMN!!!! Edwards goes in balls deep.

Discussion in 'General' started by Dave K, Aug 25, 2011.

  1. Jedb

    Jedb Professional Novice :-)

    That right there is some funny stuff :crackup:

    Good luck with that fight..
  2. AndyR1

    AndyR1 Well-Known Member

    I'm a Navy vet (not a SEAL) and don't see anything wrong with him wearing it.
    Now if he was wearing Cracker Jacks and the trident, I'd have a problem. Which reminds me that Johnny Knoxville needs an asswhoopin'.
  3. motox

    motox 164

    I was trying to think of a reply like this, but I couldnt come up with anything. For Colin Edwards, who is a top-level racer, to support top-level specops soldiers is OK with me.
  4. DucatiBomber

    DucatiBomber DJ Double A

    If CE or Arai make money on it:down:
    If CE and Arai donate any profits from it:up:
    Is the Trident copyrighted? If so they better have gotten permission or paid to use it. Will be horrible PR if they didnt.

    Ride safe,
  5. Motofun352

    Motofun352 Well-Known Member

    +1 to Colin Edwards. In this world of PC, how the hell do you show support for the fantastic job these guys (SEALS) do? It's not like he impersonating them. He clearly doesn't try to deminish their achievements....rather he's focusing attention to their achievements on the world stage. I say "way to go Colin"!!!
  6. tony 340

    tony 340 Well-Known Member

    Either you earned it or you didn't.

    Not cool to fly on a helmet.
  7. studio819

    studio819 Well-Known Member

    Colin is a major supporter of the armed services and if I am not mistaken has a retired SEAL member involved with his Tornado Boot Camp. I would be shocked if he didn't take things seriously and respectfully about something that deals with the armed services.

    I'm sure some people will get upset about it, and I am sure some people will think it kicks ass. Just like Colin
  8. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    I think Colin understands what's on his helmet and not taking it lightly.
  9. kjohnson

    kjohnson Axis

    Watch Icon jump the gun and sell these tridents on their lids.
  10. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    All in all, Colin Edwards has never demonstrated himself to be anything less than a good dude.:up:
  11. JTW

    JTW Well-Known Member

    Sorry but everyone who is saying he shouldn't be wearing it because he didn't earn it just needs to get a freakin grip! He is obviously a big supporter of the armed forces and this is a way to draw attention to a specific branch/unit in light of recent events. Bash me all you want but unless you are a SEAL STFU!
  12. motojoe_23

    motojoe_23 The Nephew

    I think there is a huge difference in supporting the seals this way, and trying to pass himself off as one.

    It is not like he is doing his post race interview in military uniform with the trident on. He is supporting our boys who we lost.

    I for one think it is awesome what he is doing.
  13. jp636

    jp636 Yellow Turd

    My sentiments exactly... I'd hate to see a troll leaving the Sonic parking lot doing a high chair down I-35 wearing it. It's called Vehicular Manslaughter...
  14. Hyperdyne

    Hyperdyne Indy United SBK

    Me thinks way too many people are upset about a good gesture.
  15. njracer

    njracer Well-Known Member

    Same here!:beer:

    BTW, I'll bet that helmet goes on ebay after Indy and the proceeds go to whatever fund there is for the lost Seals or their family's!
  16. renegade17

    renegade17 Well-Known Member

    It is a double edged sword for me. I like the idea of the tribute, but in a way it is kind of like seeing a flatbiller wear a WERA shirt that has never been anywhere near a bike. I can see both sides, but when it comes down to it if it is his way of showing his respect rock on. Hopefully it gets his ass on the podium .....or in front of a microphone.
  17. wsmc 589

    wsmc 589 Well-Known Member

    Hes been wearing a team hat for years...and its not one you pickup at the airport.
  18. leviathan

    leviathan Well-Known Member

  19. blahanson

    blahanson Active Member

    If I recall correctly, when I as at the boot camp in May I was told Alyssa went to school with and remains friends with Marcus Luttrell, SEAL and survivor of Operation Red Wings.
    I have no doubt that Colin is just trying to show his support. Very cool.
  20. socalrider

    socalrider pathetic and rude

    The vidoe makes it clear, the helmet is in tribute to the seals we lost. I hope everyone can get over it... Dude wants to honor the fallen in the best way he can. Rock on CE!

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